diff options
authorLeon Rische <>2020-11-11 11:39:44 +0100
committerLeon Rische <>2020-11-11 11:39:44 +0100
commite1e1d0e5ac6a20a487f376e76acbf45a2dbb32b8 (patch)
parent38388d98600618ab053ed22e882ca095bf02d927 (diff)
Extract dashboard code
3 files changed, 286 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ce00d03..d27ebf5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,8 +6,15 @@ In case a update to the org sources is needed, I'll add a changelog
entry with updating instructions.
** [2020-11-11 Wed]
+*** Added
The dashboard now includes a forecast of how many cards will be due
during the next day, week (+7 days) or month (+30 days).
+*** Changed
+- All dashboard functions were extracted to a separate file
+- ~org-fc-stats~ was renamed to ~org-fc-dashboard-stats~
+- ~org-fc--hashtable-to-alist~ was renamed to ~org-fc-dashboard--hashtable-to-alist~
+- ~org-fc-context-dashboard~ was renamed to ~org-fc-dashboard-context~
+- ~org-fc-review-dashboard-context~ was renamed to ~org-fc-dashboard-review~
** [2020-09-09 Wed]
Org-fc now supports nested flashcards.
diff --git a/org-fc-dashboard.el b/org-fc-dashboard.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9d593c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org-fc-dashboard.el
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+;;; org-fc-dashboard.el --- Dashboard buffer for org-fc -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2020 Leon Rische
+;; Author: Leon Rische <>
+;; Url:
+;; Package-requires: ((emacs "26.3") (org "9.3"))
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The dashboard shows an overview over all cards in the system (or in
+;; the current context.
+;;; Code:
+;;; Customization
+(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-width 400
+ "Width of the svg generated to display review statistics."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'org-fc)
+(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-height 20
+ "Height of the svg generated to display review statistics."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'org-fc)
+(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart-width 40
+ "Width of the text-bar chart used to display review statistics.
+This is only used org-fc is run in a non-graphic display
+environment without svg support."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'org-fc)
+(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-buffer-name "*org-fc Dashboard*"
+ "Name of the buffer to use for displaying the dashboard view."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'org-fc)
+;;; Variables
+(defvar org-fc-dashboard-context org-fc-context-all
+ "Context of the current dashboard view.")
+;;; Helper Functions
+(defun org-fc-dashboard--hashtable-to-alist (ht)
+ "Convert a hash-table HT to an alist."
+ (let (res)
+ (dolist (key (hash-table-keys ht))
+ (push (cons key (gethash key ht)) res))
+ res))
+;;; Stats
+(defun org-fc-dashboard-stats (index)
+ "Compute statistics for an INDEX of cards and positions."
+ (let* ((total 0) (suspended 0)
+ (by-type (make-hash-table))
+ (avg-ease 0.0) (avg-box 0.0) (avg-interval 0.0)
+ (n-pos 0) (n-due 0)
+ ;; NOTE: This has to use `list' so incf + getf works as
+ ;; expected
+ (created (list :day 0 :week 0 :month 0))
+ (due (list :now 0 :day 0 :week 0 :month 0))
+ (now (current-time))
+ (minus-day (time-subtract now (* 24 60 60)))
+ (minus-week (time-subtract now (* 7 24 60 60)))
+ (minus-month (time-subtract now (* 30 24 60 60)))
+ (plus-day (time-add now (* 24 60 60)))
+ (plus-week (time-add now (* 7 24 60 60)))
+ (plus-month (time-add now (* 30 24 60 60))))
+ (dolist (card index)
+ (cl-incf total 1)
+ (if (plist-get card :suspended)
+ (cl-incf suspended 1)
+ (let ((card-created (plist-get card :created)))
+ (if (time-less-p minus-day card-created)
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf created :day) 1))
+ (if (time-less-p minus-week card-created)
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf created :week) 1))
+ (if (time-less-p minus-month card-created)
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf created :month) 1))
+ (dolist (pos (plist-get card :positions))
+ (cl-incf n-pos 1)
+ (let ((pos-due (plist-get pos :due)))
+ (if (time-less-p pos-due now)
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf due :now) 1))
+ (if (time-less-p pos-due plus-day)
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf due :day) 1))
+ (if (time-less-p pos-due plus-week)
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf due :week) 1))
+ (if (time-less-p pos-due plus-month)
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf due :month) 1)))
+ (cl-incf avg-ease (plist-get pos :ease))
+ (cl-incf avg-box (plist-get pos :box))
+ (cl-incf avg-interval (plist-get pos :interval)))))
+ (cl-incf (gethash (plist-get card :type) by-type 0) 1))
+ (list :total total
+ :suspended suspended
+ :due due
+ :by-type (org-fc-dashboard--hashtable-to-alist by-type)
+ :created created
+ :avg-ease (/ avg-ease n-pos)
+ :avg-box (/ avg-box n-pos)
+ :avg-interval (/ avg-interval n-pos))))
+;;; Bar Chart Generation
+(defun org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart (stat)
+ "Generate a svg bar-chart for the plist STAT."
