;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright © 2013 Nikita Karetnikov ;;; Copyright © 2013 Mark H Weaver ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (guix scripts package) #:use-module (guix ui) #:use-module (guix store) #:use-module (guix derivations) #:use-module (guix packages) #:use-module (guix utils) #:use-module (guix config) #:use-module ((guix build utils) #:select (directory-exists? mkdir-p)) #:use-module ((guix ftp-client) #:select (ftp-open)) #:use-module (ice-9 ftw) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (ice-9 vlist) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (srfi srfi-34) #:use-module (srfi srfi-37) #:use-module (gnu packages) #:use-module ((gnu packages base) #:select (guile-final)) #:use-module ((gnu packages bootstrap) #:select (%bootstrap-guile)) #:use-module (guix gnu-maintenance) #:export (guix-package)) (define %store (make-parameter #f)) ;;; ;;; User environment. ;;; (define %user-environment-directory (and=> (getenv "HOME") (cut string-append <> "/.guix-profile"))) (define %profile-directory (string-append (or (getenv "NIX_STATE_DIR") %state-directory) "/profiles/" (or (and=> (getenv "USER") (cut string-append "per-user/" <>)) "default"))) (define %current-profile ;; Call it `guix-profile', not `profile', to allow Guix profiles to ;; coexist with Nix profiles. (string-append %profile-directory "/guix-profile")) (define (profile-manifest profile) "Return the PROFILE's manifest." (let ((manifest (string-append profile "/manifest"))) (if (file-exists? manifest) (call-with-input-file manifest read) '(manifest (version 1) (packages ()))))) (define (manifest-packages manifest) "Return the packages listed in MANIFEST." (match manifest (('manifest ('version 0) ('packages ((name version output path) ...))) (zip name version output path (make-list (length name) '()))) ;; Version 1 adds a list of propagated inputs to the ;; name/version/output/path tuples. (('manifest ('version 1) ('packages (packages ...))) packages) (_ (error "unsupported manifest format" manifest)))) (define (profile-regexp profile) "Return a regular expression that matches PROFILE's name and number." (make-regexp (string-append "^" (regexp-quote (basename profile)) "-([0-9]+)"))) (define (generation-numbers profile) "Return the sorted list of generation numbers of PROFILE, or '(0) if no former profiles were found." (define* (scandir name #:optional (select? (const #t)) (entry (file-system-fold enter? leaf down up skip error #f name lstat) (lambda (files) (sort files entry)) (#f ; no profile directory '(0)) (() ; no profiles '(0)) ((profiles ...) ; former profiles around (sort (map (compose string->number (cut match:substring <> 1) (cute regexp-exec (profile-regexp profile) <>)) profiles) <)))) (define (previous-generation-number profile number) "Return the number of the generation before generation NUMBER of PROFILE, or 0 if none exists. It could be NUMBER - 1, but it's not the case when generations have been deleted (there are \"holes\")." (fold (lambda (candidate highest) (if (and (< candidate number) (> candidate highest)) candidate highest)) 0 (generation-numbers profile))) (define (profile-derivation store packages) "Return a derivation that builds a profile (a user environment) with all of PACKAGES, a list of name/version/output/path/deps tuples." (define packages* ;; Turn any package object in PACKAGES into its output path. (map (match-lambda ((name version output path (deps ...)) `(,name ,version ,output ,path ,(map input->name+path deps)))) packages)) (define builder `(begin (use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print) (guix build union)) (setvbuf (current-output-port) _IOLBF) (setvbuf (current-error-port) _IOLBF) (let ((output (assoc-ref %outputs "out")) (inputs (map cdr %build-inputs))) (format #t "building user environment `~a' with ~a packages...