diff options
authorLeon Rische <>2021-03-07 15:28:35 +0100
committerLeon Rische <>2021-03-07 15:28:35 +0100
commitb345aa1f7edfe1b6f6315dbd41f23a84d72bb4aa (patch)
parent6672a24b84a8a646d09409f01456777e4cad6ff6 (diff)
Extract review functions
2 files changed, 513 insertions, 511 deletions
diff --git a/org-fc-review.el b/org-fc-review.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3937ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org-fc-review.el
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+;;; org-fc-review.el --- Review mode for org-fc -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2020 Leon Rische
+;; Author: Leon Rische <>
+;; Url:
+;; Package-requires: ((emacs "26.3") (org "9.3"))
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; During review, due cards are presented one after another and the
+;; user is asked to rate each card.
+;; Cards are reviewed by
+;; 1. opening the file they are in
+;; 2. calling the setup function for the card type
+;; 3. switch to review-flip-mode
+;; 4. calling the flip function for the card type
+;; 5. switch to review-rate-mode
+;; 6. updating the review data based on the rating
+;;; Code:
+(defun org-fc-review (context)
+ "Start a review session for all cards in CONTEXT.
+Called interactively, prompt for the context.
+Valid contexts:
+- 'all, all cards in `org-fc-directories'
+- 'buffer, all cards in the current buffer
+- a list of paths"
+ (interactive (list (org-fc-select-context)))
+ (if org-fc-review--session
+ (message "Flashcards are already being reviewed")
+ (let* ((index (org-fc-index context))
+ (cards (org-fc-index-filter-due index)))
+ (if org-fc-shuffle-positions
+ (setq cards (org-fc-index-shuffled-positions cards))
+ (setq cards (org-fc-index-positions cards)))
+ (if (null cards)
+ (message "No cards due right now")
+ (progn
+ (setq org-fc-review--session
+ (org-fc-make-review-session cards))
+ (run-hooks 'org-fc-before-review-hook)
+ (org-fc-review-next-card))))))
+(defun org-fc-review-resume ()
+ "Resume review session, if it was paused."
+ (interactive)
+ (if org-fc-review--session
+ (progn
+ (org-fc-review-edit-mode -1)
+ (org-fc-review-next-card 'resuming))
+ (message "No session to resume to")))
+(defun org-fc-review-buffer ()
+ "Review due cards in the current buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review org-fc-context-buffer))
+(defun org-fc-review-all ()
+ "Review all due cards."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review org-fc-context-all))
+(defun org-fc-review-next-card (&optional resuming)
+ "Review the next card of the current session.
+If RESUMING is non-nil, some parts of the buffer setup are skipped."
+ (if (not (null (oref org-fc-review--session cards)))
+ (condition-case err
+ (let* ((card (pop (oref org-fc-review--session cards)))
+ (path (plist-get card :path))
+ (id (plist-get card :id))
+ (type (plist-get card :type))
+ (position (plist-get card :position)))
+ (setf (oref session current-item) card)
+ (let ((buffer (find-buffer-visiting path)))
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file path)
+ (unless resuming
+ ;; If buffer was already open, don't kill it after rating the card
+ (if buffer
+ (setq-local org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer t)
+ (setq-local org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer nil))
+ (org-fc-set-header-line))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (org-fc-id-goto id path)
+ (org-fc-indent)
+ ;; Make sure the headline the card is in is expanded
+ (org-reveal)
+ (org-fc-narrow)
+ (org-fc-hide-keyword-times)
+ (org-fc-hide-drawers)
+ (org-fc-show-latex)
+ (org-display-inline-images)
+ (run-hooks 'org-fc-before-setup-hook)
+ (setq org-fc-timestamp (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
+ (let ((step (funcall (org-fc-type-setup-fn type) position)))
+ (run-hooks 'org-fc-after-setup-hook)
+ ;; If the card has a no-noop flip function,
+ ;; skip to rate-mode
+ (let ((flip-fn (org-fc-type-flip-fn type)))
+ (if (or
+ (eq step 'rate)
+ (null flip-fn)
+ (eq flip-fn #'org-fc-noop))
+ (org-fc-review-rate-mode 1)
+ (org-fc-review-flip-mode 1)))))))
+ (error
+ (org-fc-review-quit)
+ (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
+ (message "Review Done")
+ (org-fc-review-quit)))
+(defmacro org-fc-review-with-current-item (var &rest body)
+ "Evaluate BODY with the current card bound to VAR.