+ (let* ((width org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-width)
+ (height org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-height)
+ (fontsize (floor (* height 0.6)))
+ (total (float (plist-get stat :total)))
+ (pos 0)
+ (values
+ `((,(/ (plist-get stat :again) total) . "red")
+ (,(/ (plist-get stat :hard) total) . "yellow")
+ (,(/ (plist-get stat :good) total) . "green")
+ (,(/ (plist-get stat :easy) total) . "darkgreen")))
+ (svg (svg-create width height)))
+ (dolist (value values)
+ (svg-rectangle svg pos 0 (* width (car value)) height :fill (cdr value))
+ (if (> (* width (car value)) (* 2 fontsize))
+ (svg-text svg (format "%.1f" (* 100 (car value)))
+ :font-size fontsize
+ :fill "white"
+ :font-weight "bold"
+ :font-family "sans-serif"
+ :x (+ pos 5)
+ :y (+ fontsize (floor (- height fontsize) 2))))
+ (setq pos (+ pos (* width (car value)))))
+ (svg-image svg)))
+(defun org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart (stat)
+ "Generate a text bar-chart for the plist STAT."
+ (cl-flet ((colored-bar (length color)
+ (propertize
+ (make-string length ?\s)
+ 'font-lock-face `(:background ,color))))
+ (let* ((width org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart-width)
+ (total (float (plist-get stat :total)))
+ (again (floor (* width (/ (plist-get stat :again) total))))
+ (hard (floor (* width (/ (plist-get stat :hard) total))))
+ (good (floor (* width (/ (plist-get stat :good) total))))
+ ;; Make sure to use the total width
+ (easy (- width again hard good)))
+ (concat
+ (colored-bar again "red")
+ (colored-bar hard "yellow")
+ (colored-bar good "green")
+ (colored-bar easy "blue")))))
+;;; Main View
+;; Based on `mu4e-main-view-real'
+(defun org-fc-dashboard-view (context)
+ "Show the dashboard view for CONTEXT in the current buffer."
