#+TITLE: Differences from Other Flashcard Systems #+DATE: [2020-07-17 Fri 00:42] #+KEYWORDS: fc There are a few other packages implementing a SRS (spaced repetition system) based on org-mode. Below, I've listed a the ones I've found so far that are actively maintained and implement a lot of useful functionality. Thanks to the maintainers and all contributors for their work on these projects! * Other (Open Source) SRS - [[https://apps.ankiweb.net/][Anki]] - [[https://mnemosyne-proj.org/][Mnemosyne Project]] The [[file:repetition_spacing_algorithm.org][Repetition Spacing Algorithm]] of org-fc is very similar to the one used in Anki. When working with a large collection of mostly text-based items, it's important to have powerful editing possibilities. org-fc is a SRS built into a (the) most powerful text editor. * Org-Mode - [[https://gitlab.com/phillord/org-drill/][phillord/org-drill]] - [[https://github.com/abo-abo/pamparam][abo-abo/pamparam]] Among the other org-mode based SRS I've found so far, org-fc is unique in that each headline can have multiple "positions" that are reviewed independently from each other. This is very useful for cloze deletions. * Memrise :noexport: What is does well: - presenting cards in different directions / contexts - repeating forgotten cards in different ways