path: root/org-fc-review.el
diff options
authorLeon Rische <>2020-01-11 15:24:56 +0100
committerLeon Rische <>2020-01-11 15:24:56 +0100
commit1c7838eb972ac365e648fc231620cb5f18a07788 (patch)
treed0a339cec50b9ecb468f2c7d380e3d3c37e85927 /org-fc-review.el
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'org-fc-review.el')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org-fc-review.el b/org-fc-review.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64b72d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org-fc-review.el
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+;;; Configuration
+(defcustom org-fc-review-data-drawer "REVIEW_DATA"
+ "Name of the drawer used to store review data."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'org-fc)
+;;; Session Management
+(defclass org-fc-review-session ()
+ ((current-item :initform nil)
+ (ratings :initform nil)
+ (cards :initform nil)))
+(defun org-fc-session-cards-pending-p (session)
+ (not (null (oref session cards))))
+(defun org-fc-session-pop-next-card (session)
+ (let ((card (pop (oref session cards))))
+ (setf (oref session current-item) card)
+ card))
+(defun org-fc-session-add-rating (session rating)
+ (push rating (oref session ratings)))
+(defun org-fc-session-stats-string (session)
+ (with-slots (ratings) session
+ (let ((len (length ratings)))
+ (if (plusp len)
+ (format "%.2f again, %.2f hard, %.2f good, %.2f easy"
+ (/ (* 100.0 (count 'again ratings)) len)
+ (/ (* 100.0 (count 'hard ratings)) len)
+ (/ (* 100.0 (count 'good ratings)) len)
+ (/ (* 100.0 (count 'easy ratings)) len))
+ "No ratings yet"))))
+(defvar org-fc-review--current-session nil
+ "Current review session.")
+;;; Helper Functions
+(defun org-fc-review-next-time (next-interval)
+ "Generate an org-mode timestamp NEXT-INTERVAL days from now"
+ (let ((seconds (* next-interval 60 60 24))
+ (now (time-to-seconds)))
+ (format-time-string
+ org-fc-timestamp-format
+ (seconds-to-time (+ now seconds))
+ "UTC0")))
+(defun org-fc-id-goto (id file)
+ "File-scoped variant of `org-id-goto'."
+ (let ((position (org-id-find-id-in-file id file)))
+ (if position
+ (goto-char (cdr position))
+ (error "ID %s not found in %s" id file))))
+;;; Reviewing Cards
+(defun org-fc-review--context (context)
+ (let* ((session (make-instance 'org-fc-review-session))
+ (cards (org-fc-due-positions context)))
+ (if org-fc-review--current-session
+ (message "Flashcards are already being reviewed")
+ (if (null cards)
+ (message "No cards due right now")
+ (progn
+ (setq org-fc-review--current-session session)
+ (setf (oref session cards) cards)
+ (org-fc-review-next-card))))))
+(defun org-fc-review-buffer ()
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review--context 'buffer))
+(defun org-fc-review-all ()
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review--context 'all))
+(defun org-fc-review-next-card ()
+ "Review the next card of the current session"
+ (if (org-fc-session-cards-pending-p org-fc-review--current-session)
+ (let* ((card (org-fc-session-pop-next-card org-fc-review--current-session))
+ (path (plist-get card :path))
+ (id (plist-get card :id))
+ (type (plist-get card :type))
+ (position (plist-get card :position)))
+ ;; TODO: org-id-goto already jumps to the file
+ ;; Check if buffer was already open,
+ ;; set flag in session (kill buffer?)
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file path)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (org-fc-id-goto id path)
+ (org-fc-show-all)
+ (org-fc-narrow-tree)
+ (org-fc-hide-drawers)
+ (org-fc-show-latex)
+ (outline-hide-subtree)
+ (funcall (org-fc-type-setup-fn type) position)))
+ (progn
+ (message "Review Done")
+ (setq org-fc-review--current-session nil)
+ (org-fc-show-all))))
+(defhydra org-fc-review-rate-hydra ()
+ "
+%(length (oref org-fc-review--current-session cards)) cards remaining
+%s(org-fc-session-stats-string org-fc-review--current-session)
+ ("a" (org-fc-review-rate-card 'again) "Rate as again" :exit t)
+ ("h" (org-fc-review-rate-card 'hard) "Rate as hard" :exit t)
+ ("g" (org-fc-review-rate-card 'good) "Rate as good" :exit t)
+ ("e" (org-fc-review-rate-card 'easy) "Rate as easy" :exit t)
+ ("q" org-fc-review-quit "Quit" :exit t))
+(defhydra org-fc-review-flip-hydra ()
+ "
+%(length (oref org-fc-review--current-session cards)) cards remaining
+%s(org-fc-session-stats-string org-fc-review--current-session)
+ ("RET" org-fc-review-flip "Flip" :exit t)
+ ;; Neo-Layout ergonomics
+ ("n" org-fc-review-flip "Flip" :exit t)
+ ("q" org-fc-review-quit "Quit" :exit t))
+(defmacro org-fc-review-with-current-item (var &rest body)
+ "Helper macro for functions that work with the current item of
+a review session."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ `(if org-fc-review--current-session
+ (-if-let (,var (oref org-fc-review--current-session current-item))
+ (if (string= (plist-get ,var :id) (org-id-get))
