path: root/org-fc.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org-fc.el')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 666 deletions
diff --git a/org-fc.el b/org-fc.el
index 7c99049..1a03975 100644
--- a/org-fc.el
+++ b/org-fc.el
@@ -27,17 +27,24 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'eieio)
(require 'org-id)
-(require 'org-indent)
-(require 'org-element)
-(require 'outline)
(require 'parse-time)
(require 'subr-x)
-(require 'svg)
(require 'org-fc-compat)
+(require 'org-fc-awk)
+(require 'org-fc-cache)
+(require 'org-fc-algo-sm2)
+(require 'org-fc-dashboard)
+(require 'org-fc-review)
+(require 'org-fc-type-normal)
+(require 'org-fc-type-double)
+(require 'org-fc-type-text-input)
+(require 'org-fc-type-cloze)
;;; Customization
(defgroup org-fc nil
@@ -139,667 +146,6 @@ Does not apply to cloze single and cloze enumeration cards."
:type 'boolean
:group 'org-fc)
-;;;; Hooks
-(defcustom org-fc-before-setup-hook '()
- "Functions run before a card is set up for review."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-after-setup-hook '()
- "Functions run after a card is set up for review."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-after-flip-hook '()
- "Functions run after a card is flipped during review."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-before-review-hook '()
- "Functions run when a review session is started."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-after-review-hook '()
- "Functions run when a review session ends / is quit."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'org-fc)
-;;; Variables
-;; Not customizable because the indexers / filters expect ISO8601
-(defvar org-fc-timestamp-format "%FT%TZ"
- "Format to use for storing timestamps.
-Defaults to ISO8601")
-(defvar org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer nil
- "Track if the current buffer was open before the review.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer)
-(defvar org-fc-original-header-line-format nil
- "`header-line-format' before it was set by org-fc.")
-(defvar org-fc-timestamp nil
- "Time the last card was flipped.
-Used to calculate the time needed for reviewing a card.")
-;;; Helper Functions
-(defun org-fc-member-p (path)
- "Check if PATH is member of one of the `org-fc-directories'."
- (setq path (expand-file-name path))
- (and (string= (file-name-extension path) "org")
- (cl-some
- (lambda (dir) (string-prefix-p (expand-file-name dir) path))
- org-fc-directories)))
-(defun org-fc-noop ()
- "Noop-function.")
-(defun org-fc-timestamp-now ()
- "ISO8601 timestamp of the current time in the UTC timezone."
- (format-time-string org-fc-timestamp-format nil "UTC"))
-(defun org-fc-days-overdue (ts)
- "Number of days between now and the ISO8601 timestamp TS."
- (/ (- (time-to-seconds)
- (time-to-seconds (date-to-time ts)))
- (* 24 60 60)))
-(defun org-fc-show-latex ()
- "Show latex fragments of heading at point."
- (org-latex-preview 4))
-(defun org-fc-back-heading-position ()
- "Return point at the beginning of an entries 'Back' subheading.
-Return nil if there is no such heading.
-This is expected to be called on an card entry heading."
- (let ((found nil)
- (level (cl-first (org-heading-components))))
- (org-map-entries
- (lambda ()
- (when (let ((comps (org-heading-components)))
- (and
- (string= (cl-fifth comps) "Back")
- (= (cl-first comps) (1+ level))))
- (setq found (point))))
- t 'tree)
- found))
-(defun org-fc-has-back-heading-p ()
- "Check if the entry at point has a 'Back' subheading.
-Used to determine if a card uses the compact style."
- (not (null (org-fc-back-heading-position))))
-(defun org-fc-shuffle (list)
- "Randomize the order of elements in LIST.
-This mutates / destroys the input list."
- (sort list (lambda (_a _b) (< (cl-random 1.0) 0.5))))
-(defun org-fc-sorted-random (n)
- "Generate a list of N sorted random numbers."
- (sort (cl-loop for i below n collect (cl-random 1.0)) #'>))
-(defun org-fc-zip (as bs)
- "Zip two lists AS and BS."
- (cl-loop for a in as for b in bs collect (cons a b)))
-;; File-scoped variant of `org-id-goto'
-(defun org-fc-id-goto (id file)
- "Go to the heading with ID in FILE."
- (let ((position (org-id-find-id-in-file id file)))
- (if position
- (goto-char (cdr position))
- (error "ID %s not found in %s" id file))))
-(defun org-fc-timestamp-in (interval)
- "Generate an `org-mode' timestamp INTERVAL days from now."