+Before evaluating BODY, check if the heading at point has the
+same ID as the current card in the session."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ `(if org-fc-review--session
+ (if-let ((,var (oref org-fc-review--session current-item)))
+ (if (string= (plist-get ,var :id) (org-id-get))
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (message "Flashcard ID mismatch"))
+ (message "No flashcard review is in progress"))))
+(defun org-fc-review-flip ()
+ "Flip the current flashcard."
+ (interactive)
+ (condition-case err
+ (org-fc-review-with-current-item card
+ (let ((type (plist-get card :type)))
+ (funcall (org-fc-type-flip-fn type))
+ (run-hooks 'org-fc-after-flip-hook)
+ (org-fc-review-rate-mode)))
+ (error
+ (org-fc-review-quit)
+ (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
+(defun org-fc-review-rate (rating)
+ "Rate the card at point with RATING."
+ (interactive)
+ (condition-case err
+ (org-fc-review-with-current-item card
+ (let* ((path (plist-get card :path))
+ (id (plist-get card :id))
+ (position (plist-get card :position))
+ (now (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
+ (delta (- now org-fc-timestamp)))
+ (org-fc-review-add-rating org-fc-review--session rating)
+ (org-fc-review-update-data path id position rating delta)
+ (org-fc-review-reset)
+ (if (and (eq rating 'again) org-fc-append-failed-cards)
+ (with-slots (cards) org-fc-review--session
+ (setf cards (append cards (list card)))))
+ (save-buffer)
+ (if org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer
+ (org-fc-review-reset)
+ (kill-buffer))
+ (org-fc-review-next-card)))
+ (error
+ (org-fc-review-quit)
+ (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
+(defun org-fc-review-rate-again ()
+ "Rate the card at point with 'again'."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-rate 'again))
+(defun org-fc-review-rate-hard ()
+ "Rate the card at point with 'hard'."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-rate 'hard))
+(defun org-fc-review-rate-good ()
+ "Rate the card at point with 'good'."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-rate 'good))
+(defun org-fc-review-rate-easy ()
+ "Rate the card at point with 'easy'."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-rate 'easy))
+(defun org-fc-review-skip-card ()
+ "Skip card and proceed to next."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-reset)
+ (org-fc-review-next-card))
+(defun org-fc-review-suspend-card ()
+ "Suspend card and proceed to next."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-suspend-card)
+ ;; Remove all other positions from review session
+ (with-slots (current-item cards) org-fc-review--session
+ (let ((id (plist-get current-item :id)))
+ (setf cards
+ (cl-remove-if
+ (lambda (card)
+ (string= id (plist-get card :id))) cards))))
+ (org-fc-review-reset)
+ (org-fc-review-next-card))
+(defun org-fc-review-update-data (path id position rating delta)
+ "Update the review data of the card.
+Also add a new entry in the review history file. PATH, ID,
+POSITION identify the position that was reviewed, RATING is a
+review rating and DELTA the time in seconds between showing and
+rating the card."
+ (org-fc-with-point-at-entry
+ ;; If the card is marked as a demo card, don't log its reviews and
+ ;; don't update its review data
+ (unless (member org-fc-demo-tag (org-get-tags))
+ (let* ((data (org-fc-review-data-get))
+ (current (assoc position data #'string=)))
+ (unless current
+ (error "No review data found for this position"))
+ (let ((ease (string-to-number (cl-second current)))
+ (box (string-to-number (cl-third current)))
+ (interval (string-to-number (cl-fourth current))))
+ (org-fc-review-history-add
+ (list
+ (org-fc-timestamp-now)
+ path
+ id
+ position
+ (format "%.2f" ease)
+ (format "%d" box)
+ (format "%.2f" interval)
+ (symbol-name rating)
+ (format "%.2f" delta)
+ (symbol-name org-fc-algorithm)))
+ (cl-destructuring-bind (next-ease next-box next-interval)
+ (org-fc-sm2-next-parameters ease box interval rating)
+ (setcdr
+ current
+ (list (format "%.2f" next-ease)
+ (number-to-string next-box)
+ (format "%.2f" next-interval)
+ (org-fc-timestamp-in next-interval)))
+ (org-fc-review-data-set data)))))))
+(defun org-fc-review-reset ()
+ "Reset the buffer to its state before the review."