~%" output (length inputs)) (union-build output inputs) (call-with-output-file (string-append output "/manifest") (lambda (p) (pretty-print '(manifest (version 1) (packages ,packages*)) p)))))) (define ensure-valid-input ;; If a package object appears in the given input, turn it into a ;; derivation path. (match-lambda ((name (? package? p) sub-drv ...) `(,name ,(package-derivation (%store) p) ,@sub-drv)) (input input))) (build-expression->derivation store "user-environment" (%current-system) builder (append-map (match-lambda ((name version output path deps) `((,name ,path) ,@(map ensure-valid-input deps)))) packages) #:modules '((guix build union)))) (define (generation-number profile) "Return PROFILE's number or 0. An absolute file name must be used." (or (and=> (false-if-exception (regexp-exec (profile-regexp profile) (basename (readlink profile)))) (compose string->number (cut match:substring <> 1))) 0)) (define (link-to-empty-profile generation) "Link GENERATION, a string, to the empty profile." (let* ((drv (profile-derivation (%store) '())) (prof (derivation->output-path drv "out"))) (when (not (build-derivations (%store) (list drv))) (leave (_ "failed to build the empty profile~%"))) (switch-symlinks generation prof))) (define (switch-to-previous-generation profile) "Atomically switch PROFILE to the previous generation." (let* ((number (generation-number profile)) (previous-number (previous-generation-number profile number)) (previous-generation (format #f "~a-~a-link" profile previous-number))) (format #t (_ "switching from generation ~a to ~a~%") number previous-number) (switch-symlinks profile previous-generation))) (define (roll-back profile) "Roll back to the previous generation of PROFILE." (let* ((number (generation-number profile)) (previous-number (previous-generation-number profile number)) (previous-generation (format #f "~a-~a-link" profile previous-number)) (manifest (string-append previous-generation "/manifest"))) (cond ((not (file-exists? profile)) ; invalid profile (leave (_ "profile '~a' does not exist~%") profile)) ((zero? number) ; empty profile (format (current-error-port) (_ "nothing to do: already at the empty profile~%"))) ((or (zero? previous-number) ; going to emptiness (not (file-exists? previous-generation))) (link-to-empty-profile previous-generation) (switch-to-previous-generation profile)) (else (switch-to-previous-generation profile))))) ; anything else (define (generation-time profile number) "Return the creation time of a generation in the UTC format." (make-time time-utc 0 (stat:ctime (stat (format #f "~a-~a-link" profile number))))) (define* (matching-generations str #:optional (profile %current-profile) #:key (duration-relation <=)) "Return the list of available generations matching a pattern in STR. See 'string->generations' and 'string->duration' for the list of valid patterns. When STR is a duration pattern, return all the generations whose ctime has DURATION-RELATION with the current time." (define (valid-generations lst) (define (valid-generation? n) (any (cut = n <>) (generation-numbers profile))) (fold-right (lambda (x acc) (if (valid-generation? x) (cons x acc) acc)) '() lst)) (define (filter-generations generations) (match generations (() '()) (('>= n) (drop-while (cut > n <>) (generation-numbers profile))) (('<= n) (valid-generations (iota n 1))) ((lst ..1) (valid-generations lst)) (_ #f))) (define (filter-by-duration duration) (define (time-at-midnight time) ;; Return TIME at midnight by setting nanoseconds, seconds, minutes, and ;; hours to zeros. (let ((d (time-utc->date time))) (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 (date-day d) (date-month d) (date-year d) (date-zone-offset d))))) (define generation-ctime-alist (map (lambda (number) (cons number (time-second (time-at-midnight (generation-time profile number))))) (generation-numbers profile))) (match duration (#f #f) (res (let ((s (time-second (subtract-duration (time-at-midnight (current-time)) duration)))) (delete #f (map (lambda (x) (and (duration-relation s (cdr x)) (first x))) generation-ctime-alist)))))) (cond ((string->generations str) => filter-generations) ((string->duration str) => filter-by-duration) (else #f))) (define (find-packages-by-description rx) "Return the list of packages whose name, synopsis, or description matches RX." (define (same-location? p1 p2) ;; Compare locations of two packages. (equal? (package-location p1) (package-location p2))) (delete-duplicates (sort (fold-packages (lambda (package result) (define matches? (cut regexp-exec rx <>)) (if (or (matches? (gettext (package-name package))) (and=> (package-synopsis package) (compose matches? gettext)) (and=> (package-description package) (compose matches? gettext))) (cons package result) result)) '()) (lambda (p1 p2) (stringname+path input) "Convert the name/package/sub-drv tuple INPUT to a name/store-path tuple." (let loop ((input input)) (match input ((name (? package? package)) (loop `(,name ,package "out"))) ((name (? package? package) sub-drv) `(,name ,(package-output (%store) package sub-drv))) (_ input)))) (define %sigint-prompt ;; The prompt to jump to upon SIGINT. (make-prompt-tag "interruptible")) (define (call-with-sigint-handler thunk handler) "Call THUNK and return its value. Upon SIGINT, call HANDLER with the signal number in the context of the continuation of the call to this function, and return its return value." (call-with-prompt %sigint-prompt (lambda () (sigaction SIGINT (lambda (signum) (sigaction SIGINT SIG_DFL) (abort-to-prompt %sigint-prompt signum))) (dynamic-wind (const #t) thunk (cut sigaction SIGINT SIG_DFL))) (lambda (k signum) (handler signum)))) (define-syntax-rule (waiting exp fmt rest ...) "Display the given message while EXP is being evaluated." (let* ((message (format #f fmt rest ...)) (blank (make-string (string-length message) #\space))) (display message (current-error-port)) (force-output (current-error-port)) (call-with-sigint-handler (lambda () (dynamic-wind (const #f) (lambda () exp) (lambda () ;; Clear the line. (display #\cr (current-error-port)) (display blank (current-error-port)) (display #\cr (current-error-port)) (force-output (current-error-port))))) (lambda (signum) (format (current-error-port) " interrupted by signal ~a~%" SIGINT) #f)))) ;;; ;;; Package specifications. ;;; (define newest-available-packages (memoize find-newest-available-packages)) (define (find-best-packages-by-name name version) "If version is #f, return the list of packages named NAME with the highest version numbers; otherwise, return the list of packages named NAME and at VERSION." (if version (find-packages-by-name name version) (match (vhash-assoc name (newest-available-packages)) ((_ version pkgs ...) pkgs) (#f '())))) (define* (find-package name #:optional (output "out")) "Find the package NAME; NAME may contain a version number and a sub-derivation name. If the version number is not present, return the preferred newest version. If the sub-derivation name is not present, use OUTPUT." (define request name) (define (ensure-output p sub-drv) (if (member sub-drv (package-outputs p)) p (leave (_ "package `~a' lacks output `~a'~%") (package-full-name p) sub-drv))) (let*-values (((name sub-drv) (match (string-rindex name #\:) (#f (values name output)) (colon (values (substring name 0 colon) (substring name (+ 1 colon)))))) ((name version) (package-name->name+version name))) (match (find-best-packages-by-name name version) ((p) (list name (package-version p) sub-drv (ensure-output p sub-drv) (package-transitive-propagated-inputs p))) ((p p* ...) (warning (_ "ambiguous package specification `~a'~%") request) (warning (_ "choosing ~a from ~a~%") (package-full-name p) (location->string (package-location p))) (list name (package-version p) sub-drv (ensure-output p sub-drv) (package-transitive-propagated-inputs p))) (() (leave (_ "~a: package not found~%") request))))) (define (upgradeable? name current-version current-path) "Return #t if there's a version of package NAME newer than CURRENT-VERSION, or if the newest available version is equal to CURRENT-VERSION but would have an output path different than CURRENT-PATH." (match (vhash-assoc name (newest-available-packages)) ((_ candidate-version pkg . rest) (case (version-compare candidate-version current-version) ((>) #t) ((<) #f) ((=) (let ((candidate-path (derivation->output-path (package-derivation (%store) pkg)))) (not (string=? current-path candidate-path)))))) (#f #f))) (define ftp-open* ;; Memoizing version of `ftp-open'. The goal is to avoid initiating a new ;; FTP connection for each package, esp. since most of them are to the same ;; server. This has a noticeable impact when doing "guix upgrade -u". (memoize ftp-open)) (define (check-package-freshness package) "Check whether PACKAGE has a newer version available upstream, and report it." ;; TODO: Automatically inject the upstream version when desired. (catch #t (lambda () (when (false-if-exception (gnu-package? package)) (let ((name (package-name package)) (full-name (package-full-name package))) (match (waiting (latest-release name #:ftp-open ftp-open* #:ftp-close (const #f)) (_ "looking for the latest release of GNU ~a...") name) ((latest-version . _) (when (version>? latest-version full-name) (format (current-error-port) (_ "~a: note: using ~a \ but ~a is available upstream~%") (location->string (package-location package)) full-name latest-version))) (_ #t))))) (lambda (key . args) ;; Silently ignore networking errors rather than preventing ;; installation. (case key ((getaddrinfo-error ftp-error) #f) (else (apply throw key args)))))) ;;; ;;; Search paths. ;;; (define* (search-path-environment-variables packages profile #:optional (getenv getenv)) "Return environment variable definitions that may be needed for the use of PACKAGES in PROFILE. Use GETENV to determine the current settings and report only settings not already effective." ;; Prefer ~/.guix-profile to the real profile directory name. (let ((profile (if (and %user-environment-directory (false-if-exception (string=? (readlink %user-environment-directory) profile))) %user-environment-directory profile))) ;; The search path info is not stored in the manifest. Thus, we infer the ;; search paths from same-named packages found in the distro. (define package-in-manifest->package (match-lambda ((name version _ ...) (match (append (find-packages-by-name name version) (find-packages-by-name name)) ((p _ ...) p) (_ #f))))) (define search-path-definition (match-lambda (($ variable directories separator) (let ((values (or (and=> (getenv variable) (cut string-tokenize* <> separator)) '())) (directories (filter file-exists? (map (cut string-append profile "/" <>) directories)))) (if (every (cut member <> values) directories) #f (format #f "export ~a=\"~a\"" variable (string-join directories separator))))))) (let* ((packages (filter-map package-in-manifest->package packages)) (search-paths (delete-duplicates (append-map package-native-search-paths packages)))) (filter-map search-path-definition search-paths)))) (define (display-search-paths packages profile) "Display the search path environment variables that may need to be set for PACKAGES, in the context of PROFILE." (let ((settings (search-path-environment-variables packages profile))) (unless (null? settings) (format #t (_ "The following environment variable definitions may be needed:~%")) (format #t "~{ ~a~%~}" settings)))) ;;; ;;; Command-line options. ;;; (define %default-options ;; Alist of default option values. `((profile . ,%current-profile) (max-silent-time . 3600) (substitutes? . #t))) (define (show-help) (display (_ "Usage: guix package [OPTION]... PACKAGES... Install, remove, or upgrade PACKAGES in a single transaction.\n")) (display (_ " -i, --install=PACKAGE install PACKAGE")) (display (_ " -e, --install-from-expression=EXP install the package EXP evaluates to")) (display (_ " -r, --remove=PACKAGE remove PACKAGE")) (display (_ " -u, --upgrade[=REGEXP] upgrade all the installed packages matching REGEXP")) (display (_ " --roll-back roll back to the previous generation")) (display (_ " --search-paths display needed environment variable definitions")) (display (_ " -l, --list-generations[=PATTERN] list generations matching PATTERN")) (display (_ " -d, --delete-generations[=PATTERN] delete generations matching PATTERN")) (newline) (display (_ " -p, --profile=PROFILE use PROFILE instead of the user's default profile")) (display (_ " -n, --dry-run show what would be done without actually doing it")) (display (_ " --fallback fall back to building when the substituter fails")) (display (_ " --no-substitutes build instead of resorting to pre-built substitutes")) (display (_ " --max-silent-time=SECONDS mark the build as failed after SECONDS of silence")) (display (_ " --bootstrap use the bootstrap Guile to build the profile")) (display (_ " --verbose produce verbose output")) (newline) (display (_ " -s, --search=REGEXP search in synopsis and description using REGEXP")) (display (_ " -I, --list-installed[=REGEXP] list installed packages matching REGEXP")) (display (_ " -A, --list-available[=REGEXP] list available packages matching REGEXP")) (newline) (display (_ " -h, --help display this help and exit")) (display (_ " -V, --version display version information and exit")) (newline) (show-bug-report-information)) (define %options ;; Specification of the command-line options. (list (option '(#\h "help") #f #f (lambda args (show-help) (exit 0))) (option '(#\V "version") #f #f (lambda args (show-version-and-exit "guix package"))) (option '(#\i "install") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'install arg result))) (option '(#\e "install-from-expression") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'install (read/eval-package-expression arg) result))) (option '(#\r "remove") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'remove arg result))) (option '(#\u "upgrade") #f #t (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'upgrade arg result))) (option '("roll-back") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'roll-back? #t result))) (option '(#\l "list-generations") #f #t (lambda (opt name arg result) (cons `(query list-generations ,(or arg "")) result))) (option '(#\d "delete-generations") #f #t (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'delete-generations (or arg "") result))) (option '("search-paths") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (cons `(query search-paths) result))) (option '(#\p "profile") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'profile arg (alist-delete 'profile result)))) (option '(#\n "dry-run") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'dry-run? #t result))) (option '("fallback") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'fallback? #t (alist-delete 'fallback? result)))) (option '("no-substitutes") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'substitutes? #f (alist-delete 'substitutes? result)))) (option '("max-silent-time") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'max-silent-time (string->number* arg) result))) (option '("bootstrap") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'bootstrap? #t result))) (option '("verbose") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'verbose? #t result))) (option '(#\s "search") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (cons `(query search ,(or arg "")) result))) (option '(#\I "list-installed") #f #t (lambda (opt name arg result) (cons `(query list-installed ,(or arg "")) result))) (option '(#\A "list-available") #f #t (lambda (opt name arg result) (cons `(query list-available ,(or arg "")) result))))) ;;; ;;; Entry point. ;;; (define (guix-package . args) (define (parse-options) ;; Return the alist of option values. (args-fold* args %options (lambda (opt name arg result) (leave (_ "~A: unrecognized option~%") name)) (lambda (arg result) (leave (_ "~A: extraneous argument~%") arg)) %default-options)) (define (guile-missing?) ;; Return #t if %GUILE-FOR-BUILD is not available yet. (let ((out (derivation->output-path (%guile-for-build)))) (not (valid-path? (%store) out)))) (define (ensure-default-profile) ;; Ensure the default profile symlink and directory exist and are ;; writable. (define (rtfm) (format (current-error-port) (_ "Try \"info '(guix) Invoking guix package'\" for \ more information.~%")) (exit 1)) ;; Create ~/.guix-profile if it doesn't exist yet. (when (and %user-environment-directory %current-profile (not (false-if-exception (lstat %user-environment-directory)))) (symlink %current-profile %user-environment-directory)) (let ((s (stat %profile-directory #f))) ;; Attempt to create /…/profiles/per-user/$USER if needed. (unless (and s (eq? 'directory (stat:type s))) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (mkdir-p %profile-directory)) (lambda args ;; Often, we cannot create %PROFILE-DIRECTORY because its ;; parent directory is root-owned and we're running ;; unprivileged. (format (current-error-port) (_ "error: while creating directory `~a': ~a~%") %profile-directory (strerror (system-error-errno args))) (format (current-error-port) (_ "Please create the `~a' directory, with you as the owner.~%") %profile-directory) (rtfm)))) ;; Bail out if it's not owned by the user. (unless (or (not s) (= (stat:uid s) (getuid))) (format (current-error-port) (_ "error: directory `~a' is not owned by you~%") %profile-directory) (format (current-error-port) (_ "Please change the owner of `~a' to user ~s.~%") %profile-directory (or (getenv "USER") (getuid))) (rtfm)))) (define (process-actions opts) ;; Process any install/remove/upgrade action from OPTS. (define dry-run? (assoc-ref opts 'dry-run?)) (define verbose? (assoc-ref opts 'verbose?)) (define profile (assoc-ref opts 'profile)) (define (canonicalize-deps deps) ;; Remove duplicate entries from DEPS, a list of propagated inputs, ;; where each input is a name/path tuple. (define (same? d1 d2) (match d1 ((_ p1) (match d2 ((_ p2) (eq? p1 p2)) (_ #f))) ((_ p1 out1) (match d2 ((_ p2 out2) (and (string=? out1 out2) (eq? p1 p2))) (_ #f))))) (delete-duplicates deps same?)) (define (same-package? tuple name out) (match tuple ((tuple-name _ tuple-output _ ...) (and (equal? name tuple-name) (equal? out tuple-output))))) (define (package->tuple p) ;; Convert package P to a tuple. ;; When given a package via `-e', install the first of its ;; outputs (XXX). (let* ((out (car (package-outputs p))) (path (package-output (%store) p out)) (deps (package-transitive-propagated-inputs