+ (let* ((buf (get-buffer-create org-fc-dashboard-buffer-name))
+ (inhibit-read-only t)
+ (index (org-fc-index context))
+ (stats (org-fc-dashboard-stats index))
+ (created-stats (plist-get stats :created))
+ (due-stats (plist-get stats :due))
+ (reviews-stats (org-fc-awk-stats-reviews)))
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert
+ (propertize "Card Statistics\n\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
+ (insert (format " New: %d (day) %d (week) %d (month) \n"
+ (plist-get created-stats :day)
+ (plist-get created-stats :week)
+ (plist-get created-stats :month)))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (insert (format
+ " %6d Cards, %d suspended\n"
+ (plist-get stats :total)
+ (plist-get stats :suspended)))
+ (dolist (pair (plist-get stats :by-type))
+ (insert (format " %6d %s\n" (cdr pair) (car pair))))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (insert
+ (propertize "Position Statistics\n\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
+ (insert (format " Due: %d (now) %d (day) %d (week) %d (month)\n\n"
+ (plist-get due-stats :now)
+ (plist-get due-stats :day)
+ (plist-get due-stats :week)
+ (plist-get due-stats :month)))
+ (dolist (position '((:avg-ease . "Avg. Ease")
+ (:avg-box . "Avg. Box")
+ (:avg-interval . "Avg. Interval (days)")))
+ (insert
+ (format " %6.2f %s\n"
+ (plist-get stats (car position))
+ (cdr position))))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (when reviews-stats
+ (insert
+ (propertize "Review Statistics (All Cards)\n\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
+ (dolist (scope '((:day . "Day")
+ (:week . "Week")
+ (:month . "Month")
+ (:all . "All")))
+ (when-let (stat (plist-get reviews-stats (car scope)))
+ (when (> (plist-get stat :total) 0)
+ (insert " ")
+ (if (and (display-graphic-p)
+ (memq 'svg (and (boundp 'image-types) image-types)))
+ (insert-image (org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart stat))
+ (insert (org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart stat)))
+ (insert (propertize (format " %s (%d)\n\n" (cdr scope) (plist-get stat :total)) 'face 'org-level-1))
+ )))
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (insert
+ (propertize "[r] Review\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
+ (insert
+ (propertize "[q] Quit\n" 'face 'org-level-1)))))
+;;; Dashboard Mode
+(defun org-fc-dashboard-review ()
+ "Review the context of the current dashboard."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review org-fc-dashboard-context))
+(defvar org-fc-dashboard-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "r") 'org-fc-dashboard-review)
+ (define-key map (kbd "q") 'quit-window)
+ (define-key map (kbd "G") 'org-fc-dashboard-view)
+ map))
+(define-derived-mode org-fc-dashboard-mode special-mode "org-fc main"
+ "Major mode providing an overview of the flashcard system"
+ (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) #'org-fc-dashboard-view)
+ (setq-local cursor-type nil))
+(defun org-fc-dashboard (context)
+ "Open a buffer showing the dashboard view for CONTEXT."
+ (interactive (list (org-fc-select-context)))
+ (setq org-fc-context-dashboard context)
+ (org-fc-dashboard-view context)
+ (switch-to-buffer org-fc-dashboard-buffer-name)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (org-fc-dashboard-mode))
+;;; Footer
+(provide 'org-fc-dashboard)
+;;; org-fc-dashboard.el ends here
diff --git a/org-fc.el b/org-fc.el
index 4c7f785..50f8986 100644
--- a/org-fc.el
+++ b/org-fc.el
@@ -121,30 +121,6 @@ types."
:type 'integer
:group 'org-fc)
-;;;; Dashboard
-(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-width 400
- "Width of the svg generated to display review statistics."
- :type 'integer
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-height 20
- "Height of the svg generated to display review statistics."
- :type 'integer
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart-width 40
- "Width of the text-bar chart used to display review statistics.
-This is only used org-fc is run in a non-graphic display
-environment without svg support."
- :type 'integer
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-dashboard-buffer-name "*org-fc Main*"
- "Name of the buffer to use for displaying the dashboard view."
- :type 'string
- :group 'org-fc)
;;;; Spacing Parameters
(defcustom org-fc-algorithm 'sm2-v1
@@ -1240,8 +1216,6 @@ removed."
"Default context for all cards.")
(defvar org-fc-context-buffer '(:paths buffer)
"Default context for the current buffer.")
-(defvar org-fc-context-dashboard org-fc-context-all
- "Context of the current dashboard view.")
(defun org-fc-contexts ()
"List of all contexts."
@@ -1305,11 +1279,6 @@ Valid contexts:
(org-fc-review org-fc-context-all))
-(defun org-fc-review-dashboard-context ()
- "Review the context of the current dashboard."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review org-fc-context-dashboard))
(defun org-fc-review-next-card (&optional resuming)
"Review the next card of the current session.
If RESUMING is non-nil, some parts of the buffer setup are skipped."