- (let ((seconds (* interval 60 60 24))
- (now (time-to-seconds)))
- (format-time-string
- org-fc-timestamp-format
- (seconds-to-time (+ now seconds))
- "UTC0")))
-(defun org-fc-deemphasize (string)
- "Remove org emphasis markers from STRING.
-Returns a pair (marker . body)."
- (if (or (string-match org-emph-re string)
- (string-match org-verbatim-re string))
- (cons (match-string 3 string) (match-string 4 string))
- (cons nil string)))
-(defun org-fc-emphasize (string)
- "Apply org emphasis faces to STRING."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert string)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (org-do-emphasis-faces (point-max))
- (buffer-string)))
-(defun org-fc-indent ()
- "Run `org-indent' on the current headline.
-Usually org-indent runs with a delay, so when reviewing a card in
-a new file, the cards contents jump to the right (are indented)
-during the review. We can get around this by synchronously
-indenting the current heading."
- (if org-indent-mode
- (let ((el (org-element-at-point)))
- (org-indent-add-properties
- (org-element-property :begin el)
- (org-element-property :end el)))))
-(defmacro org-fc-with-point-at-entry (&rest body)
- "Execute BODY with point at the card heading.
-If point is not inside a flashcard entry, an error is raised."
- `(save-excursion
- (org-fc-goto-entry-heading)
- ,@body))
-(defmacro org-fc-with-point-at-back-heading (&rest body)
- "Execute BODY with point at the card's back heading.
-If point is not inside a flashcard entry, an error is raised."
- `(if-let ((pos (org-fc-back-heading-position)))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char pos)
- ,@body)))
-;;; Checking for / going to flashcard headings
-(defun org-fc-entry-p ()
- "Check if the current heading is a flashcard."
- (member org-fc-flashcard-tag (org-get-tags nil 'local)))
-(defun org-fc-suspended-entry-p ()
- "Check if the current heading is a suspended flashcard."
- (let ((tags (org-get-tags nil 'local)))
- (and (member org-fc-flashcard-tag tags)
- (member org-fc-suspended-tag tags))))
-(defun org-fc-part-of-entry-p ()
- "Check if the current heading belongs to a flashcard."
- (member org-fc-flashcard-tag (org-get-tags nil)))
-(defun org-fc-goto-entry-heading ()
- "Move up to the parent heading marked as a flashcard."
- (unless (org-fc-part-of-entry-p)
- (error "Not inside a flashcard entry"))
- (unless (org-at-heading-p)
- (org-back-to-heading))
- (while (not (org-fc-entry-p))
- (unless (org-up-heading-safe)
- (error "Cannot find a parent heading that is marked as a flashcard"))))
-;;; Adding / Removing Tags
-(defun org-fc--add-tag (tag)
- "Add TAG to the heading at point."
- (org-set-tags
- (cl-remove-duplicates
- (cons tag (org-get-tags nil 'local))
- :test #'string=)))
-(defun org-fc--remove-tag (tag)
- "Add TAG to the heading at point."
- (org-set-tags
- (remove tag (org-get-tags nil 'local))))
-;;; Card Indexing (AWK)
-(require 'org-fc-awk)
-;;; Card Initialization
-(defun org-fc--init-card (type)
- "Initialize the current card as a flashcard.
-Should only be used by the init functions of card TYPEs."
- (if (org-fc-entry-p)
- (error "Headline is already a flashcard"))
- (org-back-to-heading)
- (org-set-property
- org-fc-created-property
- (org-fc-timestamp-now))
- (org-set-property org-fc-type-property type)
- (org-id-get-create)
- (org-fc--add-tag org-fc-flashcard-tag))
-;;; Card Types
-;;;; Type Management
-(defvar org-fc-types '()
- "Alist for registering card types.
-Entries should be lists (name handler-fn update-fn).
-Use `org-fc-register-type' for adding card types.")
-(defun org-fc-register-type (name setup-fn flip-fn update-fn)
- "Register a new card type.
-Argument NAME Name of the new type.
-Argument SETUP-FN Function for initializing a new card of this type.
-Argument FLIP-FN Function for flipping a card during review.
-Argument UPDATE-FN Function to update a card when it's contents have changed."
- (push
- (list name setup-fn flip-fn update-fn)
- org-fc-types))
-(defun org-fc-type-setup-fn (type)
- "Get the review function for a card of TYPE."