p))) `(,(package-name p) ,(package-version p) ,out ,p ,(canonicalize-deps deps)))) (define (show-what-to-remove/install remove install dry-run?) ;; Tell the user what's going to happen in high-level terms. ;; TODO: Report upgrades more clearly. (match remove (((name version _ path _) ..1) (let ((len (length name)) (remove (map (cut format #f " ~a-~a\t~a" <> <> <>) name version path))) (if dry-run? (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package would be removed:~% ~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages would be removed:~% ~{~a~%~}~%" len) remove) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package will be removed:~% ~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages will be removed:~% ~{~a~%~}~%" len) remove)))) (_ #f)) (match install (((name version output path _) ..1) (let ((len (length name)) (install (map (cut format #f " ~a-~a\t~a\t~a" <> <> <> <>) name version output path))) (if dry-run? (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package would be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages would be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) install) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package will be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages will be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) install)))) (_ #f))) (define current-generation-number (generation-number profile)) (define (display-and-delete number) (let ((generation (format #f "~a-~a-link" profile number))) (unless (zero? number) (format #t (_ "deleting ~a~%") generation) (delete-file generation)))) (define (delete-generation number) (let* ((previous-number (previous-generation-number profile number)) (previous-generation (format #f "~a-~a-link" profile previous-number))) (cond ((zero? number)) ; do not delete generation 0 ((and (= number current-generation-number) (not (file-exists? previous-generation))) (link-to-empty-profile previous-generation) (switch-to-previous-generation profile) (display-and-delete number)) ((= number current-generation-number) (roll-back profile) (display-and-delete number)) (else (display-and-delete number))))) ;; First roll back if asked to. (cond ((and (assoc-ref opts 'roll-back?) (not dry-run?)) (begin (roll-back profile) (process-actions (alist-delete 'roll-back? opts)))) ((and (assoc-ref opts 'delete-generations) (not dry-run?)) (filter-map (match-lambda (('delete-generations . pattern) (cond ((not (file-exists? profile)) ; XXX: race condition (leave (_ "profile '~a' does not exist~%") profile)) ((string-null? pattern) (let ((numbers (generation-numbers profile))) (if (equal? numbers '(0)) (exit 0) (for-each display-and-delete (delete current-generation-number numbers))))) ;; Do not delete the zeroth generation. ((equal? 0 (string->number pattern)) (exit 0)) ;; If PATTERN is a duration, match generations that are ;; older than the specified duration. ((matching-generations pattern profile #:duration-relation >) => (lambda (numbers) (if (null-list? numbers) (exit 1) (for-each delete-generation numbers)))) (else (leave (_ "invalid syntax: ~a~%") pattern))) (process-actions (alist-delete 'delete-generations opts))) (_ #f)) opts)) (else (let* ((installed (manifest-packages (profile-manifest profile))) (upgrade-regexps (filter-map (match-lambda (('upgrade . regexp) (make-regexp (or regexp ""))) (_ #f)) opts)) (upgrade (if (null? upgrade-regexps) '() (let ((newest (find-newest-available-packages))) (filter-map (match-lambda ((name version output path _) (and (any (cut regexp-exec <> name) upgrade-regexps) (upgradeable? name version path) (find-package name (or output "out")))) (_ #f)) installed)))) (install (append upgrade (filter-map (match-lambda (('install . (? package? p)) (package->tuple p)) (('install . (? store-path?)) #f) (('install . package) (find-package package)) (_ #f)) opts))) (drv (filter-map (match-lambda ((name version sub-drv (? package? package) (deps ...)) (check-package-freshness package) (package-derivation (%store) package)) (_ #f)) install)) (install* (append (filter-map (match-lambda (('install . (? package? p)) #f) (('install . (? store-path? path)) (let-values (((name version) (package-name->name+version (store-path-package-name path)))) `(,name ,version #f ,path ()))) (_ #f)) opts) (map (lambda (tuple drv) (match tuple ((name version sub-drv _ (deps ...)) (let ((output-path (derivation->output-path drv sub-drv))) `(,name ,version ,sub-drv ,output-path ,(canonicalize-deps