+ (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1)
+ (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1)
+ (org-fc-review-edit-mode -1)
+ (org-fc-reset-header-line)
+ (org-fc-remove-overlays)
+ (widen))
+(defun org-fc-review-quit ()
+ "Quit the review, remove all overlays from the buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-fc-review-reset)
+ (run-hooks 'org-fc-after-review-hook)
+ (org-fc-review-history-save)
+ (setq org-fc-review--session nil))
+(defun org-fc-review-edit ()
+ "Edit current flashcard.
+Pauses the review, unnarrows the buffer and activates
+ (interactive)
+ (widen)
+ (org-fc-remove-overlays)
+ ;; Queue the current flashcard so it's reviewed a second time
+ (push
+ (oref org-fc-review--session current-item)
+ (oref org-fc-review--session cards))
+ (setf (oref org-fc-review--session paused) t)
+ (setf (oref org-fc-review--session current-item) nil)
+ (org-fc-review-edit-mode 1))
+;;; Managing Review Data
+;; Based on `org-log-beginning'
+(defun org-fc-review-data-position (&optional create)
+ "Return (BEGINNING . END) points of the review data drawer.
+When optional argument CREATE is non-nil, the function creates a
+drawer, if necessary. Returned position ignores narrowing.
+BEGINNING is the start of the first line inside the drawer,
+END is the start of the line with :END: on it."
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (org-end-of-meta-data)
+ (let ((regexp (concat "^[ \t]*:" (regexp-quote org-fc-review-data-drawer) ":[ \t]*$"))
+ (end (if (org-at-heading-p) (point)
+ (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point))))
+ (case-fold-search t))
+ (catch 'exit
+ ;; Try to find existing drawer.
+ (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
+ (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
+ (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'drawer)
+ (throw 'exit
+ (cons (org-element-property :contents-begin element)
+ (org-element-property :contents-end element))))))
+ ;; No drawer found. Create one, if permitted.
+ (when create
+ (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (insert ":" org-fc-review-data-drawer ":\n:END:\n")
+ (org-indent-region beg (point)))
+ (cons
+ (line-beginning-position 0)
+ (line-beginning-position 0)))))))
+(defun org-fc-review-data-get ()
+ "Get a cards review data as a Lisp object."
+ (if-let ((position (org-fc-review-data-position)))
+ (org-with-point-at (car position)
+ (cddr (org-table-to-lisp)))))
+(defun org-fc-review-data-set (data)
+ "Set the cards review data to DATA."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((position (org-fc-review-data-position 'create)))
+ (kill-region (car position) (cdr position))
+ (goto-char (car position))
+ (insert "| position | ease | box | interval | due |\n")
+ (insert "|-|-|-|-|-|\n")
+ (dolist (datum data)
+ (insert
+ "| "
+ (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%s" x)) datum " | ")
+ " |\n"))
+ (org-table-align))))
+(defun org-fc-review-data-default (position)
+ "Default review data for position POSITION."
+ (cl-case org-fc-algorithm
+ ('sm2-v1 (org-fc-algo-sm2-initial-review-data position))
+ ('sm2-v2 (org-fc-algo-sm2-initial-review-data position))))
+(defun org-fc-review-data-update (positions)
+ "Update review data to POSITIONS.
+If a doesn't exist already, it is initialized with default
+values. Entries in the table not contained in POSITIONS are
+ (let ((old-data (org-fc-review-data-get)))
+ (org-fc-review-data-set
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (pos)
+ (or
+ (assoc pos old-data #'string=)
+ (org-fc-review-data-default pos)))
+ positions))))
+;;; Sessions
+(defclass org-fc-review-session ()
+ ((current-item :initform nil)
+ (paused :initform nil :initarg :paused)
+ (history :initform nil)
+ (ratings :initform nil :initarg :ratings)
+ (cards :initform nil :initarg :cards)))
+(defun org-fc-make-review-session (cards)
+ "Create a new review session with CARDS."
