;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2020 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> ;;; Copyright © 2016 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net> ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. (define-module (guix graph) #:use-module (guix store) #:use-module (guix monads) #:use-module (guix records) #:use-module (guix sets) #:use-module (rnrs io ports) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 vlist) #:export (node-type node-type? node-type-identifier node-type-label node-type-edges node-type-convert node-type-name node-type-description node-edges node-back-edges traverse/depth-first node-transitive-edges node-reachable-count shortest-path %graph-backends %d3js-backend %graphviz-backend graph-backend? graph-backend graph-backend-name graph-backend-description export-graph)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; This module provides an abstract way to represent graphs and to manipulate ;;; them. It comes with several such representations for packages, ;;; derivations, and store items. It also provides a generic interface for ;;; exporting graphs in an external format, including a Graphviz ;;; implementation thereof. ;;; ;;; Code: ;;; ;;; Node types. ;;; (define-record-type* <node-type> node-type make-node-type node-type? (identifier node-type-identifier) ;node -> M identifier (label node-type-label) ;node -> string (edges node-type-edges) ;node -> M list of nodes (convert node-type-convert ;any -> M list of nodes (default (lift1 list %store-monad))) (name node-type-name) ;string (description node-type-description)) ;string (define (%node-edges type nodes cons-edge) (with-monad %store-monad (match type (($ <node-type> identifier label node-edges) (define (add-edge node edges) (>>= (node-edges node) (lambda (nodes) (return (fold (cut cons-edge node <> <>) edges nodes))))) (mlet %store-monad ((edges (foldm %store-monad add-edge vlist-null nodes))) (return (lambda (node) (reverse (vhash-foldq* cons '() node edges))))))))) (define (node-edges type nodes) "Return, as a monadic value, a one-argument procedure that, given a node of TYPE, returns its edges. NODES is taken to be the sinks of the global graph." (%node-edges type nodes (lambda (source target edges) (vhash-consq source target edges)))) (define (node-back-edges type nodes) "Return, as a monadic value, a one-argument procedure that, given a node of TYPE, returns its back edges. NODES is taken to be the sinks of the global graph." (%node-edges type nodes (lambda (source target edges) (vhash-consq target source edges)))) (define (traverse/depth-first proc seed nodes node-edges) "Do a depth-first traversal of NODES along NODE-EDGES, calling PROC with each node and the current result, and visiting each reachable node exactly once. NODES must be a list of nodes, and NODE-EDGES must be a one-argument procedure as returned by 'node-edges' or 'node-back-edges'." (let loop ((nodes (append-map node-edges nodes)) (result seed) (visited (setq))) (match nodes (() result) ((head . tail) (if (set-contains? visited head) (loop tail result visited) (let ((edges (node-edges head))) (loop (append edges tail) (proc head result) (set-insert head visited)))))))) (define (node-transitive-edges nodes node-edges) "Return the list of nodes directly or indirectly connected to NODES according to the NODE-EDGES procedure. NODE-EDGES must be a one-argument procedure that, given a node, returns its list of direct dependents; it is typically returned by 'node-edges' or 'node-back-edges'." (traverse/depth-first cons '() nodes node-edges)) (define (node-reachable-count nodes node-edges) "Return the number of nodes reachable from NODES along NODE-EDGES." (traverse/depth-first (lambda (_ count) (+ 1 count)) 0 nodes node-edges)) (define (shortest-path node1 node2 type) "Return as a monadic value the shorted path, represented as a list, from NODE1 to NODE2 of the given TYPE. Return #f when there is no path." (define node-edges (node-type-edges type)) (define (find-shortest lst) ;; Return the shortest path among LST, where each path is represented as a ;; vlist. (let loop ((lst lst) (best +inf.0) (shortest #f)) (match lst (() shortest) ((head . tail) (let ((len (vlist-length head))) (if (< len best) (loop tail len head) (loop tail best shortest))))))) (define (find-path node path paths) ;; Return the a vhash that maps nodes to paths, with each path from the ;; given node to NODE2. (define (augment-paths child paths) ;; When using %REFERENCE-NODE-TYPE, nodes can contain self references, ;; hence this test. (if (eq? child node) (store-return paths) (find-path child vlist-null paths))) (cond ((eq? node node2) (store-return (vhash-consq node (vlist-cons node path) paths))) ((vhash-assq node paths) (store-return