BEGIN { # The only time we're interested in multiple fields is when # parsing the review data drawer. FS="|"; now = strftime("%FT%TZ", systime(), 1); fc_tag = ":" or_default(fc_tag, "fc") ":"; suspended_tag = ":" or_default(suspended_tag, "suspended") ":"; review_data_drawer = ":" or_default(review_data_drawer, "REVIEW_DATA") ":"; type_property = or_default(type_property, "FC_TYPE"); cloze_type_property = or_default(cloze_type_property, "FC_CLOZE_TYPE"); created_property = or_default(created_property, "FC_CREATED"); # Small state machine to make sure cards are in the correct format state = 0; state_file = 0; state_card = 1; state_properties = 2; state_properties_done = 3; state_review_data = 4; state_review_data_done = 5; print "("; } ## File Parsing BEGINFILE { # Reset filetags delete parent_tags; file_title = ""; parent_tags[0] = ""; state = state_file; print " (" \ ":path " escape_string(FILENAME) \ " :cards ("; } ENDFILE { print ") :title " (file_title ? escape_string(file_title) : "nil") ")"; } ## File Tags match($0, /^#\+(FILETAGS|filetags):[ \t]+(.*)/, a) { # Combine tags to handle multiple FILETAGS lines parent_tags[0] = combine_tags(a[2], parent_tags[0]); next; } ## File Title match($0, /^#\+(TITLE|title):[ \t]+(.*)/, a) { # Combine tags to handle multiple FILETAGS lines file_title = a[2] next; } ## Heading Parsing match($0, /^(\*+)[ \t]+(.*)$/, a) { level = length(a[1]); title = a[2]; tags = ""; # tag re based on org-tag-re # this only guarantees that there is at least one tab/space # between the headline text and the tags. # TODO: Do this in a single match if (match(title, /^(.*)[ \t]+(:([[:alnum:]_@#%]+:)+)$/, b) != 0) { title = b[1]; # remove trailing tabs/spaces sub(/[ \t]*$/, "", title); tags = b[2]; } parent_tags[level] = tags; id = "none"; if (tags ~ fc_tag) { state = state_card; suspended = (tags ~ suspended_tag); } next; } ## Drawer Parsing /:PROPERTIES:/ { if (state == state_card) { state = state_properties; delete properties; } next; } $0 ~ review_data_drawer { # Make sure the review data comes after the property drawer if (state == state_properties_done) { delete review_data; review_index = 1; state = state_review_data; } next; } /:END:/ { if (state == state_properties) { state = state_properties_done; } else if (state == state_review_data) { state = state_review_data_done; # Card header inherited_tags = ""; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { inherited_tags = combine_tags(inherited_tags, parent_tags[i]); } local_tags = parent_tags[level]; cloze_type = "" if (cloze_type_property in properties) cloze_type = " :cloze-type " properties[cloze_type_property] print " (" \ ":id " escape_string(properties["ID"]) \ " :title " escape_string(title) \ " :type " properties[type_property] \ cloze_type \ " :created " parse_time(properties[created_property]) \ " :suspended " (suspended ? "t" : "nil") \ " :inherited-tags " escape_string(inherited_tags) \ " :local-tags " escape_string(local_tags) \ " :positions ("; # Card positions for (i = 1; i < review_index; i++) { print " (" \ ":position " escape_string(review_data[i]["position"]) \ " :ease " review_data[i]["ease"] \ " :box " review_data[i]["box"] \ " :interval " review_data[i]["interval"] \ " :due " parse_time(review_data[i]["due"]) \ ")" } print " ))"; } next; } ## Property Parsing (state == state_properties) && match($0, /^[ \t]*:([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):[ \t]*(.+)$/, a) { properties[a[1]] = trim_surrounding(a[2]); next; } ## Review data parsing # TODO: Explicit match, to check for broken drawers # # Positions are collected in an array first, # in case the review drawer is broken. (state == state_review_data) && /^\|.*\|$/ { # check NF to skip the |--+--| table separator # match on $2 to skip the table header if (NF == 7 && $2 !~ "position") { review_data[review_index]["position"] = trim($2); review_data[review_index]["ease"] = trim($3); review_data[review_index]["box"] = trim($4); review_data[review_index]["interval"] = trim($5); review_data[review_index]["due"] = trim_surrounding($6); review_index += 1; } next; } END { print ")"; }