deps)))))) install drv))) (remove (filter-map (match-lambda (('remove . package) package) (_ #f)) opts)) (remove* (filter-map (cut assoc <> installed) remove)) (packages (append install* (fold (lambda (package result) (match package ((name _ out _ ...) (filter (negate (cut same-package? <> name out)) result)))) (fold alist-delete installed remove) install*)))) (when (equal? profile %current-profile) (ensure-default-profile)) (show-what-to-remove/install remove* install* dry-run?) (show-what-to-build (%store) drv #:use-substitutes? (assoc-ref opts 'substitutes?) #:dry-run? dry-run?) (or dry-run? (and (build-derivations (%store) drv) (let* ((prof-drv (profile-derivation (%store) packages)) (prof (derivation->output-path prof-drv)) (old-drv (profile-derivation (%store) (manifest-packages (profile-manifest profile)))) (old-prof (derivation->output-path old-drv)) (number (generation-number profile)) ;; Always use NUMBER + 1 for the new profile, ;; possibly overwriting a "previous future ;; generation". (name (format #f "~a-~a-link" profile (+ 1 number)))) (if (string=? old-prof prof) (when (or (pair? install) (pair? remove)) (format (current-error-port) (_ "nothing to be done~%"))) (and (parameterize ((current-build-output-port ;; Output something when Guile ;; needs to be built. (if (or verbose? (guile-missing?)) (current-error-port) (%make-void-port "w")))) (build-derivations (%store) (list prof-drv))) (let ((count (length packages))) (switch-symlinks name prof) (switch-symlinks profile name) (format #t (N_ "~a package in profile~%" "~a packages in profile~%" count) count) (display-search-paths packages profile))))))))))) (define (process-query opts) ;; Process any query specified by OPTS. Return #t when a query was ;; actually processed, #f otherwise. (let ((profile (assoc-ref opts 'profile))) (match (assoc-ref opts 'query) (('list-generations pattern) (define (list-generation number) (unless (zero? number) (let ((header (format #f (_ "Generation ~a\t~a") number (date->string (time-utc->date (generation-time profile number)) "~b ~d ~Y ~T"))) (current (generation-number profile))) (if (= number current) (format #t (_ "~a\t(current)~%") header) (format #t "~a~%" header))) (for-each (match-lambda ((name version output location _) (format #t " ~a\t~a\t~a\t~a~%" name version output location))) ;; Show most recently installed packages last. (reverse (manifest-packages (profile-manifest (format #f "~a-~a-link" profile number))))) (newline))) (cond ((not (file-exists? profile)) ; XXX: race condition (leave (_ "profile '~a' does not exist~%") profile)) ((string-null? pattern) (let ((numbers (generation-numbers profile))) (if (equal? numbers '(0)) (exit 0) (for-each list-generation numbers)))) ((matching-generations pattern profile) => (lambda (numbers) (if (null-list? numbers) (exit 1) (for-each list-generation numbers)))) (else (leave (_ "invalid syntax: ~a~%") pattern))) #t) (('list-installed regexp) (let* ((regexp (and regexp (make-regexp regexp))) (manifest (profile-manifest profile)) (installed (manifest-packages manifest))) (for-each (match-lambda ((name version output path _) (when (or (not regexp) (regexp-exec regexp name)) (format #t "~a\t~a\t~a\t~a~%" name (or version "?") output path)))) ;; Show most recently installed packages last. (reverse installed)) #t)) (('list-available regexp) (let* ((regexp (and regexp (make-regexp regexp))) (available (fold-packages (lambda (p r) (let ((n (package-name p))) (if regexp (if (regexp-exec regexp n) (cons p r) r) (cons p r)))) '()))) (for-each (lambda (p) (format #t "~a\t~a\t~a\t~a~%" (package-name p) (package-version p) (string-join (package-outputs p) ",") (location->string (package-location p)))) (sort available (lambda (p1 p2) (stringrecutils <> (current-output-port)) (find-packages-by-description regexp)) #t)) (('search-paths) (let* ((manifest (profile-manifest profile)) (packages (manifest-packages manifest)) (settings (search-path-environment-variables packages profile (const #f)))) (format #t "~{~a~%~}" settings) #t)) (_ #f)))) (let ((opts (parse-options))) (or (process-query opts) (with-error-handling (parameterize ((%store (open-connection))) (set-build-options (%store) #:fallback? (assoc-ref opts 'fallback?) #:use-substitutes? (assoc-ref opts 'substitutes?) #:max-silent-time (assoc-ref opts 'max-silent-time)) (parameterize ((%guile-for-build (package-derivation (%store) (if (assoc-ref opts 'bootstrap?) %bootstrap-guile guile-final)))) (process-actions opts)))))))