@@ -1528,210 +1497,7 @@ Pauses the review, unnarrows the buffer and activates
;;; Dashboard
-(defun org-fc--hashtable-to-alist (ht)
- "Convert a hash-table HT to an alist."
- (let (res)
- (dolist (key (hash-table-keys ht))
- (push (cons key (gethash key ht)) res))
- res))
-(defun org-fc-stats (index)
- "Compute statistics for an INDEX of cards and positions."
- (let* ((total 0) (suspended 0)
- (by-type (make-hash-table))
- (avg-ease 0.0) (avg-box 0.0) (avg-interval 0.0)
- (n-pos 0) (n-due 0)
- ;; NOTE: This has to use `list' so incf + getf works as
- ;; expected
- (created (list :day 0 :week 0 :month 0))
- (due (list :now 0 :day 0 :week 0 :month 0))
- (now (current-time))
- (minus-day (time-subtract now (* 24 60 60)))
- (minus-week (time-subtract now (* 7 24 60 60)))
- (minus-month (time-subtract now (* 30 24 60 60)))
- (plus-day (time-add now (* 24 60 60)))
- (plus-week (time-add now (* 7 24 60 60)))
- (plus-month (time-add now (* 30 24 60 60))))
- (dolist (card index)
- (cl-incf total 1)
- (if (plist-get card :suspended)
- (cl-incf suspended 1)
- (let ((card-created (plist-get card :created)))
- (if (time-less-p minus-day card-created)
- (cl-incf (cl-getf created :day) 1))
- (if (time-less-p minus-week card-created)
- (cl-incf (cl-getf created :week) 1))
- (if (time-less-p minus-month card-created)
- (cl-incf (cl-getf created :month) 1))
- (dolist (pos (plist-get card :positions))
- (cl-incf n-pos 1)
- (let ((pos-due (plist-get pos :due)))
- (if (time-less-p pos-due now)
- (cl-incf (cl-getf due :now) 1))
- (if (time-less-p pos-due plus-day)
- (cl-incf (cl-getf due :day) 1))
- (if (time-less-p pos-due plus-week)
- (cl-incf (cl-getf due :week) 1))
- (if (time-less-p pos-due plus-month)
- (cl-incf (cl-getf due :month) 1)))
- (cl-incf avg-ease (plist-get pos :ease))
- (cl-incf avg-box (plist-get pos :box))
- (cl-incf avg-interval (plist-get pos :interval)))))
- (cl-incf (gethash (plist-get card :type) by-type 0) 1))
- (list :total total
- :suspended suspended
- :due due
- :by-type (org-fc--hashtable-to-alist by-type)
- :created created
- :avg-ease (/ avg-ease n-pos)
- :avg-box (/ avg-box n-pos)
- :avg-interval (/ avg-interval n-pos))))
-;;;; Bar Chart Generation
-(defun org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart (stat)
- "Generate a svg bar-chart for the plist STAT."
- (let* ((width org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-width)
- (height org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart-height)
- (fontsize (floor (* height 0.6)))
- (total (float (plist-get stat :total)))
- (pos 0)
- (values
- `((,(/ (plist-get stat :again) total) . "red")
- (,(/ (plist-get stat :hard) total) . "yellow")
- (,(/ (plist-get stat :good) total) . "green")
- (,(/ (plist-get stat :easy) total) . "darkgreen")))
- (svg (svg-create width height)))
- (dolist (value values)
- (svg-rectangle svg pos 0 (* width (car value)) height :fill (cdr value))
- (if (> (* width (car value)) (* 2 fontsize))
- (svg-text svg (format "%.1f" (* 100 (car value)))
- :font-size fontsize
- :fill "white"
- :font-weight "bold"
- :font-family "sans-serif"
- :x (+ pos 5)
- :y (+ fontsize (floor (- height fontsize) 2))))
- (setq pos (+ pos (* width (car value)))))
- (svg-image svg)))
-(defun org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart (stat)
- "Generate a text bar-chart for the plist STAT."