+ (make-instance
+ 'org-fc-review-session
+ :ratings
+ (if-let ((stats (org-fc-awk-stats-reviews)))
+ (plist-get stats :day)
+ '(:total 0 :again 0 :hard 0 :good 0 :easy 0))
+ :cards cards))
+(defun org-fc-review-history-add (elements)
+ "Add ELEMENTS to review history."
+ (push
+ elements
+ (slot-value org-fc-review--session 'history)))
+(defun org-fc-review-history-save ()
+ "Save all history entries in the current session."
+ (when (and org-fc-review--session (oref org-fc-review--session history))
+ (append-to-file
+ (concat
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (elements) (mapconcat #'identity elements "\t"))
+ (reverse (oref org-fc-review--session history))
+ "\n")
+ "\n")
+ nil
+ org-fc-review-history-file)
+ (setf (oref org-fc-review--session history) nil)))
+;; Make sure the history is saved even if Emacs is killed
+(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'org-fc-review-history-save)
+(defun org-fc-review-add-rating (session rating)
+ "Store RATING in the review history of SESSION."
+ (with-slots (ratings) session
+ (cl-case rating
+ ('again (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :again) 1))
+ ('hard (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :hard) 1))
+ ('good (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :good) 1))
+ ('easy (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :easy) 1)))
+ (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :total 1))))
+(defvar org-fc-review--session nil
+ "Current review session.")
+;;; Modes
+(defvar org-fc-review-flip-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'org-fc-review-flip)
+ (define-key map (kbd "q") 'org-fc-review-quit)
+ (define-key map (kbd "p") 'org-fc-review-edit)
+ (define-key map (kbd "s") 'org-fc-review-suspend-card)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for `org-fc-flip-mode'.")
+(define-minor-mode org-fc-review-flip-mode
+ "Minor mode for flipping flashcards.
+ :init-value nil
+ :lighter " fc-flip"
+ :keymap org-fc-review-flip-mode-map
+ :group 'org-fc
+ (when org-fc-review-flip-mode
+ ;; Make sure only one of the modes is active at a time
+ (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1)
+ ;; Make sure we're in org mode and there is an active review session
+ (unless (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) org-fc-review--session)
+ (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1))))
+;;;;; Rate Mode
+(defvar org-fc-review-rate-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "a") 'org-fc-review-rate-again)
+ (define-key map (kbd "h") 'org-fc-review-rate-hard)
+ (define-key map (kbd "g") 'org-fc-review-rate-good)
+ (define-key map (kbd "e") 'org-fc-review-rate-easy)
+ (define-key map (kbd "s") 'org-fc-review-suspend-card)
+ (define-key map (kbd "p") 'org-fc-review-edit)
+ (define-key map (kbd "q") 'org-fc-review-quit)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for `org-fc-rate-mode'.")
+(define-minor-mode org-fc-review-rate-mode
+ "Minor mode for rating flashcards.
+ :init-value nil
+ :lighter " fc-rate"
+ :keymap org-fc-review-rate-mode-map
+ :group 'org-fc
+ (when org-fc-review-rate-mode
+ ;; Make sure only one of the modes is active at a time
+ (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1)
+ ;; Make sure we're in org mode and there is an active review session
+ (unless (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) org-fc-review--session)
+ (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1))))
+(defvar org-fc-review-edit-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'org-fc-review-resume)
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'org-fc-review-quit)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for `org-fc-edit-mode'.")
+(define-minor-mode org-fc-review-edit-mode
+ "Minor mode for editing flashcards.
+ :init-value nil
+ :lighter " fc-edit"
+ :keymap org-fc-review-edit-mode-map
+ :group 'org-fc
+ (when org-fc-review-edit-mode
+ (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1)
+ (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1)
+ ;; Make sure we're in org mode and there is an active review session
+ (unless (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) org-fc-review--session)
+ (org-fc-review-edit-mode -1))))
+;;; Footer
+(provide 'org-fc-review)
+;;; org-fc-review.el ends here
diff --git a/org-fc.el b/org-fc.el
index 49f123c..7c99049 100644
--- a/org-fc.el
+++ b/org-fc.el
@@ -743,170 +743,7 @@ Positions are shuffled in a way that preserves the order of the
(with-current-buffer (find-file path)
-;;;; Session Management
-(defclass org-fc-review-session ()
- ((current-item :initform nil)
- (paused :initform nil :initarg :paused)
- (history :initform nil)
- (ratings :initform nil :initarg :ratings)
- (cards :initform nil :initarg :cards)))
-(defun org-fc-make-review-session (cards)
- "Create a new review session with CARDS."