- (let ((entry (alist-get type org-fc-types nil nil #'string=)))
- (if entry
- (cl-first entry)
- (error "No such flashcard type: %s" type))))
-(defun org-fc-type-flip-fn (type)
- "Get the flip function for a card of TYPE."
- (let ((entry (alist-get type org-fc-types nil nil #'string=)))
- (if entry
- (cl-second entry)
- (error "No such flashcard type: %s" type))))
-(defun org-fc-type-update-fn (type)
- "Get the update function for a card of TYPE."
- (let ((entry (alist-get type org-fc-types nil nil #'string=)))
- (if entry
- (cl-third entry)
- (error "No such flashcard type: %s" type))))
-(require 'org-fc-type-normal)
-(require 'org-fc-type-double)
-(require 'org-fc-type-text-input)
-(require 'org-fc-type-cloze)
-;;; Working with Overlays / Hiding Text
-;;;; Showing / Hiding Overlays
-(defun org-fc-remove-overlays ()
- "Remove all org-fc overlays in the current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) 'category 'org-fc))
-;; Based on `outline-flag-region'
-(defun org-fc-hide-region (from to &optional text face)
- "Hide region FROM ... TO, optionally replacing it with TEXT.
-FACE can be used to set the text face of the overlay, e.g. to
-make it bold."
- ;; (remove-overlays from to 'category 'org-fc)
- (let ((o (make-overlay from to nil 'front-advance)))
- (overlay-put o 'category 'org-fc)
- (overlay-put o 'evaporate t)
- (if face (overlay-put o 'face face))
- (if (stringp text)
- (progn
- (overlay-put o 'invisible nil)
- (overlay-put o 'display text))
- (overlay-put o 'invisible t))
- o))
-(defun org-fc-overlay-region (from to &optional face)
- "Wrap region FROM ... TO in an overlay for later hiding.
-FACE can be used to set the text face of the overlay."
- ;; (remove-overlays from to 'category 'org-fc)
- (let ((o (make-overlay from to)))
- (overlay-put o 'evaporate t)
- (if face (overlay-put o 'face face))
- (overlay-put o 'invisible nil)
- (overlay-put o 'category 'org-fc)
- o))
-(defun org-fc-make-overlay (begin end &rest props)
- "Create an overlay from BEGIN to END with PROPS."
- (let ((o (make-overlay begin end)))
- (overlay-put o 'category 'org-fc)
- (cl-loop for (prop value) on props by #'cddr do
- (overlay-put o prop value))
- o))
-(defun org-fc-overlay-surround (o before after &optional face)
- "Surround O with strings BEFORE and AFTER with optional FACE."
- (overlay-put o 'before-string (propertize before 'face face))
- (overlay-put o 'after-string (propertize after 'face face))
- o)
-;;;; Hiding Drawers
-(defun org-fc-hide-keyword-times ()
- "Hide all timestamp keywords (e.g. DEADLINE) after point."
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward org-keyword-time-regexp nil t)
- (let ((start (1- (match-beginning 0)))
- (end (match-end 0)))
- (org-fc-hide-region start end)))))
-(defun org-fc-hide-drawers ()
- "Hide all drawers except ones in `org-fc-drawer-whitelist' after point."
- (let ((bound (org-element-property :end (org-element-at-point))))
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward org-drawer-regexp bound t)
- (let ((start (1- (match-beginning 0)))
- (name (match-string 1))
- (end))
- (if (re-search-forward ":END:" bound t)
- (setq end (point))
- (error "No :END: found for drawer"))
- (if (member name org-fc-drawer-whitelist)
- (org-flag-drawer nil nil start end)
- (org-fc-hide-region start end)))))))
-;;;; Hiding Headings / Section Contents
-(defun org-fc-hide-heading (&optional text)
- "Hide the title of the headline at point.
-If TEXT is non-nil, the heading is replaced with TEXT."
- ;; Case sensitive search
- (let ((case-fold-search nil))
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (if (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
- (org-fc-hide-region (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4) (or text "..."))
- (error "Point is not on a heading")))))
-(defun org-fc-hide-content (&optional text)
- "Hide the main text of a heading *before* the first subheading.
-If TEXT is non-nil, the content is replaced with TEXT."
- (let (start end)
- (save-excursion
- (org-back-to-heading)
- (forward-line)
- (setq start (point)))
- (save-excursion
- (outline-next-heading)
- (setq end (point)))
- (org-fc-hide-region start end text)))
-;;;; Outline Trees
-(defcustom org-fc-narrow-visibility 'ancestors
- "Visibility of the current heading during review.
