;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:
;;; This script updates package definitions so they use the "simplified" style
;;; for input lists, as in:
;;;  (package
;;;    ;; ...
;;;    (inputs (list foo bar baz)))
;;; Code:

(define-module (guix scripts style)
  #:autoload   (gnu packages) (specification->package fold-packages)
  #:use-module (guix scripts)
  #:use-module ((guix scripts build) #:select (%standard-build-options))
  #:use-module (guix combinators)
  #:use-module (guix ui)
  #:use-module (guix packages)
  #:use-module (guix utils)
  #:use-module (guix i18n)
  #:use-module (guix diagnostics)
  #:use-module (guix read-print)
  #:use-module (ice-9 control)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-37)
  #:export (guix-style))

;;; Simplifying input expressions.

(define (label-matches? label name)
  "Return true if LABEL matches NAME, a package name."
  (or (string=? label name)
      (and (string-prefix? "python-" label)
           (string-prefix? "python2-" name)
           (string=? (string-drop label (string-length "python-"))
                     (string-drop name (string-length "python2-"))))))

(define* (simplify-inputs location package str inputs
                          #:key (label-matches? label-matches?))
  "Simplify the inputs field of PACKAGE (a string) at LOCATION; its current
value is INPUTS the corresponding source code is STR.  Return a string to
replace STR."
  (define (simplify-input-expression return)
      ((label ('unquote symbol)) symbol)
      ((label ('unquote symbol) output)
       (list 'quasiquote
             (list (list 'unquote symbol) output)))
       ;; Expression doesn't look like a simple input.
       (warning location (G_ "~a: complex expression, \
bailing out~%")
       (return str))))

  (define (simplify-input exp input return)
    (define package* package)

    (match input
      ((or ((? string? label) (? package? package))
           ((? string? label) (? package? package)
            (? string?)))
       ;; If LABEL doesn't match PACKAGE's name, then simplifying would incur
       ;; a rebuild, and perhaps it would break build-side code relying on
       ;; this specific label.
       (if (label-matches? label (package-name package))
           ((simplify-input-expression return) exp)
             (warning location (G_ "~a: input label \
'~a' does not match package name, bailing out~%")
                      package* label)
             (return str))))
       (warning location (G_ "~a: non-trivial input, \
bailing out~%")
       (return str))))

  (define (simplify-expressions exp inputs return)
    ;; Simplify the expressions in EXP, which correspond to INPUTS, and return
    ;; a list of expressions.  Call RETURN with a string when bailing out.
    (let loop ((result '())
               (exp exp)
               (inputs inputs))
      (match exp
        (((? blank? head) . rest)
         (loop (cons head result) rest inputs))
        ((head . rest)
         (match inputs
           ((input . inputs)
            ;; HEAD (an sexp) and INPUT (an input tuple) are correlated.
            (loop (cons (simplify-input head input return) result)
                  rest inputs))
            ;; If EXP and INPUTS have a different length, that
            ;; means EXP is a non-trivial input list, for example
            ;; with input-splicing, conditionals, etc.
            (warning location (G_ "~a: input expression is too short~%")
            (return str))))
         ;; It's possible for EXP to contain fewer elements than INPUTS, for
         ;; example in the case of input splicing.  No bailout here.  (XXX)
         (reverse result)))))

  (define inputs-exp
    (call-with-input-string str read-with-comments))

  (match inputs-exp
    (('list _ ...)                                ;already done
    (('modify-inputs _ ...)                       ;already done
    (('quasiquote                                 ;prepending inputs
      (exp ...
            ((and symbol (or 'package-inputs 'package-native-inputs
     (let/ec return
        (let ((things (simplify-expressions exp inputs return)))
          `(modify-inputs (,symbol ,arg)
                          (prepend ,@things)))
        (location-column location))))
    (('quasiquote                                 ;replacing an input
      ((and exp ((? string? to-delete) ('unquote replacement)))
        ('alist-delete (? string? to-delete)
                       ((and symbol
                             (or 'package-inputs 'package-native-inputs
     (let/ec return
        (let ((things (simplify-expressions (list exp)
                                            (list (car inputs))
          `(modify-inputs (,symbol ,arg)
                          (replace ,to-delete ,replacement)))
        (location-column location))))

