#+TITLE: Org Flashcards #+DATE: [2020-07-17 Fri 00:16] #+KEYWORDS: fc - [[https://git.sr.ht/~l3kn/org-fc][Git]] - [[https://lists.sr.ht/~l3kn/org-fc][Mailing List]] - [[https://todo.sr.ht/~l3kn/org-fc][Issue Tracker]] [[file:images/review.png]] * Introduction Org-fc is a spaced-repetition system for Emacs' org-mode. It allows you to mark headlines in a file as "flashcards", turning pieces of knowledge you want to learn into a question-answer test. These cards are reviewed at regular interval. After each review, a [[file:repetition_spacing_algorithm.org][Repetition Spacing Algorithm]] is used to calculate the next interval based on how well you remembered the contents of the card. * Getting Started Start by [[file:installation.org][installing org-fc]] using the package manager of your choice. A file demonstrating all [[file:card_types.org][Card Types]] is included. ~M-x org-fc-demo~ starts a review of this file. To create your own flashcards, create a heading in an org-mode file and [[file:marking_headings_as_cards.org][mark it as a flashcard]], using either one of the ~org-fc-type-...-init~ commands (e.g. ~org-fc-type-normal-init~) or the [[file:hydra.org][org-fc Hydra]] (e.g. =C-c f= to open it, =t= to initialize a new card, =n= to select the normal card type). Once you've created a bunch of cards, you can start a [[file:review.org][Review Session]] with ~M-x org-fc-review~ (=C-c f r= in the hydra). ~M-x org-fc-dashboard~ (=C-c f m= in the hydra) opens a [[file:dashboard.org][Dashboard]] with statistics on the flashcards in the system. Before reviews and when opening the dashboard, you're asked to select a [[file:review_contexts.org][Review Context]]. These can be used to group cards to review them separately from each other, e.g. when learning multiple languages. Note 1: The [[file:hydra.org][Hydra]] is not enabled by default, add ~(require 'org-fc-hydra)~ to your configuration to load it. Note 2: Make sure to check out [[file:use_with_evil-mode.org][Use with Evil-Mode]] if you're using evil-mode. Note 3: Before starting the review, make sure to add the directory of your org files to ~org-fc-directories~, e.g. via ~(setq org-fc-directories '("/my-org-files/"))~ * Design Goals / Choices - [[file:differences_from_other_flashcard_systems.org][Differences from Other Flashcard Systems]] - Good [[file:performance.org][Performance]] - =awk= is used for quickly finding cards due for review, instead of relying on the slow org-element parser - Support for multiple *positions* in a card / heading - All relevant data kept in org files for easy version control - Review directly on the source org file for easy editing of cards during review * Advanced Topics - [[file:components.org][Components]] - [[file:alternative_applications.org][Alternative Applications]] - [[file:extensions.org][Extensions]] - [[file:customizing_org-fc.org][Customizing Org-Fc]] * License Copyright © Leon Rische and contributors. Distributed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3