;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2021 Lars-Dominik Braun <lars@6xq.net>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
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(define-module (guix build pyproject-build-system)
  #:use-module ((guix build python-build-system) #:prefix python:)
  #:use-module (guix build utils)
  #:use-module (guix build json)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
  #:use-module (ice-9 format)
  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
  #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
  #:export (%standard-phases

;;; Commentary:
;;; PEP 517-compatible build system for Python packages.
;;; PEP 517 mandates the use of a TOML file called pyproject.toml at the
;;; project root, describing build and runtime dependencies, as well as the
;;; build system, which can be different from setuptools. This module uses
;;; that file to extract the build system used and call its wheel-building
;;; entry point build_wheel (see 'build). setuptools’ wheel builder is
;;; used as a fallback if either no pyproject.toml exists or it does not
;;; declare a build-system. It supports config_settings through the
;;; standard #:configure-flags argument.
;;; This wheel, which is just a ZIP file with a file structure defined
;;; by PEP 427 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427/), is then unpacked
;;; and its contents are moved to the appropriate locations in 'install.
;;; Then entry points, as defined by the PyPa Entry Point Specification
;;; (https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/) are read
;;; from a file called entry_points.txt in the package’s site-packages
;;; subdirectory and scripts are written to bin/. These are not part of a
;;; wheel and expected to be created by the installing utility.
;;; TODO: Add support for PEP-621 entry points.
;;; Caveats:
;;; - There is no support for in-tree build backends.
;;; Code:

;; Re-export these variables from python-build-system as many packages
;; rely on these.
(define python-version python:python-version)
(define site-packages python:site-packages)
(define add-installed-pythonpath python:add-installed-pythonpath)

;; Base error type.
(define-condition-type &python-build-error &error python-build-error?)

;; Raised when 'check cannot find a valid test system in the inputs.
(define-condition-type &test-system-not-found &python-build-error

;; Raised when multiple wheels are created by 'build.
(define-condition-type &cannot-extract-multiple-wheels &python-build-error

;; Raised, when no wheel has been built by the build system.
(define-condition-type &no-wheels-built &python-build-error no-wheels-built?)

(define* (build #:key outputs build-backend configure-flags #:allow-other-keys)
  "Build a given Python package."

  (define (pyproject.toml->build-backend file)
    "Look up the build backend in a pyproject.toml file."
    (call-with-input-file file
      (lambda (in)
        (let loop
          ((line (read-line in 'concat)))
          (if (eof-object? line) #f
              (let ((m (string-match "build-backend = [\"'](.+)[\"']" line)))
                (if m
                    (match:substring m 1)
                    (loop (read-line in 'concat)))))))))

  (let* ((wheel-output (assoc-ref outputs "wheel"))
         (wheel-dir (if wheel-output wheel-output "dist"))
         ;; There is no easy way to get data from Guile into Python via
         ;; s-expressions, but we have JSON serialization already, which Python
         ;; also supports out-of-the-box.
         (config-settings (call-with-output-string
                            (cut write-json configure-flags <>)))
         ;; python-setuptools’ default backend supports setup.py *and*
         ;; pyproject.toml. Allow overriding this automatic detection via
         ;; build-backend.
         (auto-build-backend (if (file-exists? "pyproject.toml")
         ;; Use build system detection here and not in importer, because a) we
         ;; have alot of legacy packages and b) the importer cannot update arbitrary
         ;; fields in case a package switches its build system.
         (use-build-backend (or build-backend
    (format #t
     "Using '~a' to build wheels, auto-detected '~a', override '~a'.~%"
     use-build-backend auto-build-backend build-backend)
    (mkdir-p wheel-dir)
    ;; Call the PEP 517 build function, which drops a .whl into wheel-dir.
    (invoke "python" "-c"
     "import sys, importlib, json
config_settings = json.loads (sys.argv[3])
builder = importlib.import_module(sys.argv[1])
builder.build_wheel(sys.argv[2], config_settings=config_settings)"