- (make-instance
- 'org-fc-review-session
- :ratings
- (if-let ((stats (org-fc-awk-stats-reviews)))
- (plist-get stats :day)
- '(:total 0 :again 0 :hard 0 :good 0 :easy 0))
- :cards cards))
-(defun org-fc-review-history-add (elements)
- "Add ELEMENTS to review history."
- (push
- elements
- (slot-value org-fc--session 'history)))
-(defun org-fc-review-history-save ()
- "Save all history entries in the current session."
- (when (and org-fc--session (oref org-fc--session history))
- (append-to-file
- (concat
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (elements) (mapconcat #'identity elements "\t"))
- (reverse (oref org-fc--session history))
- "\n")
- "\n")
- nil
- org-fc-review-history-file)
- (setf (oref org-fc--session history) nil)))
-;; Make sure the history is saved even if Emacs is killed
-(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'org-fc-review-history-save)
-(defun org-fc-session-cards-pending-p (session)
- "Check if there are any cards in SESSION."
- (not (null (oref session cards))))
-(defun org-fc-session-pop-next-card (session)
- "Remove and return one card from SESSION."
- (let ((card (pop (oref session cards))))
- (setf (oref session current-item) card)
- card))
-(defun org-fc-session-append-card (session card)
- "Append CARD to the cards of SESSION."
- (with-slots (cards) session
- (setf cards (append cards (list card)))))
-(defun org-fc-session-prepend-card (session card)
- "Prepend CARD to the cards of SESSION."
- (with-slots (cards) session
- (setf cards (cons card cards))))
-(defun org-fc-session-add-rating (session rating)
- "Store RATING in the review history of SESSION."
- (with-slots (ratings) session
- (cl-case rating
- ('again (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :again) 1))
- ('hard (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :hard) 1))
- ('good (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :good) 1))
- ('easy (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :easy) 1)))
- (cl-incf (cl-getf ratings :total 1))))
-(defun org-fc-session-stats-string (session)
- "Generate a string with review stats for SESSION."
- (with-slots (ratings) session
- (let ((total (plist-get ratings :total)))
- (if (cl-plusp total)
- (format "%.2f again, %.2f hard, %.2f good, %.2f easy"
- (/ (* 100.0 (plist-get ratings :again)) total)
- (/ (* 100.0 (plist-get ratings :hard)) total)
- (/ (* 100.0 (plist-get ratings :good)) total)
- (/ (* 100.0 (plist-get ratings :easy)) total))
- "No ratings yet"))))
-(defvar org-fc--session nil
- "Current review session.")
-;;;; Reading / Writing Review Data
-;; Based on `org-log-beginning'
-(defun org-fc-review-data-position (&optional create)
- "Return (BEGINNING . END) points of the review data drawer.
-When optional argument CREATE is non-nil, the function creates a
-drawer, if necessary. Returned position ignores narrowing.
-BEGINNING is the start of the first line inside the drawer,
-END is the start of the line with :END: on it."
- (org-with-wide-buffer
- (org-end-of-meta-data)
- (let ((regexp (concat "^[ \t]*:" (regexp-quote org-fc-review-data-drawer) ":[ \t]*$"))
- (end (if (org-at-heading-p) (point)
- (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point))))
- (case-fold-search t))
- (catch 'exit
- ;; Try to find existing drawer.
- (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
- (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
- (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'drawer)
- (throw 'exit
- (cons (org-element-property :contents-begin element)
- (org-element-property :contents-end element))))))
- ;; No drawer found. Create one, if permitted.
- (when create
- (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
- (let ((beg (point)))
- (insert ":" org-fc-review-data-drawer ":\n:END:\n")
- (org-indent-region beg (point)))
- (cons
- (line-beginning-position 0)
- (line-beginning-position 0)))))))
-(defun org-fc-get-review-data ()
- "Get a cards review data as a Lisp object."
- (if-let ((position (org-fc-review-data-position)))
- (org-with-point-at (car position)
- (cddr (org-table-to-lisp)))))
-(defun org-fc-set-review-data (data)
- "Set the cards review data to DATA."
