path: root/org-fc-type-cloze.el
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authorLeon Rische <>2020-03-17 21:35:29 +0100
committerLeon Rische <>2020-03-17 21:35:29 +0100
commit78025f0eb37294893c50b174fb087f0662b570e5 (patch)
treeba5b540d4f240d2bb73c1941cecab16fbe924167 /org-fc-type-cloze.el
parent7a2b9cda20d472d3e3fb57cb45ff0e681728cdec (diff)
Combine files into one
Diffstat (limited to 'org-fc-type-cloze.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/org-fc-type-cloze.el b/org-fc-type-cloze.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 460749b..0000000
--- a/org-fc-type-cloze.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-;;; org-fc-type-cloze.el --- Cloze-Deletion card type -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2020 Leon Rische
-;; Author: Leon Rische <>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Card type implementing cloze deletions in different variants
-;;; Code:
-;;;; Customization
-(defcustom org-fc-type-cloze-max-hole-property "FC_CLOZE_MAX"
- "Name of the property to use for storing the max hole index."
- :type 'string
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defcustom org-fc-type-cloze-type-property "FC_CLOZE_TYPE"
- "Name of the property to use for storing the cloze subtype."
- :type 'string
- :group 'org-fc)
-;; NOTE: The context type is not implemented yet
-(defvar org-fc-type-cloze-types
- '(deletion enumeration context single)
- "List of valid cloze card subtypes.")
-(defvar org-fc-type-cloze--overlays '())
-(defcustom org-fc-type-cloze-context 1
- "Number of surrounding cards to show for 'context' type cards."
- :type 'number
- :group 'org-fc)
-(defface org-fc-type-cloze-hole-face
- '((t (:bold t)))
- "Face for org-fc cloze card holes."
- :group 'org-fc)
-;;;; Hole Regex
-(defvar org-fc-type-cloze-hole-re
- (rx
- (seq
- "{{"
- (group-n 1 (* (or (seq "$" (+ (not (any "$"))) "$")
- (not (any "}"))))) "}"
- (? (seq "{" (group-n 2 (* (or
- (seq "$" (not (any "$")) "$")
- (not (any "}"))))) "}"))
- (? "@" (group-n 3 (+ digit)))
- "}"))
- "Regexp for a cloze hole without an id.")
-(defvar org-fc-type-cloze-id-hole-re
- (rx
- (seq
- "{{"
- (group-n 1 (* (or (seq "$" (+ (not (any "$"))) "$")
- (not (any "}"))))) "}"
- (? (seq "{" (group-n 2 (* (or
- (seq "$" (not (any "$")) "$")
- (not (any "}"))))) "}"))
- (seq "@" (group-n 3 (+ digit)))
- "}"))
- "Regexp for a cloze hole with an id.")
-;;;; Hole Parsing / Hiding
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze-max-hole-id ()
- "Get the max-hole property of the heading at point."
- (if-let ((max-id (org-entry-get (point) org-fc-type-cloze-max-hole-property)))
- (string-to-number max-id)
- -1))
-;; NOTE: The way parts of the hole are hidden / revealed is probably
-;; unnecessarily complicated. I couldn't get latex / org text emphasis
-;; to work otherwise. If the hole has no hint, we can't use any
-;; properties of match 2.
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze--overlay-current (hole)
- "Generate a list of overlays for the current card.
-HOLE is the id of the hole being reviewed."
- (let ((hole-pos (plist-get hole :hole-pos))
- (text-pos (plist-get hole :text-pos))
- (hint-pos (plist-get hole :hint-pos)))
- (if (car hint-pos)
- (list
- :before-text
- (org-fc-hide-region (car hole-pos) (car text-pos))
- :text
- (org-fc-hide-region (car text-pos) (cdr text-pos))
- :separator
- (org-fc-hide-region (cdr text-pos) (car hint-pos)
- "[..."
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-hole-face)
- :hint
- (org-fc-overlay-region (car hint-pos) (cdr hint-pos)
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-hole-face)
- :after-hint
- (org-fc-hide-region (cdr hint-pos) (cdr hole-pos)
- "]"
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-hole-face))
- (list
- :before-text
- (org-fc-hide-region (car hole-pos) (car text-pos))
- :text
- (org-fc-hide-region (car text-pos) (cdr text-pos))
- :hint
- (org-fc-hide-region (cdr text-pos) (cdr hole-pos)
- "[...]"
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-hole-face)))))
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze--parse-holes (current-id end)
- "Starting at point, collect all cloze holes before END.
-CURRENT-ID is the id of the hole being reviewed. Returns a
-pair (holes . current-position)."