(define* (check #:key tests? test-backend test-flags #:allow-other-keys)
  "Run the test suite of a given Python package."
  (if tests?
      ;; Unfortunately with PEP 517 there is no common method to specify test
      ;; systems.  Guess test system based on inputs instead.
      (let* ((pytest (which "pytest"))
             (nosetests (which "nosetests"))
             (nose2 (which "nose2"))
             (have-setup-py (file-exists? "setup.py"))
              (or test-backend
                  ;; Prefer pytest
                  (if pytest 'pytest #f)
                  (if nosetests 'nose #f)
                  (if nose2 'nose2 #f)
                  ;; But fall back to setup.py, which should work for most
                  ;; packages. XXX: would be nice not to depend on setup.py here?
                  ;; fails more often than not to find any tests at all.  Maybe
                  ;; we can run `python -m unittest`?
                  (if have-setup-py 'setup.py #f))))
        (format #t "Using ~a~%" use-test-backend)
        (match use-test-backend
           (apply invoke pytest "-vv" test-flags))
           (apply invoke nosetests "-v" test-flags))
           (apply invoke nose2 "-v" "--pretty-assert" test-flags))
           (apply invoke "python" "setup.py"
                  (if (null? test-flags)
                      '("test" "-v")
          ;; The developer should explicitly disable tests in this case.
          (else (raise (condition (&test-system-not-found))))))
      (format #t "test suite not run~%")))

(define* (install #:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
  "Install a wheel file according to PEP 427"
  ;; See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427/#installing-a-wheel-distribution-1-0-py32-none-any-whl
  (let ((site-dir (site-packages inputs outputs))
        (python (assoc-ref inputs "python"))
        (out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
    (define (extract file)
      "Extract wheel (ZIP file) into site-packages directory"
      ;; Use Python’s zipfile to avoid extra dependency
      (invoke "python" "-m" "zipfile" "-e" file site-dir))

    (define python-hashbang
      (string-append "#!" python "/bin/python"))

    (define* (merge-directories source destination
                                #:optional (post-move #f))
      "Move all files in SOURCE into DESTINATION, merging the two directories."
      (format #t "Merging directory ~a into ~a~%" source destination)
      (for-each (lambda (file)
                  (format #t "~a/~a -> ~a/~a~%"
                          source file destination file)
                  (mkdir-p destination)
                  (rename-file (string-append source "/" file)
                               (string-append destination "/" file))
                  (when post-move
                    (post-move file)))
                (scandir source
                         (negate (cut member <> '("." "..")))))
      (rmdir source))

    (define (expand-data-directory directory)
      "Move files from all .data subdirectories to their respective\ndestinations."
      ;; Python’s distutils.command.install defines this mapping from source to
      ;; destination mapping.
      (let ((source (string-append directory "/scripts"))
            (destination (string-append out "/bin")))
        (when (file-exists? source)
          (merge-directories source destination
                             (lambda (f)
                               (let ((dest-path (string-append destination
                                                               "/" f)))
                                 (chmod dest-path #o755)
                                 ;; PEP 427 recommends that installers rewrite
                                 ;; this odd shebang.
                                 (substitute* dest-path
      ;; Data can be contained in arbitrary directory structures.  Most
      ;; commonly it is used for share/.
      (let ((source (string-append directory "/data"))
            (destination out))
        (when (file-exists? source)
          (merge-directories source destination)))
      (let* ((distribution (car (string-split (basename directory) #\-)))
             (source (string-append directory "/headers"))
             (destination (string-append out "/include/python"
                                         (python-version python)
                                         "/" distribution)))
        (when (file-exists? source)
          (merge-directories source destination))))

    (define (list-directories base predicate)
      ;; Cannot use find-files here, because it’s recursive.
      (scandir base
               (lambda (name)
                 (let ((stat (lstat (string-append base "/" name))))
                   (and (not (member name '("." "..")))
                        (eq? (stat:type stat) 'directory)
                        (predicate name stat))))))

    (let* ((wheel-output (assoc-ref outputs "wheel"))
           (wheel-dir (if wheel-output wheel-output "dist"))
           (wheels (map (cut string-append wheel-dir "/" <>)
                        (scandir wheel-dir
                                 (cut string-suffix? ".whl" <>)))))
        ((> (length wheels) 1)
         ;; This code does not support multiple wheels yet, because their
         ;; outputs would have to be merged properly.
         (raise (condition (&cannot-extract-multiple-wheels))))
        ((= (length wheels) 0)
         (raise (condition (&no-wheels-built)))))
      (for-each extract wheels))
    (let ((datadirs (map (cut string-append site-dir "/" <>)
                         (list-directories site-dir
                                           (file-name-predicate "\\.data$")))))
      (for-each (lambda (directory)
                  (expand-data-directory directory)
                  (rmdir directory)) datadirs))))

(define* (compile-bytecode #:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
  "Compile installed byte-code in site-packages."
  (let* ((site-dir (site-packages inputs outputs))
         (python (assoc-ref inputs "python"))
         (major-minor (map string->number
                           (take (string-split (python-version python) #\.) 2)))
         (<3.7? (match major-minor
                  ((major minor)
                   (or (< major 3)
                       (and (= major 3)
                            (< minor 7)))))))
    (if <3.7?
        ;; These versions don’t have the hash invalidation modes and do
        ;; not produce reproducible bytecode files.
        (format #t "Skipping bytecode compilation for Python version ~a < 3.7~%"
                (python-version python))
        (invoke "python" "-m" "compileall"
                "--invalidation-mode=unchecked-hash" site-dir))))

(define* (create-entrypoints #:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
  "Implement Entry Points Specification
(https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/) by PyPa,
which creates runnable scripts in bin/ from entry point specification
file entry_points.txt.  This is necessary, because wheels do not contain
these binaries and installers are expected to create them."

  (define (entry-points.txt->entry-points file)
    "Specialized parser for Python configfile-like files, in particular
entry_points.txt.  Returns a list of console_script and gui_scripts
entry points."
    (call-with-input-file file
      (lambda (in)
        (let loop ((line (read-line in))
                   (inside #f)
                   (result '()))
          (if (eof-object? line)
              (let* ((group-match (string-match "^\\[(.+)\\]$" line))
                     (group-name (if group-match
                                     (match:substring group-match 1)
                     (next-inside (if (not group-name)
                                      (or (string=? group-name
                                          (string=? group-name "gui_scripts"))))
                     (item-match (string-match
                                  "^([^ =]+)\\s*=\\s*([^:]+):(.+)$" line)))
                (if (and inside item-match)
                    (loop (read-line in)
                          (cons (list (match:substring item-match 1)
                                      (match:substring item-match 2)
                                      (match:substring item-match 3))
                    (loop (read-line in) next-inside result))))))))

  (define (create-script path name module function)
    "Create a Python script from an entry point’s NAME, MODULE and FUNCTION
and return write it to PATH/NAME."
    (let ((interpreter (which "python"))
          (file-path (string-append path "/" name)))
      (format #t "Creating entry point for '~a.~a' at '~a'.~%"
              module function file-path)
      (call-with-output-file file-path
        (lambda (port)
          ;; Technically the script could also include search-paths,
          ;; but having a generic 'wrap phases also handles manually
          ;; written entry point scripts.
          (format port "#!~a
# Auto-generated entry point script.
import sys
import ~a as mod
sys.exit (mod.~a ())~%" interpreter module function)))
        (chmod file-path #o755)))

  (let* ((site-dir (site-packages inputs outputs))
         (out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
         (bin-dir (string-append out "/bin"))
         (entry-point-files (find-files site-dir "^entry_points.txt$")))
    (mkdir-p bin-dir)
    (for-each (lambda (f)
                (for-each (lambda (ep)
                            (apply create-script
                                   (cons bin-dir ep)))
                          (entry-points.txt->entry-points f)))

(define* (set-SOURCE-DATE-EPOCH* #:rest _)
  "Set the 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' environment variable.  This is used by tools
that incorporate timestamps as a way to tell them to use a fixed timestamp.
See https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/."
  ;; Use a post-1980 timestamp because the Zip format used in wheels do
  ;; not support timestamps before 1980.
  (setenv "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" "315619200"))

(define %standard-phases
  ;; The build phase only builds C extensions and copies the Python sources,
  ;; while the install phase copies then byte-compiles the sources to the
  ;; prefix directory.  The check phase is moved after the installation phase
  ;; to ease testing the built package.
  (modify-phases python:%standard-phases
    (replace 'build build)
    (replace 'install install)
    (delete 'check)
    ;; Must be before tests, so they can use installed packages’ entry points.
    (add-before 'wrap 'create-entrypoints create-entrypoints)
    (add-after 'wrap 'check check)
    (add-before 'check 'compile-bytecode compile-bytecode)))

(define* (pyproject-build #:key inputs (phases %standard-phases)
                          #:allow-other-keys #:rest args)
  "Build the given Python package, applying all of PHASES in order."
  (apply python:python-build #:inputs inputs #:phases phases args))

;;; pyproject-build-system.scm ends here