# Nano Bots 💎 🤖 A Ruby implementation of the [Nano Bots](https://github.com/icebaker/nano-bots) specification. ![Ruby Nano Bots](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113217272/237839690-7880915a-b287-4484-a75e-0b96284b8a32.png) _Image artificially created by Midjourney through a prompt generated by a Nano Bot specialized in Midjourney._ https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113217272/237840989-1e29a5cc-6644-48d0-87b4-62798dc6ebd3.mp4 - [Setup](#setup) - [Docker](#docker) - [Usage](#usage) - [Command Line](#command-line) - [Library](#library) - [Cartridges](#cartridges) - [Providers](#providers) - [Debugging](#debugging) - [Development](#development) - [Publish to RubyGems](#publish-to-rubygems) ## Setup For a system usage: ```sh gem install nano-bots -v 0.0.2 ``` To use it in a project, add it to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'nano-bots', '~> 0.0.2' ``` ```sh bundle install ``` For credentials and configurations, relevant environment variables can be set in your `.bashrc`, `.zshrc`, or equivalent files, as well as in your Docker Container or System Environment. Example: ```sh export OPENAI_API_ADDRESS=https://api.openai.com export OPENAI_API_ACCESS_TOKEN=your-token export OPENAI_API_USER_IDENTIFIER=your-user # export NANO_BOTS_STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/user/.local/state/nano-bots # export NANO_BOTS_CARTRIDGES_DIRECTORY=/home/user/.local/share/nano-bots/cartridges ``` Alternatively, if your current directory has a `.env` file with the environment variables, they will be automatically loaded: ```sh OPENAI_API_ADDRESS=https://api.openai.com OPENAI_API_ACCESS_TOKEN=your-token OPENAI_API_USER_IDENTIFIER=your-user # NANO_BOTS_STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/user/.local/state/nano-bots # NANO_BOTS_CARTRIDGES_DIRECTORY=/home/user/.local/share/nano-bots/cartridges ``` ## Docker Clone the repository and copy the Docker Compose template: ``` git clone git@github.com:icebaker/ruby-nano-bots.git cd ruby-nano-bots cp docker-compose.example.yml docker-compose.yml ``` Set your provider credentials and choose your desired directory for the cartridges files: ```yaml version: '3.7' services: nano-bots: image: ruby:3.2.2-slim-bullseye command: sh -c "gem install nano-bots -v 0.0.2 && bash" environment: OPENAI_API_ADDRESS: https://api.openai.com OPENAI_API_ACCESS_TOKEN: your-token OPENAI_API_USER_IDENTIFIER: your-user volumes: - ./your-cartridges:/cartridges # - ./your-data:/data ``` Enter the container: ```sh docker compose run nano-bots ``` Start playing: ```sh nb - - eval "hello" nb - - repl nb cartridges/assistant.yml - eval "hello" nb cartridges/assistant.yml - repl ``` ## Usage ### Command Line After installing the gem, the `nb` binary command will be available for your project or system. Examples of usage: ```bash nb - - eval "hello" # => Hello! How may I assist you today? nb to-en-us-translator.yml - eval "Salut, comment ça va?" # => Hello, how are you doing? nb midjourney.yml - eval "happy cyberpunk robot" # => A cheerful and fun-loving robot is dancing wildly amidst a # futuristic and lively cityscape. Holographic advertisements # and vibrant neon colors can be seen in the background. nb lisp.yml - eval "(+ 1 2)" # => 3 cat article.txt | nb to-en-us-translator.yml - eval | nb summarizer.yml - eval # -> LLM stands for Large Language Model, which refers to an # artificial intelligence algorithm capable of processing # and understanding vast amounts of natural language data, # allowing it to generate human-like responses and perform # a range of language-related tasks. ``` ```bash nb - - repl nb assistant.yml - repl ``` ```text 🤖> Hi, how are you doing? As an AI language model, I do not experience emotions but I am functioning well. How can I assist you? 🤖> | ``` All of the commands above are stateless. If you want to preserve the history of your interactions, replace the `-` with a state key: ```bash nb assistant.yml your-user eval "Salut, comment ça va?" nb assistant.yml your-user repl nb assistant.yml 6ea6c43c42a1c076b1e3c36fa349ac2c eval "Salut, comment ça va?" nb assistant.yml 6ea6c43c42a1c076b1e3c36fa349ac2c repl ``` You can use a simple key, such as your username, or a randomly generated one: ```ruby require 'securerandom' SecureRandom.hex # => 6ea6c43c42a1c076b1e3c36fa349ac2c ``` ### Debugging ```sh nb - - cartridge nb cartridge.yml - cartridge nb - STATE-KEY state nb cartridge.yml STATE-KEY state ``` ### Library To use it as a library: ```ruby require 'nano-bots/cli' # Equivalent to the `nb` command. ``` ```ruby require 'nano-bots' NanoBot.cli # Equivalent to the `nb` command. NanoBot.repl(cartridge: 'cartridge.yml') # Starts a new REPL. bot = NanoBot.new(cartridge: 'cartridge.yml') bot.eval('Hello') bot.repl # Starts a new REPL. NanoBot.repl(cartridge: 'cartridge.yml', state: '6ea6c43c42a1c076b1e3c36fa349ac2c') bot = NanoBot.new(cartridge: 'cartridge.yml', state: '6ea6c43c42a1c076b1e3c36fa349ac2c') ``` ## Cartridges Here's what a Nano Bot Cartridge looks like: ```yaml --- meta: name: Nano Bot Name author: Your Name version: 0.0.1 behaviors: interaction: directive: You are a helpful assistant. provider: name: openai settings: model: gpt-3.5-turbo credentials: address: ENV/OPENAI_API_ADDRESS access-token: ENV/OPENAI_API_ACCESS_TOKEN user-identifier: ENV/OPENAI_API_USER_IDENTIFIER ``` Check the Nano Bots specification to learn more about [how to build cartridges](https://icebaker.github.io/nano-bots/#/README?id=cartridges). ## Providers Currently supported providers: - [ ] [Vicuna](https://github.com/lm-sys/FastChat) - [x] [Open AI](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference) - [ ] [Google PaLM](https://developers.generativeai.google/) - [ ] [Alpaca](https://github.com/tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca) - [ ] [LLaMA](https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama) ## Development ```bash bundle rubocop -A rspec ``` ### Publish to RubyGems ```bash gem build nano-bots.gemspec gem signin gem push nano-bots-0.0.2.gem ```