- (let ((holes nil)
- (current-position nil))
- (while (re-search-forward org-fc-type-cloze-id-hole-re end t)
- (let ((text (match-string 1))
- (hint (match-string 2))
- (id (string-to-number (match-string 3))))
- (push `(:text ,text :hint ,hint :id ,id
- :hole-pos (,(match-beginning 0) . ,(match-end 0))
- :text-pos (,(match-beginning 1) . ,(match-end 1))
- :hint-pos (,(match-beginning 2) . ,(match-end 2)))
- holes)
- ;; Track the position of the current hole in the list of holes
- (if (= current-id id) (setq current-position (1- (length holes))))))
- (cons (reverse holes) current-position)))
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze--tag-holes (type holes current-position)
- "Given a list of HOLES and the position of the hole currently being reviewed,
-add a :show / :hide / :hint tag to the hole, depending on the
-current card TYPE."
- (loop for i below (length holes)
- for hole in holes
- collect
- (if (= i current-position)
- (cons hole :hint)
- (case type
- ('enumeration
- (if (< i current-position)
- (cons hole :show)
- (cons hole :hide)))
- ('deletion (cons hole :show))
- ('single (cons hole :hide))
- ('context
- (if (<= (abs (- i current-position)) org-fc-type-cloze-context)
- (cons hole :show)
- (cons hole :hide)))
- (t (error "org-fc: Unknown cloze card type %s" type))))))
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze-hide-holes (current-id type)
- (save-excursion
- (org-fc-goto-entry-heading)
- (let* ((el (org-element-at-point))
- (overlays nil)
- (end (org-element-property :contents-end el))
- (holes (org-fc-type-cloze--parse-holes current-id end))
- (tagged-holes (org-fc-type-cloze--tag-holes type (car holes) (cdr holes))))
- (loop for (hole . tag) in (reverse tagged-holes)
- do
- (case tag
- (:show
- (org-fc-hide-region
- (car (plist-get hole :hole-pos))
- (car (plist-get hole :text-pos)))
- (org-fc-hide-region
- (cdr (plist-get hole :text-pos))
- (cdr (plist-get hole :hole-pos))))
- (:hide
- (org-fc-hide-region
- (car (plist-get hole :hole-pos))
- (cdr (plist-get hole :hole-pos))
- "..."))
- (:hint
- (setq overlays (org-fc-type-cloze--overlay-current hole)))))
- overlays)))
-;;;; Setup / Flipping
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze-flip ()
- (if-let ((overlays org-fc-type-cloze--overlays))
- (progn
- (if (plist-member overlays :separator)
- (org-fc-hide-overlay (plist-get overlays :separator)))
- (if (plist-member overlays :after-hint)
- (org-fc-hide-overlay (plist-get overlays :after-hint)))
- (org-fc-hide-overlay (plist-get overlays :hint))
- (org-fc-show-overlay
- (plist-get overlays :text)
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-hole-face)))
- (org-fc-review-rate-hydra/body))
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze-setup (position)
- (let ((hole (string-to-number position))
- (cloze-type (intern (org-entry-get (point) org-fc-type-cloze-type-property))))
- (org-show-subtree)
- (setq
- org-fc-type-cloze--overlays
- (org-fc-type-cloze-hide-holes hole cloze-type)))
- (org-fc-review-flip-hydra/body))
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze-read-type ()
- (intern
- (completing-read
- "Cloze Type: "
- org-fc-type-cloze-types)))
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze-init (type)
- "Initialize the current heading for use as a cloze card of subtype TYPE.
-Processes all holes in the card text."
- (interactive (list (org-fc-type-cloze-read-type)))
- (unless (member type org-fc-type-cloze-types)
- (error "Invalid cloze card type: %s" type))
- (org-fc--init-card "cloze")
- (org-fc-type-cloze-update)
- (org-set-property
- org-fc-type-cloze-type-property
- (format "%s" type)))
-(defun org-fc-type-cloze-update ()
- "Update the review data & deletions of the current heading."
- (let* ((el (org-element-at-point))
- (end (org-element-property :contents-end el))
- (hole-id (1+ (org-fc-type-cloze-max-hole-id)))
- ids)
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward org-fc-type-cloze-hole-re end t)
- (let ((id (match-string 3))
- (hole-end (match-end 0)))
- (unless id
- (setq id hole-id)
- (incf hole-id 1)
- (let ((id-str (number-to-string id)))
- (incf end (+ 1 (length id-str)))
- (goto-char hole-end)
- (backward-char)
- (insert "@" id-str)))
- (push (format "%s" id) ids))))
- (org-set-property
- org-fc-type-cloze-max-hole-property
- (format "%s" (1- hole-id)))
- (org-fc-review-data-update (reverse ids))))
- 'cloze
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-setup
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-flip
- 'org-fc-type-cloze-update)
-;;;; Footer
-(provide 'org-fc-type-cloze)
-;;; org-fc-type-cloze.el ends here