From 5446e36e0685ec5c7b4f812dec5bf7959db4f906 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Efraim Flashner <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:56:21 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] rktboot: Add support for riscv64.

(cherry picked from commit f80c5d001d5235556ae9cde617b1e3a1322d0505)
 racket/src/rktboot/machine-def.rkt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/racket/src/rktboot/machine-def.rkt b/racket/src/rktboot/machine-def.rkt
index 8ff0688652..59ebfc88d8 100644
--- a/racket/src/rktboot/machine-def.rkt
+++ b/racket/src/rktboot/machine-def.rkt
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
                                      [(regexp-match? #rx"^t?arm32" target-machine) "arm32"]
                                      [(regexp-match? #rx"^t?arm64" target-machine) "arm64"]
                                      [(regexp-match? #rx"^t?ppc32" target-machine) "ppc32"]
+                                     [(regexp-match? #rx"^t?rv64" target-machine) "rv64"]
                                      [(regexp-match? #rx"^t?pb" target-machine) "pb"]
                                      [else (error "machine.def: cannot infer architecture")]))]
                [s (regexp-replace* #rx"[$][(]Mend[)]" s

base-commit: b10ecfb8311fca2d42636eea2ca12aff0b76b208

From 6261c3582c386e770d654ca6a36f112834f35aef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip McGrath <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2023 15:47:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] rktboot: improve machene type inference

Related to
Related to

(cherry picked from commit 005488491cee89e7db38109de4c9dcf2d8d5aef0)
 racket/src/rktboot/config.rkt | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/racket/src/rktboot/config.rkt b/racket/src/rktboot/config.rkt
index 7a969017ed..2b411e002c 100644
--- a/racket/src/rktboot/config.rkt
+++ b/racket/src/rktboot/config.rkt
@@ -15,20 +15,69 @@
                                (path->complete-path scheme-dir))))))
 (hash-set! ht 'make-boot-scheme-dir scheme-dir)
+(define (infer-target-machine)
+  ;; Compute a native or pbarch machine string for the current platform.
+  ;; Some caveats:
+  ;;  1. A pbarch Racket will always infer a pbarch machine,
+  ;;     even if a native machine exists. Hopefully this is an
+  ;;     unlikely scenario: if you're running Racket CS, you've
+  ;;     bootstrapped Chez somehow, so you could use `re.boot`.
+  ;;  2. A `tpb` or `pb` Racket on a 32-bit platform would still return
+  ;;     64 from `(system-type 'word)`, but, in addition to the above,
+  ;;     it is not currently possible or desired to build Racket as
+  ;;     `tpb` or `pb` (as opposed to pbarch variants):
+  ;;     see <>.
+  ;;  3. On a hypothetical platform where Chez supported both the
+  ;;     architecture and the OS, but not the combination of the two,
+  ;;     (e.g. riscv64 Windows) this code would currently return a
+  ;;     non-existent native machine (e.g. trv64nt) instead of a
+  ;;     working pbarch machine. Presumably this could be fixed if
+  ;;     such a platform came into existence.
+  (define s (path->string (system-library-subpath #f)))
+  (define arch+os
+    (cond
+      [(regexp-match #rx"^([^\\]+)\\\\([^\\]+)$" s)
+       => (λ (m)
+            (reverse (cdr m)))]
+      [(regexp-match #rx"^([^-]+)-(.+)$" s)
+       => cdr]
+      [else
+       (error 'infer-target-machine "unknown format for system library subpath"
+              "produced" (system-library-subpath #f))]))
+  (define arch
+    (case (car arch+os)
+      [("x86_64" "amd64") "a6"] ;
+      [("i386") "i3"]
+      [("aarch64") "arm64"]
+      [("arm") "arm32"]
+      [("ppc") "ppc32"]
+      [("riscv64") "rv64"]
+      [("unknown") #f] ; pb machine types
+      [else #f]))
+  (define os
+    (case (cadr arch+os)
+      [("macosx" "darwin" "ios") "osx"]
+      [("win32" "cygwin") "nt"]
+      [("linux" "android") "le"]
+      [("gnu-hurd") "gnu"]
+      [("freebsd") "fb"]
+      [("openbsd") "ob"]
+      [("netbsd") "nb"]
+      [("solaris") "s2"] ; NOT "sunos4" (I think)
+      [("qnx") "qnx"]
+      [("unknown") #f] ; pb machine types
+      [else #f]))
+  (if (and arch os)
+      (string-append "t" arch os)
+      (format "tpb~a~a"
+              (system-type 'word)
+              (if (system-big-endian?)
+                  "b"
+                  "l"))))
 (define target-machine (or (hash-ref ht 'make-boot-targate-machine #f)
                            (getenv "MACH")
-                           (case (system-type)
-                             [(macosx) (if (eqv? 64 (system-type 'word))
-                                           "ta6osx"
-                                           "ti3osx")]
-                             [(windows) (if (eqv? 64 (system-type 'word))
-                                           "ta6nt"
-                                           "ti3nt")]
-                             [else
-                              (case (path->string (system-library-subpath #f))
-                                [("x86_64-linux") "ta6le"]
-                                [("i386-linux") "ti3le"]
-                                [else #f])])))
+                           (infer-target-machine)))
 (hash-set! ht 'make-boot-targate-machine target-machine)
 (define optimize-level-init 3)