path: root/org-fc-awk.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org-fc-awk.el')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org-fc-awk.el b/org-fc-awk.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d579fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org-fc-awk.el
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+;;; Shell helper functions
+(defvar org-fc-awk--find-name
+ "[a-Z0-9_]*.org"
+ "-name argument passed to `find' when searching for org files")
+(defun org-fc-awk--find (paths)
+ "Generate shell code to search PATHS for org files."
+ (format
+ "find %s -name \"%s\""
+ (mapconcat 'identity paths " ")
+ org-fc-awk--find-name))
+(defun org-fc-awk--indexer-variables ()
+ "Variables to pass to indexer scripts"
+ `(("fc_tag" . ,org-fc-flashcard-tag)
+ ("suspended_tag" . ,org-fc-suspended-tag)
+ ("type_property" . ,org-fc-type-property)
+ ("created_property" . ,org-fc-created-property)
+ ("review_data_drawer" . ,org-fc-review-data-drawer)))
+(cl-defun org-fc-awk--command (file &optional &key variables utils input)
+ "Generate the shell command for calling awk on FILE with (key
+. value) pairs VARIABLES. If UTILS is set to a non-nil value,
+the shared util file is included, too. If INPUT is set to a
+string, use that file (absolute path) as input."
+ (concat "awk "
+ ;; TODO: quote strings
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (kv) (format "-v %s=%s" (car kv) (cdr kv)))
+ variables
+ " ")
+ " "
+ (if utils
+ (concat "-f "
+ (expand-file-name "awk/utils.awk" org-fc-source-path) " "))
+ (concat "-f " (expand-file-name file org-fc-source-path))
+ " " input))
+(defun org-fc-awk--pipe (&rest commands)
+ "Combine COMMANDS with shell pipes."
+ (mapconcat 'identity commands " | "))
+(defun org-fc-awk--xargs (command)
+ "Generate the shell command for calling COMMAND with xargs."
+ (concat "xargs -n 2500 -P 4 " command))
+;;; Parsing Results
+;;;; Key-Value
+(defun org-fc-awk--key-value-parse (input)
+ "Parse a string of newline separated key-value entries,
+each separated by a tab, into a keyword-number plist."
+ (mapcan
+ (lambda (kv)
+ (let ((kv (split-string kv "\t")))
+ (list
+ (intern (concat ":" (car kv)))
+ (string-to-number (cadr kv)))))
+ (split-string input "\n" t)))
+;;;; TSV
+(defun org-fc-tsv--parse-date (date)
+ "Parse an ISO8601 date to an Emacs time."
+ (parse-iso8601-time-string (concat date ":00")))
+(defun org-fc-tsv--parse-element (header element)
+ "Parse an ELEMENT of a row given a single HEADER element."
+ (if (listp header)
+ (pcase (cdr header)
+ ('string element)
+ ('date (org-fc-tsv--parse-date element))
+ ('number (string-to-number element))
+ ('symbol (intern element))
+ ('keyword (intern (concat ":" element)))
+ ('bool (string= element "1")))
+ element))
+(defun org-fc-tsv--parse-row (headers elements)
+ "Convert two lists of HEADERS and ELEMENTS into a plist,
+parsing each element with its header specification."
+ (if (null headers)
+ '()
+ (let ((header (first headers)))
+ (assert (not (null elements)))
+ `(,(if (listp header) (car header) header)
+ ,(org-fc-tsv--parse-element header (first elements))
+ .
+ ,(org-fc-tsv--parse-row (rest headers) (rest elements))))))
+(defun org-fc-tsv-parse (headers input)
+ "Parse a tsv INPUT into a plist, give a list of HEADERS."
+ (let* ((lines (split-string input "\n" t)))
+ (--map (org-fc-tsv--parse-row
+ headers
+ (split-string it "\t")) lines)))
+;;;; TSV Headers
+(defvar org-fc-awk-card-headers
+ '(:path :id (:type . symbol) (:suspended . bool) (:created . date))
+ "Headers of the card indexer")
+(defvar org-fc-awk-position-headers
+ '(:path
+ :id
+ (:type . symbol)
+ (:suspended . bool)
+ :position
+ (:ease . number)
+ (:box . box)
+ (:interval . interval)
+ (:due . date))
+ "Headers of the position indexer")
+(defvar org-fc-awk-review-stats-headers
+ '((:reviews . number) (:again . number) (:hard . number) (:good . number) (:easy . number))
+ "Headers of the review stat aggregator")
+;;; AWK wrapper functions
+(cl-defun org-fc-awk-cards (&optional (paths org-fc-directories))
+ "List all cards in PATHS."
+ (org-fc-tsv-parse
+ org-fc-awk-card-headers
+ (shell-command-to-string
+ (org-fc-awk--pipe
+ (org-fc-awk--find paths)
+ (org-fl-awk--xargs
+ (org-fc-awk--command
+ "awk/index_cards.awk"
+ :utils t
+ :variables (org-fc-awk--indexer-variables)))))))
+(cl-defun org-fc-awk-stats-cards (&optional (paths org-fc-directories))
+ "Statistics for all cards in PATHS."
+ (org-fc-awk--key-value-parse
+ (shell-command-to-string
+ (org-fc-awk--pipe
+ (org-fc-awk--find paths)
+ (org-fc-awk--xargs
+ (org-fc-awk--command
+ "awk/index_cards.awk"
+ :utils t
+ :variables (org-fc-awk--indexer-variables)))
+ (org-fc-awk--command "awk/stats_cards.awk" :utils t)))))
+;; TODO: Optimize card order for review
+(defun org-fc-awk-due-positions-for-paths (paths)
+ "Generate a list of due positions cards in randomized order."
+ (org-fc-tsv-parse
+ org-fc-awk-position-headers
+ (shell-command-to-string
+ (org-fc-awk--pipe
+ (org-fc-awk--find paths)
+ (org-fc-awk--xargs
+ (org-fc-awk--command
+ "awk/index_positions.awk"
+ :utils t
+ :variables (org-fc-awk--indexer-variables)))
+ (org-fc-awk--command "awk/filter_due.awk")
+ "shuf"))))
+(cl-defun org-fc-awk-stats-positions (&optional (paths org-fc-directories))
+ "Statistics for all positions in PATHS."
+ (org-fc-awk--key-value-parse
+ (shell-command-to-string
+ (org-fc-awk--pipe
+ (org-fc-awk--find paths)
+ (org-fc-awk--xargs
+ (org-fc-awk--command
+ "awk/index_positions.awk"
+ :utils t
+ :variables (org-fc-awk--indexer-variables)))
+ (org-fc-awk--command "awk/stats_positions.awk")))))
+(defun org-fc-awk-stats-reviews ()
+ "Statistics for all card reviews."
+ (let ((res (org-fc-tsv-parse
+ org-fc-awk-review-stats-headers
+ (shell-command-to-string
+ (org-fc-awk--command
+ "awk/stats_reviews.awk"
+ :utils t
+ :input org-fc-review-history-file)))))
+ `(:all ,(first res) :month ,(second res) :week ,(third res) :day ,(fourth res))))
+;;; Exports
+(provide 'org-fc-awk)