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (message "Flashcard ID mismatch"))
+ (message "No flashcard review is in progress"))))
+(defun org-fc-review-flip ()
+ "Flip the current flashcard"
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-with-current-item card
+ (let ((type (plist-get card :type)))
+ (funcall (org-fc-type-flip-fn type)))))
+;; TODO: Remove -card suffix
+(defun org-fc-review-rate-card (rating)
+ "Rate the card at point if it has the same id as the current
+ card of the review session."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-with-current-item card
+ (let ((path (plist-get card :path))
+ (id (plist-get card :id))
+ (position (plist-get card :position)))
+ (org-fc-session-add-rating org-fc-review--current-session rating)
+ (org-fc-review-update-data path id position rating)
+ (save-buffer)
+ ;; TODO: Conditional kill
+ (kill-buffer)
+ (org-fc-review-next-card))))
+(defun org-fc-review-update-data (path id position rating)
+ (save-excursion
+ (org-fc-goto-entry-heading)
+ (let* ((data (org-fc-get-review-data))
+ (current (assoc position data #'string=)))
+ (unless current
+ (error "No review data found for this position"))
+ (let ((ease (string-to-number (second current)))
+ (box (string-to-number (third current)))
+ (interval (string-to-number (fourth current))))
+ (org-fc-review-history-add
+ (list
+ (org-fc-timestamp-now)
+ path
+ id
+ position
+ (format "%.2f" ease)
+ (format "%d" box)
+ (format "%.2f" interval)
+ (symbol-name rating)))
+ (destructuring-bind (next-ease next-box next-interval)
+ (org-fc-sm2-next-parameters ease box interval rating)
+ (setcdr
+ current
+ (list (format "%.2f" next-ease)
+ (number-to-string next-box)
+ (format "%.2f" next-interval)
+ (org-fc-review-next-time next-interval)))
+ (org-fc-set-review-data data))))))
+(defun org-fc-review-quit ()
+ "Quit the review, remove all overlays from the buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq org-fc-review--current-session nil)
+ (org-fc-show-all))
+;;; Writing Review History
+(defun org-fc-review-history-add (elements)
+ "Add ELEMENTS to the history csv file."
+ (unless (and (boundp 'org-fc-demo-mode) org-fc-demo-mode)
+ (append-to-file
+ (concat
+ (mapconcat #'identity elements "\t")
+ "\n")
+ nil
+ org-fc-review-history-file)))
+;;; Reading / Writing Review Data
+;; Based on `org-log-beginning'
+(defun org-fc-review-data-position (&optional create)
+ "Return (BEGINNING . END) points of the review data drawer.
+When optional argument CREATE is non-nil, the function creates a
+drawer, if necessary. Returned position ignores narrowing.
+BEGINNING is the start of the first line inside the drawer,
+END is the start of the line with :END: on it."
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (org-end-of-meta-data)
+ (let ((regexp (concat "^[ \t]*:" (regexp-quote org-fc-review-data-drawer) ":[ \t]*$"))
+ (end (if (org-at-heading-p) (point)
+ (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point))))
+ (case-fold-search t))
+ (catch 'exit
+ ;; Try to find existing drawer.
+ (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
+ (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
+ (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'drawer)
+ (throw 'exit
+ (cons (org-element-property :contents-begin element)
+ (org-element-property :contents-end element))))))
+ ;; No drawer found. Create one, if permitted.
+ (when create
+ (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (insert ":" org-fc-review-data-drawer ":\n:END:\n")
+ (org-indent-region beg (point)))
+ (cons
+ (line-beginning-position 0)
+ (line-beginning-position 0)))))))
+(defun org-fc-get-review-data ()
+ (let ((position (org-fc-review-data-position nil)))
+ (if position
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (car position))
+ (cddr (org-table-to-lisp))))))
+(defun org-fc-set-review-data (data)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((position (org-fc-review-data-position t)))
+ (kill-region (car position) (cdr position))
+ (goto-char (car position))
+ (insert "| position | ease | box | interval | due |\n")
+ (insert "|-|-|-|-|-|\n")
+ (loop for datum in data do
+ (insert
+ "| "
+ (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%s" x)) datum " | ")
+ " |\n"))
+ (org-table-align))))
+(defun org-fc-review-data-default (position)
+ (list position org-fc-sm2-initial-ease 0 0
+ (org-fc-timestamp-now)))
+(defun org-fc-review-data-update (positions)
+ "Update review data to POSITIONS.
+If a doesn't exist already, it is initialized with default
+values. Entries in the table not contained in POSITIONS are
+ (unless (and (boundp 'org-fc-demo-mode) org-fc-demo-mode)
+ (let ((old-data (org-fc-get-review-data)))
+ (org-fc-set-review-data
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (pos)
+ (or
+ (assoc pos old-data #'string=)
+ (org-fc-review-data-default pos)))
+ positions)))))
+;;; Exports
+(provide 'org-fc-review)