- (save-excursion
- (let ((position (org-fc-review-data-position 'create)))
- (kill-region (car position) (cdr position))
- (goto-char (car position))
- (insert "| position | ease | box | interval | due |\n")
- (insert "|-|-|-|-|-|\n")
- (dolist (datum data)
- (insert
- "| "
- (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%s" x)) datum " | ")
- " |\n"))
- (org-table-align))))
-(defun org-fc-review-data-default (position)
- "Default review data for position POSITION."
- (cl-case org-fc-algorithm
- ('sm2-v1 (org-fc-algo-sm2-initial-review-data position))
- ('sm2-v2 (org-fc-algo-sm2-initial-review-data position))))
-(defun org-fc-review-data-update (positions)
- "Update review data to POSITIONS.
-If a doesn't exist already, it is initialized with default
-values. Entries in the table not contained in POSITIONS are
- (let ((old-data (org-fc-get-review-data)))
- (org-fc-set-review-data
- (mapcar
- (lambda (pos)
- (or
- (assoc pos old-data #'string=)
- (org-fc-review-data-default pos)))
- positions))))
-;;;; Review Modes
-;;;;; Header Line
+;;; Header Line
(defun org-fc-set-header-line ()
"Set the header-line for review."
@@ -928,93 +765,7 @@ removed."
"Reset the header-line to its original value."
(setq-local header-line-format org-fc-original-header-line-format))
-;;;;; Flip Mode
-(defvar org-fc-review-flip-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'org-fc-review-flip)
- (define-key map (kbd "q") 'org-fc-review-quit)
- (define-key map (kbd "p") 'org-fc-review-edit)
- (define-key map (kbd "s") 'org-fc-review-suspend-card)
- map)
- "Keymap for `org-fc-flip-mode'.")
-(define-minor-mode org-fc-review-flip-mode
- "Minor mode for flipping flashcards.
- :init-value nil
- :lighter " fc-flip"
- :keymap org-fc-review-flip-mode-map
- :group 'org-fc
- (when org-fc-review-flip-mode
- ;; Make sure only one of the modes is active at a time
- (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1)
- ;; Make sure we're in org mode and there is an active review session
- (unless (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) org-fc--session)
- (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1))))
-;;;;; Rate Mode
-(defvar org-fc-review-rate-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "a") 'org-fc-review-rate-again)
- (define-key map (kbd "h") 'org-fc-review-rate-hard)
- (define-key map (kbd "g") 'org-fc-review-rate-good)
- (define-key map (kbd "e") 'org-fc-review-rate-easy)
- (define-key map (kbd "s") 'org-fc-review-suspend-card)
- (define-key map (kbd "p") 'org-fc-review-edit)
- (define-key map (kbd "q") 'org-fc-review-quit)
- map)
- "Keymap for `org-fc-rate-mode'.")
-(define-minor-mode org-fc-review-rate-mode
- "Minor mode for rating flashcards.
- :init-value nil
- :lighter " fc-rate"
- :keymap org-fc-review-rate-mode-map
- :group 'org-fc
- (when org-fc-review-rate-mode
- ;; Make sure only one of the modes is active at a time
- (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1)
- ;; Make sure we're in org mode and there is an active review session
- (unless (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) org-fc--session)
- (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1))))
-(defvar org-fc-review-edit-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'org-fc-review-resume)
- (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'org-fc-review-quit)
- map)
- "Keymap for `org-fc-edit-mode'.")
-(define-minor-mode org-fc-review-edit-mode
- "Minor mode for editing flashcards.
- :init-value nil
- :lighter " fc-edit"
- :keymap org-fc-review-edit-mode-map
- :group 'org-fc
- (when org-fc-review-edit-mode
- (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1)
- (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1)
- ;; Make sure we're in org mode and there is an active review session
- (unless (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) org-fc--session)
- (org-fc-review-edit-mode -1))))
-;;;; Main Loop
-;; Cards are reviewed by
-;; 1. opening the file they are in
-;; 2. calling the setup function for the card type
-;; 3. switch to review-flip-mode
-;; 4. calling the flip function for the card type
-;; 5. switch to review-rate-mode
-;; 6. updating the review data based on the rating
+;;; Contexts
(defvar org-fc-custom-contexts '()
"User-defined review contexts.")
