# The prefix on GUIX is not the default one — it is /etc . table aliases file:/etc/aliases # The mail certificates are issued by Let‘s Encrypt and served by NGINX pki marekpasnikowski.pl cert "/etc/letsencrypt/live/marekpasnikowski.pl/fullchain.pem" pki marekpasnikowski.pl key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/marekpasnikowski.pl/privkey.pem" # Listen for local messages. listen on lo # Listen for messages from the internet. listen on enp1s0 tls port 25 pki "marekpasnikowski.pl" listen on enp1s0 smtps port 465 pki "marekpasnikowski.pl" # There is no filtering in the design, so the two actions are enough. action receive maildir alias action send relay # Match incoming messages. match from local for local action receive match from any for domain "marekpasnikowski.pl" action receive # Match outgoing messages. match for any action send