path: root/channels.scm
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-03Reform deployment definitionMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-03Reform ruby-babosa definitionMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-03Define common constant marekpasnikowski-fingerprintMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-03Reform ruby-nano-bots definitionMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-03Reform izumi-channels-service-type definitionMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-03Reform ruby-sweet-form definitionMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-03Add ruby-sweet-moon channelMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-03Adjust ruby-babosa urlMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-02Add Ruby Babosa channelMarek Paśnikowski
2024-02-01Install ruby-nano-bots channel...This will allow for installation of ruby-nano-bots package in the future. Marek Paśnikowski
2024-01-31Give up on the concept of branches in channels...I found it impossible to externally toggle branches in channel definitions. Marek Paśnikowski
2024-01-30Move channels.scm to the top-level...This file is going to collect all channel definitions, independent of any deployment variables. Also, update the missed "secrets" name in .guix-channel . Marek Paśnikowski
2024-01-18Transfer Izumi files to a dedicated subfolder...This change is needed to accomodate existence of other configurations in the same repository. Marek Paśnikowski
2024-01-14Improve formatting of channels.scmMarek Paśnikowski
2024-01-14Kill history to remove past secretsMarek Paśnikowski