-See `org-show-set-visibility' for possible values"
- :group 'org-fc
- :type 'symbol
- :options '(ancestors lineage minimal local tree canonical))
-(defun org-fc-narrow ()
- "Narrow the outline tree.
-Only parent headings of the current heading remain visible."
- (interactive)
- (let* ((tags (org-get-tags nil 'local)))
- ;; Find the first heading with a :narrow: tag or the top level
- ;; ancestor of the current heading and narrow to its region
- (save-excursion
- (while (org-up-heading-safe))
- (org-narrow-to-subtree)
- (outline-hide-subtree))
- ;; Show only the ancestors of the current card
- (org-show-set-visibility org-fc-narrow-visibility)
- (if (member "noheading" tags) (org-fc-hide-heading))))
-;;; Updating Cards
-(defun org-fc-map-cards (fn &optional scope)
- "Call FN for each flashcard headline in SCOPE.
-FN is called with point at the headline and no arguments.
-If SCOPE is nil, it defaults to the full buffer.
-Other useful values are:
-- tree
-- region"
- (org-map-entries
- (lambda () (if (org-fc-entry-p) (funcall fn)))
- nil
- scope))
-(defun org-fc-update ()
- "Re-process the current flashcard."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-with-point-at-entry
- (let ((type (org-entry-get (point) "FC_TYPE")))
- (funcall (org-fc-type-update-fn type)))))
-(defun org-fc-update-all ()
- "Re-process all flashcards in the current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-map-cards 'org-fc-update))
-;;; Suspending / Unsuspending Cards
-(defun org-fc-suspend-card ()
- "Suspend the headline at point if it is a flashcard."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-with-point-at-entry
- (org-fc--add-tag org-fc-suspended-tag)))
-(defun org-fc-suspend-tree ()
- "Suspend all cards in the subtree at point."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-map-cards 'org-fc-suspend-card 'tree))
-(defun org-fc-suspend-buffer ()
- "Suspend all cards in the current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-map-cards 'org-fc-suspend-card))
-(defun org-fc-suspend-region ()
- "Suspend all cards in the current region."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-map-cards 'org-fc-suspend-card 'region))
-(defun org-fc-unsuspend-card ()
- "Unsuspend the headline at point.
-Checks if the headline is a suspended card first."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc--remove-tag org-fc-suspended-tag))
-(defun org-fc-unsuspend-tree ()
- "Un-suspend all cards in the subtree at point."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-map-cards 'org-fc-unsuspend-card 'tree))
-(defun org-fc-unsuspend-buffer ()
- "Un-suspend all cards in the current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-map-cards 'org-fc-unsuspend-card))
-(defun org-fc-unsuspend-region ()
- "Un-suspend all cards in the current region."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-map-cards 'org-fc-unsuspend-card 'region))
-;;; Indexing Cards
-;;;; Card Filters
-(defun org-fc--compile-filter (filter)
- "Compile FILTER into a lambda function.
-Filters can be combinations of the following expressions:
-- `(and ex1 ex2 ...)'
-- `(or ex1 ex2 ...)'
-- `(not ex)'
-- `(tag \"tag\")'
-- `(type card-type)' or `(type \"card-type\")'
-For example, to match all double cards with tag \"math\",
-use `(and (type double) (tag \"math\"))'."
- (let ((card-var (gensym)))
- (cl-labels
- ((check-arity-exact
- (filter n)
- (unless (= (length filter) (1+ n))
- (error
- (format "Filter '%s' expects %d argument(s)" filter n))))
- (compile-inner
- (filter)
- (cl-case (car filter)
- ('and `(and ,@(mapcar #'compile-inner (cdr filter))))
- ('or `(or ,@(mapcar #'compile-inner (cdr filter))))
- ('not
- (check-arity-exact filter 1)
- `(not ,(compile-inner (cadr filter))))
- ('tag
- (check-arity-exact filter 1)
- `(member ,(cadr filter) (plist-get ,card-var :tags)))
- ('type
- (check-arity-exact filter 1)
- `(eq ',(if (stringp (cadr filter))
- (intern (cadr filter))
- (cadr filter))
- (plist-get ,card-var :type))))))
- `(lambda (,card-var)
- ,(compile-inner filter)))))
-(defun org-fc-index (context)
- "Create an index for review CONTEXT."