    (('quasiquote                                 ;removing an input
      (exp ...
            ('alist-delete (? string? to-delete)
                           ((and symbol
                                 (or 'package-inputs 'package-native-inputs
     (let/ec return
        (let ((things (simplify-expressions exp inputs return)))
          `(modify-inputs (,symbol ,arg)
                          (delete ,to-delete)
                          (prepend ,@things)))
        (location-column location))))
    (('fold 'alist-delete                         ;removing several inputs
            ((and symbol
                  (or 'package-inputs 'package-native-inputs
            ('quote ((? string? to-delete) ...)))
      `(modify-inputs (,symbol ,arg)
                      (delete ,@to-delete))
      (location-column location)))
    (('quasiquote                    ;removing several inputs and adding others
      (exp ...
            ('fold 'alist-delete
                   ((and symbol
                         (or 'package-inputs 'package-native-inputs
                   ('quote ((? string? to-delete) ...))))))
     (let/ec return
        (let ((things (simplify-expressions exp inputs return)))
          `(modify-inputs (,symbol ,arg)
                          (delete ,@to-delete)
                          (prepend ,@things)))
        (location-column location))))
    (('quasiquote (exp ...))
     (let/ec return
        `(list ,@(simplify-expressions exp inputs return))
        (location-column location))))
     (warning location (G_ "~a: unsupported input style, \
bailing out~%")

(define (edit-expression/dry-run properties rewrite-string)
  "Like 'edit-expression' but display what would be edited without actually
doing it."
  (edit-expression properties
                   (lambda (str)
                     (unless (string=? (rewrite-string str) str)
                       (info (source-properties->location properties)
                             (G_ "would be edited~%")))

(define (absolute-location loc)
  "Replace the file name in LOC by an absolute location."
  (location (if (string-prefix? "/" (location-file loc))
                (location-file loc)

                ;; 'search-path' might return #f in obscure cases, such as
                ;; when %LOAD-PATH includes "." or ".." and LOC comes from a
                ;; file in a subdirectory thereof.
                (match (search-path %load-path (location-file loc))
                   (raise (formatted-message
                           (G_ "file '~a' not found on load path")
                           (location-file loc))))
                  (str str)))
            (location-line loc)
            (location-column loc)))

(define* (simplify-package-inputs package
                                  #:key (policy 'silent)
                                  (edit-expression edit-expression))
  "Edit the source code of PACKAGE to simplify its inputs field if needed.
POLICY is a symbol that defines whether to simplify inputs; it can one of
'silent (change only if the resulting derivation is the same), 'safe (change
only if semantics are known to be unaffected), and 'always (fearlessly
simplify inputs!).  Call EDIT-EXPRESSION to actually edit the source of
  (for-each (lambda (field-name field)
              (match (field package)
                 (match (package-field-location package field-name)
                    ;; If the location of FIELD-NAME is not found, it may be
                    ;; that PACKAGE inherits from another package.
                     (location->source-properties (absolute-location location))
                     (lambda (str)
                       (define matches?
                         (match policy
                            ;; Simplify inputs only when the label matches
                            ;; perfectly, such that the resulting derivation
                            ;; is unchanged.
                            ;; If PACKAGE has no arguments, labels are known
                            ;; to have no effect: this is a "safe" change, but
                            ;; it may change the derivation.
                            (if (null? (package-arguments package))
                                (const #t)
                            ;; Assume it's gonna be alright.
                            (const #t))))

                       (simplify-inputs location
                                        (package-name package)
                                        str inputs
                                        #:label-matches? matches?))))))))
            '(inputs native-inputs propagated-inputs)
            (list package-inputs package-native-inputs

;;; Formatting package definitions.

(define* (format-package-definition package
                                    #:key policy
                                    (edit-expression edit-expression))
  "Reformat the definition of PACKAGE."
  (unless (package-definition-location package)
    (leave (package-location package)
           (G_ "no definition location for package ~a~%")
           (package-full-name package)))

    (absolute-location (package-definition-location package)))
   (lambda (str)
     (let ((exp (call-with-input-string str
       (object->string* exp
                         (package-definition-location package))
                        #:format-comment canonicalize-comment
                        #:format-vertical-space canonicalize-vertical-space)))))

(define (package-location<? p1 p2)
  "Return true if P1's location is \"before\" P2's."
  (let ((loc1 (package-location p1))
        (loc2 (package-location p2)))
    (and loc1 loc2
         (if (string=? (location-file loc1) (location-file loc2))
             (< (location-line loc1) (location-line loc2))
             (string<? (location-file loc1) (location-file loc2))))))

;;; Whole-file formatting.

