;;; Guix --- Nix package management from Guile.         -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
;;; Copyright (C) 2012 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of Guix.
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;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
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(define-module (guix build gnu-build-system)
  #:use-module (guix build utils)
  #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
  #:export (%standard-phases

;; Commentary:
;; Standard build procedure for packages using the GNU Build System or
;; something compatible ("./configure && make && make install").  This is the
;; builder-side code.
;; Code:

(define (first-subdirectory dir)
  "Return the path of the first sub-directory of DIR."
  (file-system-fold (lambda (path stat result)
                      (string=? path dir))
                    (lambda (path stat result) result) ; leaf
                    (lambda (path stat result) result) ; down
                    (lambda (path stat result) result) ; up
                    (lambda (path stat result)         ; skip
                      (or result path))
                    (lambda (path stat errno result)   ; error
                      (error "first-subdirectory" (strerror errno)))

(define* (set-paths #:key inputs (path-exclusions '())
  (define (relevant-input-directories env-var)
    ;; Return the subset of INPUTS that should be considered when setting
    ;; ENV-VAR.
    (match (assoc-ref path-exclusions env-var)
       (map cdr inputs))
      ((excluded ...)
       (filter-map (match-lambda
                    ((name . dir)
                     (and (not (member name excluded))

  (set-path-environment-variable "PATH" '("bin")
                                 (relevant-input-directories "PATH"))
  (set-path-environment-variable "CPATH" '("include")
                                 (relevant-input-directories "CPATH"))
  (set-path-environment-variable "LIBRARY_PATH" '("lib" "lib64")
                                 (relevant-input-directories "LIBRARY_PATH"))

  ;; FIXME: Eventually move this to the `search-paths' field of the
  ;; `pkg-config' package.
  (set-path-environment-variable "PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
                                 '("lib/pkgconfig" "lib64/pkgconfig")
                                 (relevant-input-directories "PKG_CONFIG_PATH"))

  ;; Dump the environment variables as a shell script, for handy debugging.
  (system "export > environment-variables"))

(define* (unpack #:key source #:allow-other-keys)
  (and (zero? (system* "tar" "xvf" source))
       (chdir (first-subdirectory "."))))

(define* (patch #:key (patches '()) (patch-flags '("--batch" "-p1"))
  (every (lambda (p)
           (format #t "applying patch `~a'~%" p)
           (zero? (apply system* "patch"
                         (append patch-flags (list "--input" p)))))

(define* (configure #:key outputs (configure-flags '()) out-of-source?
  (let* ((prefix     (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
         (libdir     (assoc-ref outputs "lib"))
         (includedir (assoc-ref outputs "include"))
         (flags      `(,(string-append "--prefix=" prefix)
                       "--enable-fast-install"    ; when using Libtool

                       ;; Produce multiple outputs when specific output names
                       ;; are recognized.
                       ,@(if libdir
                              (list (string-append "--libdir=" libdir "/lib"))
                       ,@(if includedir
                             (list (string-append "--includedir="
                                                  includedir "/include"))
         (abs-srcdir (getcwd))
         (srcdir     (if out-of-source?
                         (string-append "../" (basename abs-srcdir))
    (format #t "source directory: ~s (relative from build: ~s)~%"
            abs-srcdir srcdir)
    (if out-of-source?
          (mkdir "../build")
          (chdir "../build")))
    (format #t "build directory: ~s~%" (getcwd))
    (format #t "configure flags: ~s~%" flags)

    ;; Call `configure' with a relative path.  Otherwise, GCC's build system
    ;; (for instance) records absolute source file names, which typically
    ;; contain the hash part of the `.drv' file, leading to a reference leak.
    (zero? (apply system*
                  (string-append srcdir "/configure")

(define* (build #:key (make-flags '()) (parallel-build? #t)
  (zero? (apply system* "make"
                `(,@(if parallel-build?
                        `("-j" ,(getenv "NIX_BUILD_CORES"))

(define* (check #:key (make-flags '()) (tests? #t) (test-target "check")
                (parallel-tests? #t)
  (if tests?
      (zero? (apply system* "make" test-target
                    `(,@(if parallel-tests?
                            `("-j" ,(getenv "NIX_BUILD_CORES"))
        (format #t "test suite not run~%")

(define* (install #:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
  (zero? (apply system* "make" "install" make-flags)))

(define* (patch-shebangs #:key outputs (patch-shebangs? #t)
  (define (list-of-files dir)
    (map (cut string-append dir "/" <>)
         (or (scandir dir (lambda (f)
                            (let ((s (stat (string-append dir "/" f))))
                              (eq? 'regular (stat:type s)))))

  (define bindirs
    (append-map (match-lambda
                 ((_ . dir)
                  (list (string-append dir "/bin")
                        (string-append dir "/sbin"))))

  (when patch-shebangs?
    (let ((path (append bindirs
                        (search-path-as-string->list (getenv "PATH")))))
      (for-each (lambda (dir)
                  (let ((files (list-of-files dir)))
                    (for-each (cut patch-shebang <> path) files)))

(define* (strip #:key outputs (strip-binaries? #t)
                (strip-flags '("--strip-debug"))
                (strip-directories '("lib" "lib64" "libexec"
                                     "bin" "sbin"))
  (define (strip-dir dir)
    (format #t "stripping binaries in ~s with flags ~s~%"
            dir strip-flags)
    (file-system-fold (const #t)
                      (lambda (path stat result)  ; leaf
                        (zero? (apply system* "strip"
                                      (append strip-flags (list path)))))
                      (const #t)                  ; down
                      (const #t)                  ; up
                      (const #t)                  ; skip
                      (lambda (path stat errno result)
                        (format (current-error-port)
                                "strip: failed to access `~a': ~a~%"
                                path (strerror errno))

  (or (not strip-binaries?)
      (every strip-dir
             (append-map (match-lambda
                          ((_ . dir)
                           (filter-map (lambda (d)
                                         (let ((sub (string-append dir "/" d)))
                                           (and (directory-exists? sub) sub)))

(define %standard-phases
  ;; Standard build phases, as a list of symbol/procedure pairs.
  (let-syntax ((phases (syntax-rules ()
                         ((_ p ...) `((p . ,p) ...)))))
    (phases set-paths unpack patch configure build check install
            patch-shebangs strip)))

(define* (gnu-build #:key (source #f) (outputs #f) (inputs #f)
                    (phases %standard-phases)
                    #:rest args)
  "Build from SOURCE to OUTPUTS, using INPUTS, and by running all of PHASES
in order.  Return #t if all the PHASES succeeded, #f otherwise."
  (setvbuf (current-output-port) _IOLBF)

  ;; The trick is to #:allow-other-keys everywhere, so that each procedure in
  ;; PHASES can pick the keyword arguments it's interested in.
  (every (match-lambda
          ((name . proc)
           (format #t "starting phase `~a'~%" name)
           (apply proc args)))