- (let ((paths (plist-get context :paths))
- (filter (plist-get context :filter)))
- ;; Handle path formats / symbols
- (cond
- ((or (null paths) (eq paths 'all)) (setq paths org-fc-directories))
- ((eq paths 'buffer) (setq paths (list (buffer-file-name))))
- ((stringp paths) (setq paths (list paths))))
- (if filter (setq filter (org-fc--compile-filter filter)))
- (funcall org-fc-index-function paths filter)))
-(defun org-fc-index-flatten-card (card)
- "Flatten CARD into a list of positions.
-Relevant data from the card is included in each position
- (mapcar
- (lambda (pos)
- (list
- :filetitle (plist-get card :filetitle)
- :tags (plist-get card :tags)
- :path (plist-get card :path)
- :id (plist-get card :id)
- :type (plist-get card :type)
- :due (plist-get pos :due)
- :position (plist-get pos :position)))
- (plist-get card :positions)))
-(defun org-fc-index-filter-due (index)
- "Filter INDEX to include only unsuspended due positions.
-Cards with no positions are removed from the index."
- (let (res (now (current-time)))
- (dolist (card index)
- (unless (plist-get card :suspended)
- (let ((due
- (cl-remove-if-not
- (lambda (pos)
- (time-less-p (plist-get pos :due) now))
- (plist-get card :positions))))
- (unless (null due)
- (plist-put
- card :positions
- (if (or (not org-fc-bury-siblings)
- (member (plist-get card :cloze-type) '(single enumeration)))
- due (list (car due))))
- (push card res)))))
- res))
-(defun org-fc-index-positions (index)
- "Return all positions in INDEX."
- (mapcan (lambda (card) (org-fc-index-flatten-card card)) index))
-(defun org-fc-index-shuffled-positions (index)
- "Return all positions in INDEX in random order.
-Positions are shuffled in a way that preserves the order of the
- positions for each card."
- ;; 1. assign each position a random number
- ;; 2. flatten the list
- ;; 3. sort by the random number
- ;; 4. remove the random numbers from the result
- (let ((positions
- (mapcan
- (lambda (card)
- (let ((pos (org-fc-index-flatten-card card)))
- (org-fc-zip
- (org-fc-sorted-random (length pos))
- pos)))
- index)))
- (mapcar
- #'cdr
- (sort positions (lambda (a b) (> (car a) (car b)))))))
-;;; Review & Spacing
-(require 'org-fc-algo-sm2)
-;;;; Demo Mode
-(defun org-fc-demo ()
- "Start a review of the demo file."
- (interactive)
- (let ((path (expand-file-name "" org-fc-source-path)))
- (with-current-buffer (find-file path)
- (org-fc-review-buffer))))
-;;; Header Line
-(defun org-fc-set-header-line ()
- "Set the header-line for review."
- (let* ((remaining (1+ (length (oref org-fc--session cards))))
- (current (oref org-fc--session current-item))
- (title
- (unless (member "notitle" (plist-get current :tags))
- (plist-get current :filetitle))))
- (setq org-fc-original-header-line-format header-line-format)
- (setq-local
- header-line-format
- `((org-fc-review-flip-mode "Flip")
- (org-fc-review-rate-mode "Rate")
- (org-fc-review-edit-mode "Edit")
- ,(format " (%d) " remaining)
- ,title))))
-(defun org-fc-reset-header-line ()
- "Reset the header-line to its original value."
- (setq-local header-line-format org-fc-original-header-line-format))
-;;; Contexts
-(defvar org-fc-custom-contexts '()
- "User-defined review contexts.")
-(defvar org-fc-context-all '(:paths all)
- "Default context for all cards.")
-(defvar org-fc-context-buffer '(:paths buffer)
- "Default context for the current buffer.")
-(defun org-fc-contexts ()
- "List of all contexts."
- (cl-list*
- (cons 'all org-fc-context-all)
- (cons 'buffer org-fc-context-buffer)
- org-fc-custom-contexts))
-(defun org-fc-select-context ()
- "Select a review context."
- (let ((context (completing-read
- "Context: "
- (mapcar (lambda (c) (car c)) (org-fc-contexts))
- nil
- :require-match)))
- (unless (string= context "")
- (alist-get (intern context) (org-fc-contexts)))))
-;;; Dashboard
-(require 'org-fc-dashboard)
-;;; Cache
-(require 'org-fc-cache)
;;; Footer
(provide 'org-fc)