- (cl-flet ((colored-bar (length color)
- (propertize
- (make-string length ?\s)
- 'font-lock-face `(:background ,color))))
- (let* ((width org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart-width)
- (total (float (plist-get stat :total)))
- (again (floor (* width (/ (plist-get stat :again) total))))
- (hard (floor (* width (/ (plist-get stat :hard) total))))
- (good (floor (* width (/ (plist-get stat :good) total))))
- ;; Make sure to use the total width
- (easy (- width again hard good)))
- (concat
- (colored-bar again "red")
- (colored-bar hard "yellow")
- (colored-bar good "green")
- (colored-bar easy "blue")))))
-;;;; Main View
-;; Based on `mu4e-main-view-real'
-(defun org-fc-dashboard-view (context)
- "Show the dashboard view for CONTEXT in the current buffer."
- (let* ((buf (get-buffer-create org-fc-dashboard-buffer-name))
- (inhibit-read-only t)
- (index (org-fc-index context))
- (stats (org-fc-stats index))
- (created-stats (plist-get stats :created))
- (due-stats (plist-get stats :due))
- (reviews-stats (org-fc-awk-stats-reviews)))
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert
- (propertize "Card Statistics\n\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
- (insert (format " New: %d (day) %d (week) %d (month) \n"
- (plist-get created-stats :day)
- (plist-get created-stats :week)
- (plist-get created-stats :month)))
- (insert "\n")
- (insert (format
- " %6d Cards, %d suspended\n"
- (plist-get stats :total)
- (plist-get stats :suspended)))
- (dolist (pair (plist-get stats :by-type))
- (insert (format " %6d %s\n" (cdr pair) (car pair))))
- (insert "\n")
- (insert
- (propertize "Position Statistics\n\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
- (insert (format " Due: %d (now) %d (day) %d (week) %d (month)\n\n"
- (plist-get due-stats :now)
- (plist-get due-stats :day)
- (plist-get due-stats :week)
- (plist-get due-stats :month)))
- (dolist (position '((:avg-ease . "Avg. Ease")
- (:avg-box . "Avg. Box")
- (:avg-interval . "Avg. Interval (days)")))
- (insert
- (format " %6.2f %s\n"
- (plist-get stats (car position))
- (cdr position))))
- (insert "\n")
- (when reviews-stats
- (insert
- (propertize "Review Statistics (All Cards)\n\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
- (dolist (scope '((:day . "Day")
- (:week . "Week")
- (:month . "Month")
- (:all . "All")))
- (when-let (stat (plist-get reviews-stats (car scope)))
- (when (> (plist-get stat :total) 0)
- (insert " ")
- (if (and (display-graphic-p)
- (memq 'svg (and (boundp 'image-types) image-types)))
- (insert-image (org-fc-dashboard-bar-chart stat))
- (insert (org-fc-dashboard-text-bar-chart stat)))
- (insert (propertize (format " %s (%d)\n\n" (cdr scope) (plist-get stat :total)) 'face 'org-level-1))
- )))
- (insert "\n"))
- (insert
- (propertize "[r] Review\n" 'face 'org-level-1))
- (insert
- (propertize "[q] Quit\n" 'face 'org-level-1)))))
-(defvar org-fc-dashboard-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "r") 'org-fc-review-dashboard-context)
- (define-key map (kbd "q") 'quit-window)
- (define-key map (kbd "G") 'org-fc-dashboard-view)
- map))
-(define-derived-mode org-fc-dashboard-mode special-mode "org-fc main"
- "Major mode providing an overview of the flashcard system"
- (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) #'org-fc-dashboard-view)
- (setq-local cursor-type nil))
-(defun org-fc-dashboard (context)
- "Open a buffer showing the dashboard view for CONTEXT."
- (interactive (list (org-fc-select-context)))
- (setq org-fc-context-dashboard context)
- (org-fc-dashboard-view context)
- (switch-to-buffer org-fc-dashboard-buffer-name)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (org-fc-dashboard-mode))
+(require 'org-fc-dashboard)
;;; Footer