path: root/sway.config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sway.config')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/sway.config b/sway.config
index 849b0a7..3ec37e4 100644
--- a/sway.config
+++ b/sway.config
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ input type:pointer
bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
# Exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
- bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+e exit
+ #bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
# Moving around: