;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013 Nikita Karetnikov ;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier ;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxime Devos ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (guix gnu-maintenance) #:use-module (web uri) #:use-module (web client) #:use-module (web response) #:use-module (sxml simple) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (srfi srfi-34) #:use-module (rnrs io ports) #:use-module (system foreign) #:use-module ((guix http-client) #:hide (open-socket-for-uri)) ;; not required in many cases, so autoloaded to reduce start-up costs. #:autoload (guix download) (%mirrors) #:use-module (guix ftp-client) #:use-module (guix utils) #:use-module (guix memoization) #:use-module (guix records) #:use-module (guix upstream) #:use-module (guix packages) #:autoload (zlib) (call-with-gzip-input-port) #:autoload (htmlprag) (html->sxml) ;from Guile-Lib #:export (gnu-package-name gnu-package-mundane-name gnu-package-copyright-holder gnu-package-savannah gnu-package-fsd gnu-package-language gnu-package-logo gnu-package-doc-category gnu-package-doc-summary gnu-package-doc-description gnu-package-doc-urls gnu-package-download-url official-gnu-packages find-package gnu-package? uri-mirror-rewrite release-file? releases latest-release gnu-release-archive-types gnu-package-name->name+version %gnu-updater %gnu-ftp-updater %savannah-updater %sourceforge-updater %xorg-updater %kernel.org-updater %generic-html-updater)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Code for dealing with the maintenance of GNU packages, such as ;;; auto-updates. ;;; ;;; Code: ;;; ;;; List of GNU packages. ;;; (define %gnumaint-base-url "https://web.cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/*checkout*/www/www/prep/gnumaint/") (define %package-list-url (string->uri (string-append %gnumaint-base-url "rec/gnupackages.rec"))) (define %package-description-url ;; This file contains package descriptions in recutils format. ;; See ;; and . (string->uri (string-append %gnumaint-base-url "rec/pkgblurbs.rec"))) (define-record-type* gnu-package-descriptor make-gnu-package-descriptor gnu-package-descriptor? (name gnu-package-name) (mundane-name gnu-package-mundane-name) (copyright-holder gnu-package-copyright-holder) (savannah gnu-package-savannah) (fsd gnu-package-fsd) (language gnu-package-language) ; list of strings (logo gnu-package-logo) (doc-category gnu-package-doc-category) (doc-summary gnu-package-doc-summary) (doc-description gnu-package-doc-description) ; taken from 'pkgdescr.txt' (doc-urls gnu-package-doc-urls) ; list of strings (download-url gnu-package-download-url)) (define* (official-gnu-packages #:optional (fetch http-fetch/cached)) "Return a list of records, which are GNU packages. Use FETCH, to fetch the list of GNU packages over HTTP." (define (read-records port) ;; Return a list of alists. Each alist contains fields of a GNU ;; package. (let loop ((alist (recutils->alist port)) (result '())) (if (null? alist) (reverse result) (loop (recutils->alist port) ;; Ignore things like "%rec" (info "(recutils) Record ;; Descriptors"). (if (assoc-ref alist "package") (cons alist result) result))))) (define official-description (let ((db (read-records (fetch %package-description-url #:text? #t)))) (lambda (name) ;; Return the description found upstream for package NAME, or #f. (and=> (find (lambda (alist) (equal? name (assoc-ref alist "package"))) db) (lambda (record) (let ((field (assoc-ref record "blurb"))) ;; The upstream description file uses "redirect PACKAGE" as ;; a blurb in cases where the description of the two ;; packages should be considered the same (e.g., GTK+ has ;; "redirect gnome".) This is usually not acceptable for ;; us because we prefer to have distinct descriptions in ;; such cases. Thus, ignore the 'blurb' field when that ;; happens. (and field (not (string-prefix? "redirect " field)) field))))))) (map (lambda (alist) (let ((name (assoc-ref alist "package"))) (alist->record `(("description" . ,(official-description name)) ,@alist) make-gnu-package-descriptor (list "package" "mundane_name" "copyright_holder" "savannah" "fsd" "language" "logo" "doc_category" "doc_summary" "description" "doc_url" "download_url") '("doc_url" "language")))) (let* ((port (fetch %package-list-url #:text? #t)) (lst (read-records port))) (close-port port) lst))) (define (find-package name) "Find GNU package called NAME and return it. Return #f if it was not found." (find (lambda (package) (string=? name (gnu-package-name package))) (official-gnu-packages))) (define gnu-package? (let ((official-gnu-packages (memoize official-gnu-packages))) (mlambdaq (package) "Return true if PACKAGE is a GNU package. This procedure may access the network to check in GNU's database." (define (mirror-type url) (let ((uri (string->uri url))) (and (eq? (uri-scheme uri) 'mirror) (cond ((member (uri-host uri) '("gnu" "gnupg" "gcc" "gnome")) ;; Definitely GNU. 'gnu) ((equal? (uri-host uri) "cran") ;; Possibly GNU: mirror://cran could be either GNU R itself ;; or a non-GNU package. #f) (else ;; Definitely non-GNU. 'non-gnu))))) (define (gnu-home-page? package) (letrec-syntax ((>> (syntax-rules () ((_ value proc) (and=> value proc)) ((_ value proc rest ...) (and=> value (lambda (next) (>> (proc next) rest ...))))))) (>> package package-home-page string->uri uri-host (lambda (host) (member host '("www.gnu.org" "gnu.org")))))) (or (gnu-home-page? package) (match (package-source package) ((? origin? origin) (let ((url (origin-uri origin)) (name (package-upstream-name package))) (case (and (string? url) (mirror-type url)) ((gnu) #t) ((non-gnu) #f) (else (and (member name (map gnu-package-name (official-gnu-packages))) #t))))) (_ #f)))))) ;;; ;;; Latest FTP release. ;;; (define (ftp-server/directory package) "Return the FTP server and directory where PACKAGE's tarball are stored." (let ((name (package-upstream-name package))) (values (or (assoc-ref (package-properties package) 'ftp-server) "ftp.gnu.org") (or (assoc-ref (package-properties package) 'ftp-directory) (string-append "/gnu/" name))))) (define %tarball-rx ;; The .zip extensions is notably used for freefont-ttf. ;; The "-src" pattern is for "TeXmacs-". ;; The "-gnu[0-9]" pattern is for "icecat-38.4.0-gnu1.tar.bz2". ;; Accept underscores as in "PKG_1.2.tar.gz" for some non-GNU packages. ;; Accept 'v' or 'V' prefix as in 'PKG-v2.3.tgz'. (make-regexp "^([^.]+)[-_][vV]?([0-9]|[^-])+(-(src|[sS]ource|gnu[0-9]))?\\.(tar\\.|tgz|zip$)")) (define %alpha-tarball-rx (make-regexp "^.*-.*[0-9](-|~|\\.)?(alpha|beta|rc|RC|cvs|svn|git)-?[0-9\\.]*\\.tar\\.")) (define (release-file? project file) "Return #f if FILE is not a release tarball of PROJECT, otherwise return true." (and (not (member (file-extension file) '("sig" "sign" "asc" "md5sum" "sha1sum" "sha256sum"))) (and=> (regexp-exec %tarball-rx file) (lambda (match) ;; Filter out unrelated files, like `guile-www-1.1.1'. ;; Case-insensitive for things like "TeXmacs" vs. "texmacs". ;; The "-src" suffix is for "freefont-src-20120503.tar.gz". (and=> (match:substring match 1) (lambda (name) (or (string-ci=? name project) (string-ci=? name (string-append project "-src"))))))) (not (regexp-exec %alpha-tarball-rx file)) (let ((s (tarball-sans-extension file))) (regexp-exec %package-name-rx s)))) (define (tarball->version tarball) "Return the version TARBALL corresponds to. TARBALL is a file name like \"coreutils-8.23.tar.xz\"." (let-values (((name version) (gnu-package-name->name+version (tarball-sans-extension tarball)))) version)) (define* (releases project #:key (server "ftp.gnu.org") (directory (string-append "/gnu/" project))) "Return the list of of PROJECT as a list of release name/directory pairs." ;; TODO: Parse something like fencepost.gnu.org:/gd/gnuorg/packages-ftp. (define conn (ftp-open server)) (let loop ((directories (list directory)) (result '())) (match directories (() (ftp-close conn) (coalesce-sources result)) ((directory rest ...) (let* ((files (ftp-list conn directory)) (subdirs (filter-map (match-lambda ((name 'directory . _) name) (_ #f)) files))) (define (file->url file) (string-append "ftp://" server directory "/" file)) (define (file->source file) (let ((url (file->url file))) (upstream-source (package project) (version (tarball->version file)) (urls (list url)) (signature-urls (list (string-append url ".sig")))))) (loop (append (map (cut string-append directory "/" <>) subdirs) rest) (append ;; Filter out signatures, deltas, and files which ;; are potentially not releases of PROJECT--e.g., ;; in /gnu/guile, filter out guile-oops and ;; guile-www; in mit-scheme, filter out binaries. (filter-map (match-lambda ((file 'file . _) (and (release-file? project file) (file->source file))) (_ #f)) files) result))))))) (define* (latest-ftp-release project #:key (server "ftp.gnu.org") (directory (string-append "/gnu/" project)) (file->signature (cut string-append <> ".sig"))) "Return an for the latest release of PROJECT on SERVER under DIRECTORY, or #f. Use FTP-OPEN and FTP-CLOSE to open (resp. close) FTP connections; this can be useful to reuse connections. FILE->SIGNATURE must be a procedure; it is passed a source file URL and must return the corresponding signature URL, or #f it signatures are unavailable." (define (latest a b) (if (version>? a b) a b)) (define (latest-release a b) (if (version>? (upstream-source-version a) (upstream-source-version b)) a b)) (define patch-directory-name? ;; Return #t for patch directory names such as 'bash-4.2-patches'. (cut string-suffix? "patches" <>)) (define conn (ftp-open server #:timeout 5)) (define (file->url directory file) (string-append "ftp://" server directory "/" file)) (define (file->source directory file) (let ((url (file->url directory file))) (upstream-source (package project) (version (tarball->version file)) ;; uri-mirror-rewrite: Don't turn nice mirror:// URIs into ftp:// ;; URLs during "guix refresh -u". (urls (list (uri-mirror-rewrite url))) (signature-urls (match (file->signature url) (#f #f) (sig (list (uri-mirror-rewrite sig)))))))) (let loop ((directory directory) (result #f)) (let* ((entries (catch 'ftp-error (lambda _ (ftp-list conn directory)) (const '()))) ;; Filter out things like /gnupg/patches. Filter out "w32" ;; directories as found on ftp.gnutls.org. (subdirs (filter-map (match-lambda (((? patch-directory-name? dir) 'directory . _) #f) (("w32" 'directory . _) #f) (("unstable" 'directory . _) ;; As seen at ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/pinentry. #f) ((directory 'directory . _) directory) (_ #f)) entries)) ;; Whether or not SUBDIRS is empty, compute the latest releases ;; for the current directory. This is necessary for packages ;; such as 'sharutils' that have a sub-directory that contains ;; only an older release. (releases (filter-map (match-lambda ((file 'file . _) (and (release-file? project file) (file->source directory file))) (_ #f)) entries))) ;; Assume that SUBDIRS correspond to versions, and jump into the ;; one with the highest version number. (let* ((release (reduce latest-release #f (coalesce-sources releases))) (result (if (and result release) (latest-release release result) (or release result))) (target (reduce latest #f subdirs))) (if target (loop (string-append directory "/" target) result) (begin (ftp-close conn) result)))))) (define* (latest-release package #:key (server "ftp.gnu.org") (directory (string-append "/gnu/" package))) "Return the for the latest version of PACKAGE or #f. PACKAGE must be the canonical name of a GNU package." (latest-ftp-release package #:server server #:directory directory)) (define-syntax-rule (false-if-ftp-error exp) "Return #f if an FTP error is raise while evaluating EXP; return the result of EXP otherwise." (catch 'ftp-error (lambda () exp) (lambda (key port . rest) (if (ftp-connection? port) (ftp-close port) (close-port port)) #f))) (define (latest-release* package) "Like 'latest-release', but (1) take a object, and (2) ignore FTP errors that might occur when PACKAGE is not actually a GNU package, or not hosted on ftp.gnu.org, or not under that name (this is the case for \"emacs-auctex\", for instance.)" (let-values (((server directory) (ftp-server/directory package))) (false-if-ftp-error (latest-release (package-upstream-name package) #:server server #:directory directory)))) ;;; ;;; Latest HTTP release. ;;; (define (html-links sxml) "Return the list of links found in SXML, the SXML tree of an HTML page." (let loop ((sxml sxml) (links '())) (match sxml (('a ('@ attributes ...) body ...) (match (assq 'href attributes) (#f (fold loop links body)) (('href url) (fold loop (cons url links) body)))) ((tag ('@ _ ...) body ...) (fold loop links body)) ((tag body ...) (fold loop links body)) (_ links)))) (define* (latest-html-release package #:key (base-url "https://kernel.org/pub") (directory (string-append "/" package)) file->signature) "Return an for the latest release of PACKAGE (a string) on SERVER under DIRECTORY, or #f. BASE-URL should be the URL of an HTML page, typically a directory listing as found on 'https://kernel.org/pub'. When FILE->SIGNATURE is omitted or #f, guess the detached signature file name, if any. Otherwise, FILE->SIGNATURE must be a procedure; it is passed a source file URL and must return the corresponding signature URL, or #f it signatures are unavailable." (let* ((uri (string->uri (if (string-null? directory) base-url (string-append base-url directory "/")))) (port (http-fetch/cached uri #:ttl 3600)) (sxml (html->sxml port)) (links (delete-duplicates (html-links sxml)))) (define (file->signature/guess url) (let ((base (basename url))) (any (lambda (link) (any (lambda (extension) (and (string=? (string-append base extension) (basename link)) (string-append url extension))) '(".asc" ".sig" ".sign"))) links))) (define (url->release url) (let* ((base (basename url)) (base-url (string-append base-url directory)) (url (cond ((and=> (string->uri url) uri-scheme) ;full URL? url) ;; full URL, except for URI scheme. Reuse the URI ;; scheme of the document that contains the link. ((string-prefix? "//" url) (string-append (symbol->string (uri-scheme (string->uri base-url))) ":" url)) ((string-prefix? "/" url) ;absolute path? (let ((uri (string->uri base-url))) (uri->string (build-uri (uri-scheme uri) #:host (uri-host uri) #:port (uri-port uri) #:path url)))) ;; URL is a relative path and BASE-URL may or may not ;; end in slash. ((string-suffix? "/" base-url) (string-append base-url url)) (else ;; If DIRECTORY is non-empty, assume BASE-URL ;; denotes a directory; otherwise, assume BASE-URL ;; denotes a file within a directory, and that URL ;; is relative to that directory. (string-append (if (string-null? directory) (dirname base-url) base-url) "/" url))))) (and (release-file? package base) (let ((version (tarball->version base))) (upstream-source (package package) (version version) ;; uri-mirror-rewrite: Don't turn nice mirror:// URIs into ftp:// ;; URLs during "guix refresh -u". (urls (list (uri-mirror-rewrite url))) (signature-urls (and=> ((or file->signature file->signature/guess) url) (lambda (url) (list (uri-mirror-rewrite url)))))))))) (define candidates (filter-map url->release links)) (close-port port) (match candidates (() #f) ((first . _) ;; Select the most recent release and return it. (reduce (lambda (r1 r2) (if (version>? (upstream-source-version r1) (upstream-source-version r2)) r1 r2)) first (coalesce-sources candidates)))))) ;;; ;;; Updaters. ;;; (define %gnu-file-list-uri ;; URI of the file list for ftp.gnu.org. (string->uri "https://ftp.gnu.org/find.txt.gz")) (define ftp.gnu.org-files (mlambda () "Return the list of files available at ftp.gnu.org." ;; XXX: Memoize the whole procedure to work around the fact that ;; 'http-fetch/cached' caches the gzipped version. (define (trim-leading-components str) ;; Trim the leading ".", if any, in "./gnu/foo". (string-trim str (char-set #\.))) (define (string->lines str) (string-tokenize str (char-set-complement (char-set #\newline)))) ;; Since https://ftp.gnu.org honors 'If-Modified-Since', the hard-coded ;; TTL can be relatively short. (let ((port (http-fetch/cached %gnu-file-list-uri #:ttl (* 15 60)))) (map trim-leading-components (call-with-gzip-input-port port (compose string->lines get-string-all)))))) (define (latest-gnu-release package) "Return the latest release of PACKAGE, a GNU package available via ftp.gnu.org. This method does not rely on FTP access at all; instead, it browses the file list available from %GNU-FILE-LIST-URI over HTTP(S)." (define archive-type (package-archive-type package)) (define (better-tarball? tarball1 tarball2) (string=? (file-extension tarball1) archive-type)) (let-values (((server directory) (ftp-server/directory package)) ((name) (package-upstream-name package))) (let* ((files (ftp.gnu.org-files)) (relevant (filter (lambda (file) (and (string-prefix? "/gnu" file) (string-contains file directory) (release-file? name (basename file)))) files))) (match (sort relevant (lambda (file1 file2) (version>? (tarball-sans-extension (basename file1)) (tarball-sans-extension (basename file2))))) ((and tarballs (reference _ ...)) (let* ((version (tarball->version reference)) (tarballs (filter (lambda (file) (string=? (tarball-sans-extension (basename file)) (tarball-sans-extension (basename reference)))) tarballs))) (upstream-source (package name) (version version) (urls (map (lambda (file) (string-append "mirror://gnu/" (string-drop file (string-length "/gnu/")))) ;; Sort so that the tarball with the same compression ;; format as currently used in PACKAGE comes first. (sort tarballs better-tarball?))) (signature-urls (map (cut string-append <> ".sig") urls))))) (() #f))))) (define %package-name-rx ;; Regexp for a package name, e.g., "foo-X.Y". Since TeXmacs uses ;; "TeXmacs-X.Y-src", the `-src' suffix is allowed. (make-regexp "^(.*)[-_][vV]?(([0-9]|\\.)+)(-src|\\.src|\\.orig)?")) (define (gnu-package-name->name+version name+version) "Return the package name and version number extracted from NAME+VERSION." (let ((match (regexp-exec %package-name-rx name+version))) (if (not match) (values name+version #f) (values (match:substring match 1) (match:substring match 2))))) (define gnome-package? (url-prefix-predicate "mirror://gnome/")) (define (pure-gnu-package? package) "Return true if PACKAGE is a non-Emacs and non-GNOME GNU package. This excludes AucTeX, for instance, whose releases are now uploaded to elpa.gnu.org, GNU Radio, which has releases at www.gnuradio.org, and all the GNOME packages; EMMS is included though, because its releases are on gnu.org." (and (or (not (string-prefix? "emacs-" (package-name package))) (gnu-hosted? package)) (not (gnome-package? package)) (not (string-prefix? "gnuradio" (package-name package))) (gnu-package? package))) (define gnu-hosted? (url-prefix-predicate "mirror://gnu/")) (define (uri-mirror-rewrite uri) "Rewrite URI to a mirror:// URI if possible, or return URI unmodified." (if (string-prefix? "mirror://" uri) uri ;nothing to do, it's already a mirror URI (let loop ((mirrors %mirrors)) (match mirrors (() uri) (((mirror-id mirror-urls ...) rest ...) (match (find (cut string-prefix? <> uri) mirror-urls) (#f (loop rest)) (prefix (format #f "mirror://~a/~a" mirror-id (string-drop uri (string-length prefix)))))))))) (define %savannah-base ;; One of the Savannah mirrors listed at ;; that serves valid ;; HTML (unlike .) "https://nongnu.freemirror.org/nongnu") (define (latest-savannah-release package) "Return the latest release of PACKAGE." (let* ((uri (string->uri (match (origin-uri (package-source package)) ((? string? uri) uri) ((uri mirrors ...) uri)))) (package (package-upstream-name package)) (directory (dirname (uri-path uri)))) ;; Note: We use the default 'file->signature', which adds ".sig", ".asc", ;; or whichever detached signature naming scheme PACKAGE uses. (latest-html-release package #:base-url %savannah-base #:directory directory))) (define (latest-sourceforge-release package) "Return the latest release of PACKAGE." (define (uri-append uri extension) ;; Return URI with EXTENSION appended. (build-uri (uri-scheme uri) #:host (uri-host uri) #:path (string-append (uri-path uri) extension))) (define (valid-uri? uri port) ;; Return true if URI is reachable. (false-if-exception (case (response-code (http-head uri #:port port #:keep-alive? #t)) ((200 302) #t) (else #f)))) (let* ((name (package-upstream-name package)) (base (string-append "https://sourceforge.net/projects/" name "/files")) (url (string-append base "/latest/download")) (uri (string->uri url)) (port (false-if-exception (open-socket-for-uri uri))) (response (and port (http-head uri #:port port #:keep-alive? #t)))) (dynamic-wind (const #t) (lambda () (and response (= 302 (response-code response)) (response-location response) (match (string-tokenize (uri-path (response-location response)) (char-set-complement (char-set #\/))) ((_ components ...) (let* ((path (string-join components "/")) (url (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/" path))) (and (release-file? name (basename path)) ;; Take the heavy-handed approach of probing 3 additional ;; URLs. XXX: Would be nicer if this could be avoided. (let* ((loc (response-location response)) (sig (any (lambda (extension) (let ((uri (uri-append loc extension))) (and (valid-uri? uri port) (string-append url extension)))) '(".asc" ".sig" ".sign")))) (upstream-source (package name) (version (tarball->version (basename path))) (urls (list url)) (signature-urls (and sig (list sig))))))))))) (lambda () (when port (close-port port)))))) (define (latest-xorg-release package) "Return the latest release of PACKAGE." (let ((uri (string->uri (origin-uri (package-source package))))) (false-if-ftp-error (latest-ftp-release (package-name package) #:server "ftp.freedesktop.org" #:directory (string-append "/pub/xorg/" (dirname (uri-path uri))))))) (define (latest-kernel.org-release package) "Return the latest release of PACKAGE, the name of a kernel.org package." (define %kernel.org-base ;; This URL and sub-directories thereof are nginx-generated directory ;; listings suitable for 'latest-html-release'. "https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub") (define (file->signature file) (string-append (file-sans-extension file) ".sign")) (let* ((uri (string->uri (match (origin-uri (package-source package)) ((? string? uri) uri) ((uri mirrors ...) uri)))) (package (package-upstream-name package)) (directory (dirname (uri-path uri)))) (latest-html-release package #:base-url %kernel.org-base #:directory directory #:file->signature file->signature))) (define html-updatable-package? ;; Return true if the given package may be handled by the generic HTML ;; updater. (let ((hosting-sites '("github.com" "github.io" "gitlab.com" "notabug.org" "sr.ht" "gitlab.inria.fr" "ftp.gnu.org" "download.savannah.gnu.org" "pypi.org" "crates.io" "rubygems.org" "bioconductor.org"))) (define http-url? (url-predicate (lambda (url) (match (string->uri url) (#f #f) (uri (let ((scheme (uri-scheme uri)) (host (uri-host uri))) (and (memq scheme '(http https)) (not (member host hosting-sites))))))))) (lambda (package) (or (assoc-ref (package-properties package) 'release-monitoring-url) (http-url? package))))) (define (latest-html-updatable-release package) "Return the latest release of PACKAGE. Do that by crawling the HTML page of the directory containing its source tarball." (let* ((uri (string->uri (match (origin-uri (package-source package)) ((? string? url) url) ((url _ ...) url)))) (custom (assoc-ref (package-properties package) 'release-monitoring-url)) (base (or custom (string-append (symbol->string (uri-scheme uri)) "://" (uri-host uri)))) (directory (if custom "" (dirname (uri-path uri)))) (package (package-upstream-name package))) (catch #t (lambda () (guard (c ((http-get-error? c) #f)) (latest-html-release package #:base-url base #:directory directory))) (lambda (key . args) ;; Return false and move on upon connection failures and bogus HTTP ;; servers. (unless (memq key '(gnutls-error tls-certificate-error system-error bad-header bad-header-component)) (apply throw key args)) #f)))) (define %gnu-updater ;; This is for everything at ftp.gnu.org. (upstream-updater (name 'gnu) (description "Updater for GNU packages") (pred gnu-hosted?) (latest latest-gnu-release))) (define %gnu-ftp-updater ;; This is for GNU packages taken from alternate locations, such as ;; alpha.gnu.org, ftp.gnupg.org, etc. It is obsolescent. (upstream-updater (name 'gnu-ftp) (description "Updater for GNU packages only available via FTP") (pred (lambda (package) (and (not (gnu-hosted? package)) (pure-gnu-package? package)))) (latest latest-release*))) (define %savannah-updater (upstream-updater (name 'savannah) (description "Updater for packages hosted on savannah.gnu.org") (pred (url-prefix-predicate "mirror://savannah/")) (latest latest-savannah-release))) (define %sourceforge-updater (upstream-updater (name 'sourceforge) (description "Updater for packages hosted on sourceforge.net") (pred (url-prefix-predicate "mirror://sourceforge/")) (latest latest-sourceforge-release))) (define %xorg-updater (upstream-updater (name 'xorg) (description "Updater for X.org packages") (pred (url-prefix-predicate "mirror://xorg/")) (latest latest-xorg-release))) (define %kernel.org-updater (upstream-updater (name 'kernel.org) (description "Updater for packages hosted on kernel.org") (pred (url-prefix-predicate "mirror://kernel.org/")) (latest latest-kernel.org-release))) (define %generic-html-updater (upstream-updater (name 'generic-html) (description "Updater that crawls HTML pages.") (pred html-updatable-package?) (latest latest-html-updatable-release))) ;;; gnu-maintenance.scm ends here