paths)) (else ;; XXX: We could stop recursing if one if CHILDREN is NODE2, but in ;; practice it's good enough. (mlet* %store-monad ((children (node-edges node)) (paths (foldm %store-monad augment-paths paths children))) (define sub-paths (filter-map (lambda (child) (match (vhash-assq child paths) (#f #f) ((_ . path) path))) children)) (match sub-paths (() (return (vhash-consq node #f paths))) (lst (return (vhash-consq node (vlist-cons node (find-shortest sub-paths)) paths)))))))) (mlet %store-monad ((paths (find-path node1 (vlist-cons node1 vlist-null) vlist-null))) (return (match (vhash-assq node1 paths) ((_ . #f) #f) ((_ . path) (vlist->list path)))))) ;;; ;;; Graphviz export. ;;; (define-record-type <graph-backend> (graph-backend name description prologue epilogue node edge) graph-backend? (name graph-backend-name) (description graph-backend-description) (prologue graph-backend-prologue) (epilogue graph-backend-epilogue) (node graph-backend-node) (edge graph-backend-edge)) (define %colors ;; See colortbl.h in Graphviz. #("red" "magenta" "blue" "cyan3" "darkseagreen" "peachpuff4" "darkviolet" "dimgrey" "darkgoldenrod")) (define (pop-color hint) "Return a Graphviz color based on HINT, an arbitrary object." (let ((index (hash hint (vector-length %colors)))) (vector-ref %colors index))) (define (emit-prologue name port) (format port "digraph \"Guix ~a\" {\n" name)) (define (emit-epilogue port) (display "\n}\n" port)) (define (emit-node id label port) (format port " \"~a\" [label = \"~a\", shape = box, fontname = Helvetica];~%" id label)) (define (emit-edge id1 id2 port) (format port " \"~a\" -> \"~a\" [color = ~a];~%" id1 id2 (pop-color id1))) (define %graphviz-backend (graph-backend "graphviz" "Generate graph in DOT format for use with Graphviz." emit-prologue emit-epilogue emit-node emit-edge)) ;;; ;;; d3js export. ;;; (define (emit-d3js-prologue name port) (format port "\ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=\"utf-8\"> <style> text { font: 10px sans-serif; pointer-events: none; } </style> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"~a\"></script> </head> <body> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> var nodes = {}, nodeArray = [], links = []; " (search-path %load-path "d3.v3.js"))) (define (emit-d3js-epilogue port) (format port "</script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"~a\"></script></body></html>" (search-path %load-path "graph.js"))) (define (emit-d3js-node id label port) (format port "\ nodes[\"~a\"] = {\"id\": \"~a\", \"label\": \"~a\", \"index\": nodeArray.length}; nodeArray.push(nodes[\"~a\"]);~%" id id label id)) (define (emit-d3js-edge id1 id2 port) (format port "links.push({\"source\": \"~a\", \"target\": \"~a\"});~%" id1 id2)) (define %d3js-backend (graph-backend "d3js" "Generate chord diagrams with d3js." emit-d3js-prologue emit-d3js-epilogue emit-d3js-node emit-d3js-edge)) ;;; ;;; Cypher export. ;;; (define (emit-cypher-prologue name port) (format port "")) (define (emit-cypher-epilogue port) (format port "")) (define (emit-cypher-node id label port) (format port "MERGE (p:Package { id: ~s }) SET p.name = ~s;~%" id label )) (define (emit-cypher-edge id1 id2 port) (format port "MERGE (a:Package { id: ~s });~%" id1) (format port "MERGE (b:Package { id: ~s });~%" id2) (format port "MATCH (a:Package { id: ~s }), (b:Package { id: ~s }) CREATE UNIQUE (a)-[:NEEDS]->(b);~%" id1 id2)) (define %cypher-backend (graph-backend "cypher" "Generate Cypher queries." emit-cypher-prologue emit-cypher-epilogue emit-cypher-node emit-cypher-edge)) ;;; ;;; Shared. ;;; (define %graph-backends (list %graphviz-backend %d3js-backend %cypher-backend)) (define* (export-graph sinks port #:key reverse-edges? node-type (backend %graphviz-backend)) "Write to PORT the representation of the DAG with the given SINKS, using the given BACKEND. Use NODE-TYPE to traverse the DAG. When REVERSE-EDGES? is true, draw reverse arrows." (match backend (($ <graph-backend> _ _ emit-prologue emit-epilogue emit-node emit-edge) (emit-prologue (node-type-name node-type) port) (match node-type (($ <node-type> node-identifier node-label node-edges) (let loop ((nodes sinks) (visited (set))) (match nodes (() (with-monad %store-monad (emit-epilogue port) (store-return #t))) ((head . tail) (mlet %store-monad ((id (node-identifier head))) (if (set-contains? visited id) (loop tail visited) (mlet* %store-monad ((dependencies (node-edges head)) (ids (mapm %store-monad node-identifier dependencies))) (emit-node id (node-label head) port) (for-each (lambda (dependency dependency-id) (if reverse-edges? (emit-edge dependency-id id port) (emit-edge id dependency-id port))) dependencies ids) (loop (append dependencies tail) (set-insert id visited))))))))))))) ;;; graph.scm ends here