@@ -1041,266 +792,6 @@ removed."
(unless (string= context "")
(alist-get (intern context) (org-fc-contexts)))))
-(defun org-fc-review (context)
- "Start a review session for all cards in CONTEXT.
-Called interactively, prompt for the context.
-Valid contexts:
-- 'all, all cards in `org-fc-directories'
-- 'buffer, all cards in the current buffer
-- a list of paths"
- (interactive (list (org-fc-select-context)))
- (if org-fc--session
- (message "Flashcards are already being reviewed")
- (let* ((index (org-fc-index context))
- (cards (org-fc-index-filter-due index)))
- (if org-fc-shuffle-positions
- (setq cards (org-fc-index-shuffled-positions cards))
- (setq cards (org-fc-index-positions cards)))
- (if (null cards)
- (message "No cards due right now")
- (progn
- (setq org-fc--session
- (org-fc-make-review-session cards))
- (run-hooks 'org-fc-before-review-hook)
- (org-fc-review-next-card))))))
-(defun org-fc-review-resume ()
- "Resume review session, if it was paused."
- (interactive)
- (if org-fc--session
- (progn
- (org-fc-review-edit-mode -1)
- (org-fc-review-next-card 'resuming))
- (message "No session to resume to")))
-(defun org-fc-review-buffer ()
- "Review due cards in the current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review org-fc-context-buffer))
-(defun org-fc-review-all ()
- "Review all due cards."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review org-fc-context-all))
-(defun org-fc-review-next-card (&optional resuming)
- "Review the next card of the current session.
-If RESUMING is non-nil, some parts of the buffer setup are skipped."
- (if (org-fc-session-cards-pending-p org-fc--session)
- (condition-case err
- (let* ((card (org-fc-session-pop-next-card org-fc--session))
- (path (plist-get card :path))
- (id (plist-get card :id))
- (type (plist-get card :type))
- (position (plist-get card :position)))
- (let ((buffer (find-buffer-visiting path)))
- (with-current-buffer (find-file path)
- (unless resuming
- ;; If buffer was already open, don't kill it after rating the card
- (if buffer
- (setq-local org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer t)
- (setq-local org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer nil))
- (org-fc-set-header-line))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (org-fc-id-goto id path)
- (org-fc-indent)
- ;; Make sure the headline the card is in is expanded
- (org-reveal)
- (org-fc-narrow)
- (org-fc-hide-keyword-times)
- (org-fc-hide-drawers)
- (org-fc-show-latex)
- (org-display-inline-images)
- (run-hooks 'org-fc-before-setup-hook)
- (setq org-fc-timestamp (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
- (let ((step (funcall (org-fc-type-setup-fn type) position)))
- (run-hooks 'org-fc-after-setup-hook)
- ;; If the card has a no-noop flip function,
- ;; skip to rate-mode
- (let ((flip-fn (org-fc-type-flip-fn type)))
- (if (or
- (eq step 'rate)
- (null flip-fn)
- (eq flip-fn #'org-fc-noop))
- (org-fc-review-rate-mode 1)
- (org-fc-review-flip-mode 1)))))))
- (error
- (org-fc-review-quit)
- (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
- (message "Review Done")
- (org-fc-review-quit)))
-(defmacro org-fc-review-with-current-item (var &rest body)
- "Evaluate BODY with the current card bound to VAR.
-Before evaluating BODY, check if the heading at point has the
-same ID as the current card in the session."
- (declare (indent defun))
- `(if org-fc--session
- (if-let ((,var (oref org-fc--session current-item)))
- (if (string= (plist-get ,var :id) (org-id-get))
- (progn ,@body)
- (message "Flashcard ID mismatch"))
- (message "No flashcard review is in progress"))))
-(defun org-fc-review-flip ()
- "Flip the current flashcard."
- (interactive)
- (condition-case err
- (org-fc-review-with-current-item card
- (let ((type (plist-get card :type)))
- (funcall (org-fc-type-flip-fn type))
- (run-hooks 'org-fc-after-flip-hook)
- (org-fc-review-rate-mode)))
- (error
- (org-fc-review-quit)
- (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
-(defun org-fc-review-rate (rating)
- "Rate the card at point with RATING."