(define* (format-whole-file file #:rest rest)
  "Reformat all of FILE."
  (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8"))
    (let ((lst (call-with-input-file file read-with-comments/sequence
                                     #:guess-encoding #t)))
      (with-atomic-file-output file
        (lambda (port)
          (apply pretty-print-with-comments/splice port lst
                 #:format-comment canonicalize-comment
                 #:format-vertical-space canonicalize-vertical-space

;;; Options.

(define %options
  ;; Specification of the command-line options.
  (list (find (lambda (option)
                (member "load-path" (option-names option)))

        (option '(#\n "dry-run") #f #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons 'dry-run? #t result)))
        (option '(#\e "expression") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons 'expression arg result)))
        (option '(#\f "whole-file") #f #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons 'whole-file? #t result)))
        (option '(#\S "styling") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons 'styling-procedure
                              (match arg
                                ("inputs" simplify-package-inputs)
                                ("format" format-package-definition)
                                (_ (leave (G_ "~a: unknown styling~%")
        (option '("input-simplification") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (let ((symbol (string->symbol arg)))
                    (unless (memq symbol '(silent safe always))
                      (leave (G_ "~a: invalid input simplification policy~%")
                    (alist-cons 'input-simplification-policy symbol

        (option '(#\h "help") #f #f
                (lambda args
                  (exit 0)))
        (option '(#\l "list-stylings") #f #f
                (lambda args
                  (exit 0)))
        (option '(#\V "version") #f #f
                (lambda args
                  (show-version-and-exit "guix style")))))

(define (show-stylings)
  (display (G_ "Available styling rules:\n"))
  (display (G_ "- format: Format the given package definition(s)\n"))
  (display (G_ "- inputs: Rewrite package inputs to the “new style”\n")))

(define (show-help)
  (display (G_ "Usage: guix style [OPTION]... [PACKAGE]...
Update package definitions to the latest style.\n"))
  (display (G_ "
  -S, --styling=RULE     apply RULE, a styling rule"))
  (display (G_ "
  -l, --list-stylings   display the list of available style rules"))
  (display (G_ "
  -n, --dry-run          display files that would be edited but do nothing"))
  (display (G_ "
  -L, --load-path=DIR    prepend DIR to the package module search path"))
  (display (G_ "
  -e, --expression=EXPR  consider the package EXPR evaluates to"))
  (display (G_ "
                         follow POLICY for package input simplification, one
                         of 'silent', 'safe', or 'always'"))
  (display (G_ "
  -f, --whole-file       format the entire contents of the given file(s)"))
  (display (G_ "
  -h, --help             display this help and exit"))
  (display (G_ "
  -V, --version          display version information and exit"))

(define %default-options
  ;; Alist of default option values.
  `((input-simplification-policy . silent)
    (styling-procedure . ,format-package-definition)))

;;; Entry point.

(define-command (guix-style . args)
  (category packaging)
  (synopsis "update the style of package definitions")

  (define (parse-options)
    ;; Return the alist of option values.
    (parse-command-line args %options (list %default-options)
                        #:build-options? #f))

  (let* ((opts     (parse-options))
         (edit     (if (assoc-ref opts 'dry-run?)
         (style    (assoc-ref opts 'styling-procedure))
         (policy   (assoc-ref opts 'input-simplification-policy)))
      (if (assoc-ref opts 'whole-file?)
          (let ((files (filter-map (match-lambda
                                     (('argument . file) file)
                                     (_ #f))
            (unless (eq? format-package-definition style)
              (warning (G_ "'--styling' option has no effect in whole-file mode~%")))
            (for-each format-whole-file files))
          (let ((packages (filter-map (match-lambda
                                        (('argument . spec)
                                         (specification->package spec))
                                        (('expression . str)
                                         (read/eval str))
                                        (_ #f))
            (for-each (lambda (package)
                        (style package #:policy policy
                               #:edit-expression edit))
                      ;; Sort package by source code location so that we start
                      ;; editing files from the bottom and going upward.  That
                      ;; way, the 'location' field of <package> records is not
                      ;; invalidated as we modify files.
                      (sort (if (null? packages)
                                (fold-packages cons '() #:select? (const #t))
                            (negate package-location<?))))))))