- (interactive)
- (condition-case err
- (org-fc-review-with-current-item card
- (let* ((path (plist-get card :path))
- (id (plist-get card :id))
- (position (plist-get card :position))
- (now (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
- (delta (- now org-fc-timestamp)))
- (org-fc-session-add-rating org-fc--session rating)
- (org-fc-review-update-data path id position rating delta)
- (org-fc-review-reset)
- (if (and (eq rating 'again) org-fc-append-failed-cards)
- (org-fc-session-append-card org-fc--session card))
- (save-buffer)
- (if org-fc-reviewing-existing-buffer
- (org-fc-review-reset)
- (kill-buffer))
- (org-fc-review-next-card)))
- (error
- (org-fc-review-quit)
- (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
-(defun org-fc-review-rate-again ()
- "Rate the card at point with 'again'."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review-rate 'again))
-(defun org-fc-review-rate-hard ()
- "Rate the card at point with 'hard'."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review-rate 'hard))
-(defun org-fc-review-rate-good ()
- "Rate the card at point with 'good'."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review-rate 'good))
-(defun org-fc-review-rate-easy ()
- "Rate the card at point with 'easy'."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review-rate 'easy))
-(defun org-fc-review-skip-card ()
- "Skip card and proceed to next."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review-reset)
- (org-fc-review-next-card))
-(defun org-fc-review-suspend-card ()
- "Suspend card and proceed to next."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-suspend-card)
- ;; Remove all other positions from review session
- (with-slots (current-item cards) org-fc--session
- (let ((id (plist-get current-item :id)))
- (setf cards
- (cl-remove-if
- (lambda (card)
- (string= id (plist-get card :id))) cards))))
- (org-fc-review-reset)
- (org-fc-review-next-card))
-(defun org-fc-review-update-data (path id position rating delta)
- "Update the review data of the card.
-Also add a new entry in the review history file. PATH, ID,
-POSITION identify the position that was reviewed, RATING is a
-review rating and DELTA the time in seconds between showing and
-rating the card."
- (org-fc-with-point-at-entry
- ;; If the card is marked as a demo card, don't log its reviews and
- ;; don't update its review data
- (unless (member org-fc-demo-tag (org-get-tags))
- (let* ((data (org-fc-get-review-data))
- (current (assoc position data #'string=)))
- (unless current
- (error "No review data found for this position"))
- (let ((ease (string-to-number (cl-second current)))
- (box (string-to-number (cl-third current)))
- (interval (string-to-number (cl-fourth current))))
- (org-fc-review-history-add
- (list
- (org-fc-timestamp-now)
- path
- id
- position
- (format "%.2f" ease)
- (format "%d" box)
- (format "%.2f" interval)
- (symbol-name rating)
- (format "%.2f" delta)
- (symbol-name org-fc-algorithm)))
- (cl-destructuring-bind (next-ease next-box next-interval)
- (org-fc-sm2-next-parameters ease box interval rating)
- (setcdr
- current
- (list (format "%.2f" next-ease)
- (number-to-string next-box)
- (format "%.2f" next-interval)
- (org-fc-timestamp-in next-interval)))
- (org-fc-set-review-data data)))))))
-(defun org-fc-review-reset ()
- "Reset the buffer to its state before the review."
- (org-fc-review-rate-mode -1)
- (org-fc-review-flip-mode -1)
- (org-fc-review-edit-mode -1)
- (org-fc-reset-header-line)
- (org-fc-remove-overlays)
- (widen))
-(defun org-fc-review-quit ()
- "Quit the review, remove all overlays from the buffer."
- (interactive)
- (org-fc-review-reset)
- (run-hooks 'org-fc-after-review-hook)
- (org-fc-review-history-save)
- (setq org-fc--session nil))
-(defun org-fc-review-edit ()
- "Edit current flashcard.
-Pauses the review, unnarrows the buffer and activates
- (interactive)
- (widen)
- (org-fc-remove-overlays)
- ;; Queue the current flashcard so it's reviewed a second time
- (org-fc-session-prepend-card
- org-fc--session
- (oref org-fc--session current-item))
- (setf (oref org-fc--session paused) t)
- (setf (oref org-fc--session current-item) nil)
- (org-fc-review-edit-mode 1))
;;; Dashboard
(require 'org-fc-dashboard)